import type { IDataObject, INode } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import pgPromise from 'pg-promise'; import type { ColumnInfo } from '../../v2/helpers/interfaces'; import { addSortRules, addReturning, addWhereClauses, checkItemAgainstSchema, parsePostgresError, prepareErrorItem, prepareItem, replaceEmptyStringsByNulls, wrapData, convertArraysToPostgresFormat, isJSON, convertValuesToJsonWithPgp, hasJsonDataTypeInSchema, } from '../../v2/helpers/utils'; const node: INode = { id: '1', name: 'Postgres node', typeVersion: 2, type: 'n8n-nodes-base.postgres', position: [60, 760], parameters: { operation: 'executeQuery', }, }; describe('Test PostgresV2, isJSON', () => { it('should return true for valid JSON', () => { expect(isJSON('{"key": "value"}')).toEqual(true); }); it('should return false for invalid JSON', () => { expect(isJSON('{"key": "value"')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, wrapData', () => { it('should wrap object in json', () => { const data = { id: 1, name: 'Name', }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); }); it('should wrap each object in array in json', () => { const data = [ { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, { id: 2, name: 'Name 2', }, ]; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data[0] }, { json: data[1] }]); }); it('json key from source should be inside json', () => { const data = { json: { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); expect(Object.keys(wrappedData[0].json)).toContain('json'); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, prepareErrorItem', () => { it('should return error info item', () => { const items = [ { json: { id: 1, name: 'Name 1', }, }, { json: { id: 2, name: 'Name 2', }, }, ]; const error = new Error('Test error'); const item = prepareErrorItem(items, error, 1); expect(item).toBeDefined(); expect((item.json.item as IDataObject)?.id).toEqual(2); expect(item.json.message).toEqual('Test error'); expect(item.json.error).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, parsePostgresError', () => { it('should return NodeOperationError', () => { const error = new Error('Test error'); const parsedError = parsePostgresError(node, error, [], 1); expect(parsedError).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedError.message).toEqual('Test error'); expect(parsedError instanceof NodeOperationError).toEqual(true); }); it('should update message that includes ECONNREFUSED', () => { const error = new Error('ECONNREFUSED'); const parsedError = parsePostgresError(node, error, [], 1); expect(parsedError).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedError.message).toEqual('Connection refused'); expect(parsedError instanceof NodeOperationError).toEqual(true); }); it('should update message with syntax error', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-local-rules/no-unneeded-backticks const errorMessage = String.raw`syntax error at or near "seelect"`; const error = new Error(); error.message = errorMessage; const parsedError = parsePostgresError(node, error, [ { query: 'seelect * from my_table', values: [] }, ]); expect(parsedError).toBeDefined(); expect(parsedError.message).toEqual('Syntax error at line 1 near "seelect"'); expect(parsedError instanceof NodeOperationError).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, addWhereClauses', () => { it('should add where clauses to query', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const whereClauses = [{ column: 'id', condition: 'equal', value: '1' }]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addWhereClauses( node, 0, query, whereClauses, values, 'AND', ); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual('SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name WHERE $3:name = $4'); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1']); }); it('should combine where clauses by OR', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const whereClauses = [ { column: 'id', condition: 'equal', value: '1' }, { column: 'foo', condition: 'equal', value: 'select 2' }, ]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addWhereClauses( node, 0, query, whereClauses, values, 'OR', ); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual( 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name WHERE $3:name = $4 OR $5:name = $6', ); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'select 2']); }); it('should ignore incorect combine conition ad use AND', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const whereClauses = [ { column: 'id', condition: 'equal', value: '1' }, { column: 'foo', condition: 'equal', value: 'select 2' }, ]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addWhereClauses( node, 0, query, whereClauses, values, 'SELECT * FROM my_table', ); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual( 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name WHERE $3:name = $4 AND $5:name = $6', ); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'select 2']); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, addSortRules', () => { it('should ORDER BY ASC', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const sortRules = [{ column: 'id', direction: 'ASC' }]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addSortRules(query, sortRules, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual('SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name ORDER BY $3:name ASC'); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id']); }); it('should ORDER BY DESC', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const sortRules = [{ column: 'id', direction: 'DESC' }]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addSortRules(query, sortRules, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual('SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name ORDER BY $3:name DESC'); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id']); }); it('should ignore incorect direction', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const sortRules = [{ column: 'id', direction: 'SELECT * FROM my_table' }]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addSortRules(query, sortRules, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual('SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name ORDER BY $3:name ASC'); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id']); }); it('should add multiple sort rules', () => { const query = 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name'; const values = ['public', 'my_table']; const sortRules = [ { column: 'id', direction: 'ASC' }, { column: 'foo', direction: 'DESC' }, ]; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addSortRules(query, sortRules, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual( 'SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name ORDER BY $3:name ASC, $4:name DESC', ); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id', 'foo']); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, addReturning', () => { it('should add RETURNING', () => { const query = 'UPDATE $1:name.