import type { Callbacks } from '@langchain/core/callbacks/manager'; import { StructuredOutputParser } from 'langchain/output_parsers'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import type { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeConnectionType, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { logAiEvent } from '../helpers'; const STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY = '__structured__output'; const STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_OBJECT_KEY = '__structured__output__object'; const STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_KEY = '__structured__output__array'; export class N8nStructuredOutputParser extends StructuredOutputParser< z.ZodType > { context: IExecuteFunctions; constructor(context: IExecuteFunctions, zodSchema: z.ZodSchema) { super(zodSchema); this.context = context; } lc_namespace = ['langchain', 'output_parsers', 'structured']; async parse( text: string, _callbacks?: Callbacks, errorMapper?: (error: Error) => Error, ): Promise { const { index } = this.context.addInputData(NodeConnectionType.AiOutputParser, [ [{ json: { action: 'parse', text } }], ]); try { const parsed = await super.parse(text); const result = (get(parsed, [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY, STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_OBJECT_KEY]) ?? get(parsed, [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY, STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_KEY]) ?? get(parsed, STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY) ?? parsed) as Record; void logAiEvent(this.context, 'ai-output-parsed', { text, response: result }); this.context.addOutputData(NodeConnectionType.AiOutputParser, index, [ [{ json: { action: 'parse', response: result } }], ]); return result; } catch (e) { const nodeError = new NodeOperationError( this.context.getNode(), "Model output doesn't fit required format", { description: "To continue the execution when this happens, change the 'On Error' parameter in the root node's settings", }, ); void logAiEvent(this.context, 'ai-output-parsed', { text, response: e.message ?? e, }); this.context.addOutputData(NodeConnectionType.AiOutputParser, index, nodeError); if (errorMapper) { throw errorMapper(e); } throw nodeError; } } static async fromZodJsonSchema( zodSchema: z.ZodSchema, nodeVersion: number, context: IExecuteFunctions, ): Promise { let returnSchema: z.ZodType; if (nodeVersion === 1) { returnSchema = z.object({ [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY]: z .object({ [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_OBJECT_KEY]: zodSchema.optional(), [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_KEY]: z.array(zodSchema).optional(), }) .describe( `Wrapper around the output data. It can only contain ${STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_OBJECT_KEY} or ${STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_KEY} but never both.`, ) .refine( (data) => { // Validate that one and only one of the properties exists return ( Boolean(data[STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_OBJECT_KEY]) !== Boolean(data[STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_ARRAY_KEY]) ); }, { message: 'One and only one of __structured__output__object and __structured__output__array should be present.', path: [STRUCTURED_OUTPUT_KEY], }, ), }); } else { returnSchema = z.object({ output: zodSchema.optional(), }); } return new N8nStructuredOutputParser(context, returnSchema); } getSchema() { return this.schema; } }