import get from 'lodash/get';
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
import set from 'lodash/set';

import {
	type IDataObject,
	type IExecuteFunctions,
	type INodeExecutionData,
	type INodeType,
	type INodeTypeDescription,
	type IPairedItemData,
	type NodeExecutionHint,
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { prepareFieldsArray } from '../utils/utils';
import { addBinariesToItem } from './utils';

export class Aggregate implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'Aggregate',
		name: 'aggregate',
		icon: 'file:aggregate.svg',
		group: ['transform'],
		subtitle: '',
		version: 1,
		description: 'Combine a field from many items into a list in a single item',
		defaults: {
			name: 'Aggregate',
		inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main],
		outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main],
		properties: [
				displayName: 'Aggregate',
				name: 'aggregate',
				type: 'options',
				default: 'aggregateIndividualFields',
				options: [
						name: 'Individual Fields',
						value: 'aggregateIndividualFields',
						name: 'All Item Data (Into a Single List)',
						value: 'aggregateAllItemData',
				displayName: 'Fields To Aggregate',
				name: 'fieldsToAggregate',
				type: 'fixedCollection',
				typeOptions: {
					multipleValues: true,
				placeholder: 'Add Field To Aggregate',
				default: { fieldToAggregate: [{ fieldToAggregate: '', renameField: false }] },
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						aggregate: ['aggregateIndividualFields'],
				options: [
						displayName: '',
						name: 'fieldToAggregate',
						values: [
								displayName: 'Input Field Name',
								name: 'fieldToAggregate',
								type: 'string',
								default: '',
								description: 'The name of a field in the input items to aggregate together',
								// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-placeholder-miscased-id
								placeholder: 'e.g. id',
								hint: ' Enter the field name as text',
								requiresDataPath: 'single',
								displayName: 'Rename Field',
								name: 'renameField',
								type: 'boolean',
								default: false,
								description: 'Whether to give the field a different name in the output',
								displayName: 'Output Field Name',
								name: 'outputFieldName',
								displayOptions: {
									show: {
										renameField: [true],
								type: 'string',
								default: '',
									'The name of the field to put the aggregated data in. Leave blank to use the input field name.',
								requiresDataPath: 'single',
				displayName: 'Put Output in Field',
				name: 'destinationFieldName',
				type: 'string',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						aggregate: ['aggregateAllItemData'],
				default: 'data',
				description: 'The name of the output field to put the data in',
				displayName: 'Include',
				name: 'include',
				type: 'options',
				default: 'allFields',
				options: [
						name: 'All Fields',
						value: 'allFields',
						name: 'Specified Fields',
						value: 'specifiedFields',
						name: 'All Fields Except',
						value: 'allFieldsExcept',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						aggregate: ['aggregateAllItemData'],
				displayName: 'Fields To Exclude',
				name: 'fieldsToExclude',
				type: 'string',
				placeholder: 'e.g. email, name',
				default: '',
				requiresDataPath: 'multiple',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						aggregate: ['aggregateAllItemData'],
						include: ['allFieldsExcept'],
				displayName: 'Fields To Include',
				name: 'fieldsToInclude',
				type: 'string',
				placeholder: 'e.g. email, name',
				default: '',
				requiresDataPath: 'multiple',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						aggregate: ['aggregateAllItemData'],
						include: ['specifiedFields'],
				displayName: 'Options',
				name: 'options',
				type: 'collection',
				placeholder: 'Add Field',
				default: {},
				options: [
						displayName: 'Disable Dot Notation',
						name: 'disableDotNotation',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether to disallow referencing child fields using `parent.child` in the field name',
						displayOptions: {
							hide: {
								'/aggregate': ['aggregateAllItemData'],
						displayName: 'Merge Lists',
						name: 'mergeLists',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether to merge the output into a single flat list (rather than a list of lists), if the field to aggregate is a list',
						displayOptions: {
							hide: {
								'/aggregate': ['aggregateAllItemData'],
						displayName: 'Include Binaries',
						name: 'includeBinaries',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
						description: 'Whether to include the binary data in the new item',
						displayName: 'Keep Only Unique Binaries',
						name: 'keepOnlyUnique',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether to keep only unique binaries by comparing mime types, file types, file sizes and file extensions',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								includeBinaries: [true],
						displayName: 'Keep Missing And Null Values',
						name: 'keepMissing',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether to add a null entry to the aggregated list when there is a missing or null value',
						displayOptions: {
							hide: {
								'/aggregate': ['aggregateAllItemData'],

	async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> {
		let returnData: INodeExecutionData = { json: {}, pairedItem: [] };
		const items = this.getInputData();
		const notFoundedFields: { [key: string]: boolean[] } = {};

		const aggregate = this.getNodeParameter('aggregate', 0, '') as string;

