import { INodeProperties } from "n8n-workflow"; export const boardOperations = [ // ---------------------------------- // board // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Create', value: 'create', description: 'Create a new board', }, { name: 'Delete', value: 'delete', description: 'Delete a board', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get the data of a board', }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Update a board', }, ], default: 'create', description: 'The operation to perform.', } ] as INodeProperties[]; export const boardFields = [ // ---------------------------------- // board:create // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'My board', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'create', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, description: 'The name of the board', }, { displayName: 'Description', name: 'description', type: 'string', default: '', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'create', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, description: 'The description of the board', }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'create', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Aging', name: 'prefs_cardAging', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Pirate', value: 'pirate', }, { name: 'Regular', value: 'regular', }, ], default: 'regular', description: 'Determines the type of card aging that should take place on the board if card aging is enabled.', }, { displayName: 'Background', name: 'prefs_background', type: 'string', default: 'blue', description: 'The id of a custom background or one of: blue, orange, green, red, purple, pink, lime, sky, grey.', }, { displayName: 'Comments', name: 'prefs_comments', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Disabled', value: 'disabled', }, { name: 'Members', value: 'members', }, { name: 'Observers', value: 'observers', }, { name: 'Organization', value: 'org', }, { name: 'Public', value: 'public', }, ], default: 'members', description: 'Who can comment on cards on this board.', }, { displayName: 'Covers', name: 'prefs_cardCovers', type: 'boolean', default: true, description: 'Determines whether card covers are enabled.', }, { displayName: 'Invitations', name: 'prefs_invitations', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Admins', value: 'admins', }, { name: 'Members', value: 'members', }, ], default: 'members', description: 'Determines what types of members can invite users to join.', }, { displayName: 'Keep From Source', name: 'keepFromSource', type: 'string', default: 'none', description: 'To keep cards from the original board pass in the value cards.', }, { displayName: 'Labels', name: 'defaultLabels', type: 'boolean', default: true, description: 'Determines whether to use the default set of labels.', }, { displayName: 'Lists', name: 'defaultLists', type: 'boolean', default: true, description: 'Determines whether to add the default set of lists to a board(To Do, Doing, Done).It is ignored if idBoardSource is provided.', }, { displayName: 'Organization ID', name: 'idOrganization', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The id or name of the team the board should belong to.', }, { displayName: 'Permission Level', name: 'prefs_permissionLevel', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Organization', value: 'org', }, { name: 'Private', value: 'private', }, { name: 'Public', value: 'public', }, ], default: 'private', description: 'The permissions level of the board.', }, { displayName: 'Power Ups', name: 'powerUps', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'All', value: 'all', }, { name: 'Calendar', value: 'calendar', }, { name: 'Card Aging', value: 'cardAging', }, { name: 'Recap', value: 'recap', }, { name: 'Voting', value: 'voting', }, ], default: 'all', description: 'The Power-Ups that should be enabled on the new board.', }, { displayName: 'Self Join', name: 'prefs_selfJoin', type: 'boolean', default: true, description: 'Determines whether users can join the boards themselves or whether they have to be invited.', }, { displayName: 'Source IDs', name: 'idBoardSource', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The id of a board to copy into the new board.', }, { displayName: 'Voting', name: 'prefs_voting', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Disabled', value: 'disabled', }, { name: 'Members', value: 'members', }, { name: 'Observers', value: 'observers', }, { name: 'Organization', value: 'org', }, { name: 'Public', value: 'public', }, ], default: 'disabled', description: 'Who can vote on this board.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // board:delete // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Board ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'delete', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the board to delete.', }, // ---------------------------------- // board:get // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Board ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'get', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the board to get.', }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'get', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Fields', name: 'fields', type: 'string', default: 'all', description: 'Fields to return. Either "all" or a comma-separated list:
closed, dateLastActivity, dateLastView, desc, descData,
idOrganization, invitations, invited, labelNames, memberships,
name, pinned, powerUps, prefs, shortLink, shortUrl,
starred, subscribed, url', }, { displayName: 'Plugin Data', name: 'pluginData', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether to include pluginData on the card with the response.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // board:update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Board ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, description: 'The ID of the board to update.', }, { displayName: 'Update Fields', name: 'updateFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update', ], resource: [ 'board', ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Closed', name: 'closed', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether the board is closed.', }, { displayName: 'Description', name: 'desc', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'New description of the board', }, { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'New name of the board', }, { displayName: 'Organization ID', name: 'idOrganization', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The id of the team the board should be moved to.', }, { displayName: 'Subscribed', name: 'subscribed', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether the acting user is subscribed to the board.', }, ], }, ] as INodeProperties[];