import { GenericHelpers, IDatabaseCollections, DatabaseType, } from './'; import { UserSettings, } from 'n8n-core'; import { ConnectionOptions, createConnection, getRepository, } from 'typeorm'; import { MongoDb, PostgresDb, SQLite, MySQLDb, } from './databases'; export let collections: IDatabaseCollections = { Credentials: null, Execution: null, Workflow: null, }; import * as path from 'path'; export async function init(synchronize?: boolean): Promise { const dbType = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.type') as DatabaseType; const n8nFolder = UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderPath(); let entities; let connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions; let dbNotExistError: string | undefined; switch (dbType) { case 'mongodb': entities = MongoDb; connectionOptions = { type: 'mongodb', entityPrefix: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.tablePrefix') as string, url: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mongodb.connectionUrl') as string, useNewUrlParser: true, migrations: ['./databases/mongodb/Migrations/*.ts'], migrationsRun: true }; break; case 'postgresdb': dbNotExistError = 'does not exist'; entities = PostgresDb; connectionOptions = { type: 'postgres', entityPrefix: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.tablePrefix') as string, database: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.database') as string, host: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('') as string, password: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.password') as string, port: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.port') as number, username: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.user') as string, schema: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.schema') as string, migrations: ['./databases/postgresdb/Migrations/*.ts'], migrationsRun: true }; break; case 'mariadb': case 'mysqldb': dbNotExistError = 'does not exist'; entities = MySQLDb; connectionOptions = { type: dbType === 'mysqldb' ? 'mysql' : 'mariadb', database: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.database') as string, entityPrefix: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.tablePrefix') as string, host: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('') as string, password: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.password') as string, port: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.port') as number, username: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.user') as string, migrations: ['./databases/mysqldb/Migrations/*.ts'], migrationsRun: true }; break; case 'sqlite': dbNotExistError = 'no such table:'; entities = SQLite; connectionOptions = { type: 'sqlite', database: path.join(n8nFolder, 'database.sqlite'), entityPrefix: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.tablePrefix') as string, migrations: ['./databases/sqlite/Migrations/*.ts'], migrationsRun: true }; break; default: throw new Error(`The database "${dbType}" is currently not supported!`); } Object.assign(connectionOptions, { entities: Object.values(entities), synchronize: false,//synchronize === true || process.env['NODE_ENV'] !== 'production', logging: false }); const connection = await createConnection(connectionOptions); // TODO: Fix that properly // @ts-ignore collections.Credentials = getRepository(entities.CredentialsEntity); // @ts-ignore collections.Execution = getRepository(entities.ExecutionEntity); // @ts-ignore collections.Workflow = getRepository(entities.WorkflowEntity); // Make sure that database did already get initialized try { // Try a simple query, if it fails it is normally a sign that // database did not get initialized await collections.Workflow!.findOne({ id: 1 }); } catch (error) { // If query errors and the problem is that the database does not exist // run the init again with "synchronize: true" if (dbNotExistError !== undefined && error.message.includes(dbNotExistError)) { // Disconnect before we try to connect again if (connection.isConnected) { await connection.close(); } return init(true); } throw error; } return collections; }