import Container from 'typedi'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import { UserRepository } from '@db/repositories/user.repository'; import { UserService } from '@/services/user.service'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; import { RoleService } from '@/services/role.service'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; describe('UserService', () => { config.set('userManagement.jwtSecret', 'random-secret'); mockInstance(Logger); mockInstance(RoleService); const userRepository = mockInstance(UserRepository); const userService = Container.get(UserService); const commonMockUser = Object.assign(new User(), { id: uuid(), password: 'passwordHash', }); describe('toPublic', () => { it('should remove sensitive properties', async () => { const mockUser = Object.assign(new User(), { id: uuid(), password: 'passwordHash', mfaEnabled: false, mfaSecret: 'test', mfaRecoveryCodes: ['test'], updatedAt: new Date(), authIdentities: [], }); type MaybeSensitiveProperties = Partial< Pick >; // to prevent typechecking from blocking assertions const publicUser: MaybeSensitiveProperties = await userService.toPublic(mockUser); expect(publicUser.password).toBeUndefined(); expect(publicUser.mfaSecret).toBeUndefined(); expect(publicUser.mfaRecoveryCodes).toBeUndefined(); expect(publicUser.updatedAt).toBeUndefined(); expect(publicUser.authIdentities).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should add scopes if requested', async () => { const scoped = await userService.toPublic(commonMockUser, { withScopes: true }); const unscoped = await userService.toPublic(commonMockUser); expect(scoped.globalScopes).toEqual([]); expect(unscoped.globalScopes).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should add invite URL if requested', async () => { const firstUser = Object.assign(new User(), { id: uuid() }); const secondUser = Object.assign(new User(), { id: uuid(), isPending: true }); const withoutUrl = await userService.toPublic(secondUser); const withUrl = await userService.toPublic(secondUser, { withInviteUrl: true, inviterId:, }); expect(withoutUrl.inviteAcceptUrl).toBeUndefined(); const url = new URL(withUrl.inviteAcceptUrl ?? ''); expect(url.searchParams.get('inviterId')).toBe(; expect(url.searchParams.get('inviteeId')).toBe(; }); }); describe('generatePasswordResetToken', () => { it('should generate valid password-reset tokens', () => { const token = userService.generatePasswordResetToken(commonMockUser); const decoded = jwt.decode(token) as jwt.JwtPayload; if (!decoded.exp) fail('Token does not contain expiry'); if (!decoded.iat) fail('Token does not contain issued-at'); expect(decoded.sub).toEqual(; expect(decoded.exp - decoded.iat).toEqual(1200); // Expires in 20 minutes expect(decoded.passwordSha).toEqual( '31513c5a9e3c5afe5c06d5675ace74e8bc3fadd9744ab5d89c311f2a62ccbd39', ); }); }); describe('resolvePasswordResetToken', () => { it('should not return a user if the token in invalid', async () => { const user = await userService.resolvePasswordResetToken('invalid-token'); expect(user).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not return a user if the token in expired', async () => { const token = userService.generatePasswordResetToken(commonMockUser, '-1h'); const user = await userService.resolvePasswordResetToken(token); expect(user).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not return a user if the user does not exist in the DB', async () => { userRepository.findOne.mockResolvedValueOnce(null); const token = userService.generatePasswordResetToken(commonMockUser); const user = await userService.resolvePasswordResetToken(token); expect(user).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not return a user if the password sha does not match', async () => { const token = userService.generatePasswordResetToken(commonMockUser); const updatedUser = Object.create(commonMockUser); updatedUser.password = 'something-else'; userRepository.findOne.mockResolvedValueOnce(updatedUser); const user = await userService.resolvePasswordResetToken(token); expect(user).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not return the user if all checks pass', async () => { const token = userService.generatePasswordResetToken(commonMockUser); userRepository.findOne.mockResolvedValueOnce(commonMockUser); const user = await userService.resolvePasswordResetToken(token); expect(user).toEqual(commonMockUser); }); }); });