		if (aggregate === 'aggregateIndividualFields') {
			const disableDotNotation = this.getNodeParameter(
			) as boolean;
			const mergeLists = this.getNodeParameter('options.mergeLists', 0, false) as boolean;
			const fieldsToAggregate = this.getNodeParameter(
			) as [{ fieldToAggregate: string; renameField: boolean; outputFieldName: string }];
			const keepMissing = this.getNodeParameter('options.keepMissing', 0, false) as boolean;

			if (!fieldsToAggregate.length) {
				throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'No fields specified', {
					description: 'Please add a field to aggregate',

			const newItem: INodeExecutionData = {
				json: {},
				pairedItem: Array.from({ length: items.length }, (_, i) => i).map((index) => {
					return {
						item: index,

			const values: { [key: string]: any } = {};
			const outputFields: string[] = [];

			for (const { fieldToAggregate, outputFieldName, renameField } of fieldsToAggregate) {
				const field = renameField ? outputFieldName : fieldToAggregate;

				if (outputFields.includes(field)) {
					throw new NodeOperationError(
						`The '${field}' output field is used more than once`,
						{ description: 'Please make sure each output field name is unique' },
				} else {

				const getFieldToAggregate = () =>
					!disableDotNotation && fieldToAggregate.includes('.')
						? fieldToAggregate.split('.').pop()
						: fieldToAggregate;

				const _outputFieldName = outputFieldName
					? outputFieldName
					: (getFieldToAggregate() as string);

				if (fieldToAggregate !== '') {
					values[_outputFieldName] = [];
					for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
						if (notFoundedFields[fieldToAggregate] === undefined) {
							notFoundedFields[fieldToAggregate] = [];

						if (!disableDotNotation) {
							let value = get(items[i].json, fieldToAggregate);
							notFoundedFields[fieldToAggregate].push(value === undefined ? false : true);

							if (!keepMissing) {
								if (Array.isArray(value)) {
									value = value.filter((entry) => entry !== null);
								} else if (value === null || value === undefined) {

							if (Array.isArray(value) && mergeLists) {
							} else {
						} else {
							let value = items[i].json[fieldToAggregate];
							notFoundedFields[fieldToAggregate].push(value === undefined ? false : true);

							if (!keepMissing) {
								if (Array.isArray(value)) {
									value = value.filter((entry) => entry !== null);
								} else if (value === null || value === undefined) {

							if (Array.isArray(value) && mergeLists) {
							} else {

			for (const key of Object.keys(values)) {
				if (!disableDotNotation) {
					set(newItem.json, key, values[key]);
				} else {
					newItem.json[key] = values[key];

			returnData = newItem;
		} else {
			let newItems: IDataObject[] = => item.json);
			let pairedItem: IPairedItemData[] = [];
			const destinationFieldName = this.getNodeParameter('destinationFieldName', 0) as string;

			const fieldsToExclude = prepareFieldsArray(
				this.getNodeParameter('fieldsToExclude', 0, '') as string,
				'Fields To Exclude',

			const fieldsToInclude = prepareFieldsArray(
				this.getNodeParameter('fieldsToInclude', 0, '') as string,
				'Fields To Include',

			if (fieldsToExclude.length || fieldsToInclude.length) {
				newItems = newItems.reduce((acc, item, index) => {
					const newItem: IDataObject = {};
					let outputFields = Object.keys(item);

					if (fieldsToExclude.length) {
						outputFields = outputFields.filter((key) => !fieldsToExclude.includes(key));
					if (fieldsToInclude.length) {
						outputFields = outputFields.filter((key) =>
							fieldsToInclude.length ? fieldsToInclude.includes(key) : true,

					outputFields.forEach((key) => {
						newItem[key] = item[key];

					if (isEmpty(newItem)) {
						return acc;

					pairedItem.push({ item: index });
					return acc.concat([newItem]);
				}, [] as IDataObject[]);
			} else {
				pairedItem = Array.from({ length: newItems.length }, (_, item) => ({

			const output: INodeExecutionData = { json: { [destinationFieldName]: newItems }, pairedItem };

			returnData = output;

		const includeBinaries = this.getNodeParameter('options.includeBinaries', 0, false) as boolean;

		if (includeBinaries) {
			const pairedItems = (returnData.pairedItem || []) as IPairedItemData[];

			const aggregatedItems = => {
				return items[item.item];

			const keepOnlyUnique = this.getNodeParameter('options.keepOnlyUnique', 0, false) as boolean;

			addBinariesToItem(returnData, aggregatedItems, keepOnlyUnique);

		if (Object.keys(notFoundedFields).length) {
			const hints: NodeExecutionHint[] = [];

			for (const [field, values] of Object.entries(notFoundedFields)) {
				if (values.every((value) => !value)) {
						message: `The field '${field}' wasn't found in any input item`,
						location: 'outputPane',

			if (hints.length) return new NodeExecutionOutput([[returnData]], hints);

		return [[returnData]];