import { NodeOperationError, type IExecuteFunctions, type IHookFunctions, type IHttpRequestMethods, type IRequestOptions, type IDataObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; /** * Make an API request to NextCloud * */ export async function nextCloudApiRequest( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: object | string | Buffer, headers?: IDataObject, encoding?: null | undefined, query?: IDataObject, ) { const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0); const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); const authenticationMethod = this.getNodeParameter('authentication', 0); let credentials; if (authenticationMethod === 'accessToken') { credentials = await this.getCredentials<{ webDavUrl: string }>('nextCloudApi'); } else { credentials = await this.getCredentials<{ webDavUrl: string }>('nextCloudOAuth2Api'); } const options: IRequestOptions = { headers, method, body, qs: query ?? {}, uri: '', json: false, }; if (encoding === null) { options.encoding = null; } options.uri = `${credentials.webDavUrl}/${encodeURI(endpoint)}`; if (resource === 'user' && operation === 'create') { options.uri = options.uri.replace('/remote.php/webdav', ''); } if (resource === 'file' && operation === 'share') { options.uri = options.uri.replace('/remote.php/webdav', ''); } const credentialType = authenticationMethod === 'accessToken' ? 'nextCloudApi' : 'nextCloudOAuth2Api'; const response = await, credentialType, options); if (typeof response === 'string' && response.includes('<b>Fatal error</b>')) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), "NextCloud responded with a 'Fatal error', check description for more details", { description: `Server response:\n${response}`, }, ); } return response; }