module.exports = { urls: { // Default path of the rest-endpoint endpointRest: 'rest', // Default path of the webhook-endpoint endpointWebhook: 'webhook', // Default path of the webhook-endpoint for testing endpointWebhookTest: 'webhook-test', // How n8n can be reached (Editor & REST-API) host: 'localhost', port: 5678, protocol: 'http', }, database: { type: 'sqlite', // Available types: sqlite, mongodb // MongoDB specific settings mongodbConfig: { url: 'mongodb://user:password@localhost:27017/database', }, }, executions: { // If the executions of workflows which got started via the editor // should be saved. By default they will not be saved as this runs // are normally only for testing and debugging. This setting can // also be overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow settings // in the editor. saveManualRuns: false, }, nodes: { // Nodes not to load even if found // exclude: ['n8n-nodes-base.executeCommand'], errorTriggerType: 'n8n-nodes-base.errorTrigger', }, // The timezone to use. Is important for nodes like "Cron" which start the // workflow automatically at a specified time. This setting can also be // overwritten on a per worfklow basis in the workflow settings in the // editor. timezone: 'America/New_York', };