import { ICredentialType, INodeProperties } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class ShopifyOAuth2Api implements ICredentialType { name = 'shopifyOAuth2Api'; extends = ['oAuth2Api']; displayName = 'Shopify OAuth2 API'; documentationUrl = 'shopify'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Shop Subdomain', name: 'shopSubdomain', required: true, type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Only the subdomain without', }, { displayName: 'Grant Type', name: 'grantType', type: 'hidden', default: 'authorizationCode', }, { displayName: 'Client ID', name: 'clientId', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, hint: 'Be aware that Shopify refers to the Client ID as API Key', }, { displayName: 'Client Secret', name: 'clientSecret', type: 'string', typeOptions: { password: true, }, default: '', required: true, hint: 'Be aware that Shopify refers to the Client Secret as API Secret Key', }, { displayName: 'Grant Type', name: 'grantType', type: 'hidden', default: 'authorizationCode', }, { displayName: 'Authorization URL', name: 'authUrl', type: 'hidden', default: '=https://{{$self["shopSubdomain"]}}', required: true, }, { displayName: 'Access Token URL', name: 'accessTokenUrl', type: 'hidden', default: '=https://{{$self["shopSubdomain"]}}', required: true, }, { displayName: 'Scope', name: 'scope', type: 'hidden', default: 'write_orders read_orders write_products read_products', }, { displayName: 'Auth URI Query Parameters', name: 'authQueryParameters', type: 'hidden', default: 'access_mode=value', }, { displayName: 'Authentication', name: 'authentication', type: 'hidden', default: 'body', }, ]; }