$2:name SET $5:name = $6 WHERE $3:name = $4'; const values = ['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'updated']; const outputColumns = ['id', 'foo']; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addReturning(query, outputColumns, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual( 'UPDATE $1:name.$2:name SET $5:name = $6 WHERE $3:name = $4 RETURNING $7:name', ); expect(updatedValues).toEqual([ 'public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'updated', ['id', 'foo'], ]); }); it('should add RETURNING *', () => { const query = 'UPDATE $1:name.$2:name SET $5:name = $6 WHERE $3:name = $4'; const values = ['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'updated']; const outputColumns = ['id', 'foo', '*']; const [updatedQuery, updatedValues] = addReturning(query, outputColumns, values); expect(updatedQuery).toEqual( 'UPDATE $1:name.$2:name SET $5:name = $6 WHERE $3:name = $4 RETURNING *', ); expect(updatedValues).toEqual(['public', 'my_table', 'id', '1', 'foo', 'updated']); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, replaceEmptyStringsByNulls', () => { it('should replace empty string by null', () => { const items = [ { json: { foo: 'bar', bar: '', spam: undefined } }, { json: { foo: '', bar: '', spam: '' } }, { json: { foo: 0, bar: NaN, spam: false } }, ]; const updatedItems = replaceEmptyStringsByNulls(items, true); expect(updatedItems).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedItems).toEqual([ { json: { foo: 'bar', bar: null, spam: undefined } }, { json: { foo: null, bar: null, spam: null } }, { json: { foo: 0, bar: NaN, spam: false } }, ]); }); it('should do nothing', () => { const items = [ { json: { foo: 'bar', bar: '', spam: undefined } }, { json: { foo: '', bar: '', spam: '' } }, { json: { foo: 0, bar: NaN, spam: false } }, ]; const updatedItems = replaceEmptyStringsByNulls(items); expect(updatedItems).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedItems).toEqual(items); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, prepareItem', () => { it('should convert fixedColections values to object', () => { const values = [ { column: 'id', value: '1', }, { column: 'foo', value: 'bar', }, { column: 'bar', value: 'foo', }, ]; const item = prepareItem(values); expect(item).toBeDefined(); expect(item).toEqual({ id: '1', foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo', }); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, checkItemAgainstSchema', () => { it('should not throw error', () => { const item = { foo: 'updated', id: 2 }; const columnsInfo = [ { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }, { column_name: 'json', data_type: 'json', is_nullable: 'NO' }, { column_name: 'foo', data_type: 'text', is_nullable: 'NO' }, ]; const result = checkItemAgainstSchema(node, item, columnsInfo, 0); expect(result).toBeDefined(); expect(result).toEqual(item); }); it('should throw error on not existing column', () => { const item = { foo: 'updated', bar: 'updated' }; const columnsInfo = [ { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }, { column_name: 'json', data_type: 'json', is_nullable: 'NO' }, { column_name: 'foo', data_type: 'text', is_nullable: 'NO' }, ]; try { checkItemAgainstSchema(node, item, columnsInfo, 0); } catch (error) { expect(error.message).toEqual("Column 'bar' does not exist in selected table"); } }); it('should throw error on not nullable column', () => { const item = { foo: null }; const columnsInfo = [ { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }, { column_name: 'foo', data_type: 'text', is_nullable: 'NO' }, ]; try { checkItemAgainstSchema(node, item, columnsInfo, 0); } catch (error) { expect(error.message).toEqual("Column 'foo' is not nullable"); } }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, hasJsonDataType', () => { it('returns true if there are columns which are of type json', () => { const schema: ColumnInfo[] = [ { column_name: 'data', data_type: 'json', is_nullable: 'YES' }, { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }, ]; expect(hasJsonDataTypeInSchema(schema)).toEqual(true); }); it('returns false if there are columns which are of type json', () => { const schema: ColumnInfo[] = [{ column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }]; expect(hasJsonDataTypeInSchema(schema)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, convertValuesToJsonWithPgp', () => { it('should use pgp to properly convert values to JSON', () => { const pgp = pgPromise(); const pgpJsonSpy = jest.spyOn(, 'json'); const schema: ColumnInfo[] = [ { column_name: 'data', data_type: 'json', is_nullable: 'YES' }, { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO' }, ]; const values = [ { value: { data: [], id: 1 }, expected: { data: '[]', id: 1 }, }, { value: { data: [0], id: 1 }, expected: { data: '[0]', id: 1 }, }, { value: { data: { key: 2 }, id: 1 }, expected: { data: '{"key":2}', id: 1 }, }, ]; values.forEach((value) => { const data =; expect(convertValuesToJsonWithPgp(pgp, schema, value.value)).toEqual(value.expected); expect(value.value).toEqual(value.expected); expect(pgpJsonSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data, true); }); }); }); describe('Test PostgresV2, convertArraysToPostgresFormat', () => { it('should convert js arrays to postgres format', () => { const item = { jsonb_array: [ { key: 'value44', }, ], json_array: [ { key: 'value54', }, ], int_array: [1, 2, 5], text_array: ['one', 't"w"o'], bool_array: [true, false], }; const schema: ColumnInfo[] = [ { column_name: 'id', data_type: 'integer', is_nullable: 'NO', udt_name: 'int4', column_default: "nextval('test_data_array_id_seq'::regclass)", }, { column_name: 'jsonb_array', data_type: 'ARRAY', is_nullable: 'YES', udt_name: '_jsonb', column_default: null, }, { column_name: 'json_array', data_type: 'ARRAY', is_nullable: 'YES', udt_name: '_json', column_default: null, }, { column_name: 'int_array', data_type: 'ARRAY', is_nullable: 'YES', udt_name: '_int4', column_default: null, }, { column_name: 'bool_array', data_type: 'ARRAY', is_nullable: 'YES', udt_name: '_bool', column_default: null, }, { column_name: 'text_array', data_type: 'ARRAY', is_nullable: 'YES', udt_name: '_text', column_default: null, }, ]; convertArraysToPostgresFormat(item, schema, node, 0); expect(item).toEqual({ jsonb_array: '{"{\\"key\\":\\"value44\\"}"}', json_array: '{"{\\"key\\":\\"value54\\"}"}', int_array: '{1,2,5}', text_array: '{"one","t\\"w\\"o"}', bool_array: '{"true","false"}', }); }); });