import { Not } from 'typeorm'; import { Db } from '../../src'; import { CredentialsEntity } from '../../src/databases/entities/CredentialsEntity'; import { BaseCommand } from '../BaseCommand'; export class Reset extends BaseCommand { static description = '\nResets the database to the default user state'; async run(): Promise { const owner = await this.getInstanceOwner(); const ownerWorkflowRole = await Db.collections.Role.findOneOrFail({ name: 'owner', scope: 'workflow', }); const ownerCredentialRole = await Db.collections.Role.findOneOrFail({ name: 'owner', scope: 'credential', }); await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.update( { user: { id: Not( }, role: ownerWorkflowRole }, { user: owner }, ); await Db.collections.SharedCredentials.update( { user: { id: Not( }, role: ownerCredentialRole }, { user: owner }, ); await Db.collections.User.delete({ id: Not( }); await, this.defaultUserProps)); const danglingCredentials: CredentialsEntity[] = (await Db.collections.Credentials.createQueryBuilder('credentials') .leftJoinAndSelect('credentials.shared', 'shared') .where('shared.credentialsId is null') .getMany()) as CredentialsEntity[]; const newSharedCredentials = => Db.collections.SharedCredentials.create({ credentials, user: owner, role: ownerCredentialRole, }), ); await; await Db.collections.Settings.update( { key: 'userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp' }, { value: 'false' }, ); await Db.collections.Settings.update( { key: 'userManagement.skipInstanceOwnerSetup' }, { value: 'false' }, );'Successfully reset the database to default user state.'); } async catch(error: Error): Promise { this.logger.error('Error resetting database. See log messages for details.'); this.logger.error(error.message); this.exit(1); } }