import type { OptionsWithUri } from 'request'; import type { ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { ICouponLine, IFeeLine, ILineItem, IShoppingLine } from './OrderInterface'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import { snakeCase } from 'change-case'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; export async function woocommerceApiRequest( this: | IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IWebhookFunctions, method: string, resource: string, body: any = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, option: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('wooCommerceApi'); let options: OptionsWithUri = { method, qs, body, uri: uri || `${credentials.url}/wp-json/wc/v3${resource}`, json: true, }; if (!Object.keys(body as IDataObject).length) { delete options.form; } options = Object.assign({}, options, option); return, 'wooCommerceApi', options); } export async function woocommerceApiRequestAllItems( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IHookFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; let uri: string | undefined; query.per_page = 100; do { responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, query, uri, { resolveWithFullResponse: true, }); const links =','); const nextLink = links.find((link: string) => link.indexOf('rel="next"') !== -1); if (nextLink) { uri = nextLink.split(';')[0].replace(/<(.*)>/, '$1'); } returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData.body as IDataObject[]); } while ('rel="next"')); return returnData; } /** * Creates a secret from the credentials * */ export function getAutomaticSecret(credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject) { const data = `${credentials.consumerKey},${credentials.consumerSecret}`; return createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex'); } export function setMetadata(data: IShoppingLine[] | IFeeLine[] | ILineItem[] | ICouponLine[]) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { //@ts-ignore\ if (data[i].metadataUi?.metadataValues) { //@ts-ignore data[i].meta_data = data[i].metadataUi.metadataValues; //@ts-ignore delete data[i].metadataUi; } else { //@ts-ignore delete data[i].metadataUi; } } } export function toSnakeCase( data: IShoppingLine[] | IFeeLine[] | ILineItem[] | ICouponLine[] | IDataObject, ) { if (!Array.isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } let remove = false; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { for (const key of Object.keys(data[i])) { //@ts-ignore if (data[i][snakeCase(key)] === undefined) { remove = true; } //@ts-ignore data[i][snakeCase(key)] = data[i][key]; if (remove) { //@ts-ignore delete data[i][key]; remove = false; } } } } export function setFields(fieldsToSet: IDataObject, body: IDataObject) { for (const fields in fieldsToSet) { if (fields === 'tags') { body.tags = (fieldsToSet[fields] as string[]).map((tag) => ({ id: parseInt(tag, 10) })); } else { body[snakeCase(fields.toString())] = fieldsToSet[fields]; } } } export function adjustMetadata(fields: IDataObject & Metadata) { if (!fields.meta_data) return fields; return { ...omit(fields, ['meta_data']), meta_data: fields.meta_data.meta_data_fields, }; } type Metadata = { meta_data?: { meta_data_fields: Array<{ key: string; value: string }>; }; };