import { IExecuteFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, INodeTypeDescription, INodeType, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { githubApiRequest, getFileSha, } from './GenericFunctions'; export class Github implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Github', name: 'github', icon: 'file:github.png', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Retrieve data from Github API.', defaults: { name: 'Github', color: '#665533', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'githubApi', required: true, } ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Create File', value: 'createFile', description: 'Creates a new file in a repository', }, { name: 'Create Issue', value: 'createIssue', description: 'Creates a new issue', }, { name: 'Create Issue Comment', value: 'createIssueComment', description: 'Creates a new comment on an issue', }, { name: 'Create Release', value: 'createRelease', description: 'Creates a new release', }, { name: 'Delete File', value: 'deleteFile', description: 'Deletes a file', }, { name: 'Edit Issue', value: 'editIssue', description: 'Edits an existing issue', }, { name: 'Get Community Profile', value: 'getCommunityProfile', description: 'Get the community profile of a repository with metrics, health score, description, license, ...', }, { name: 'Get File', value: 'getFile', description: 'Get the data of a file', }, { name: 'Get Issue', value: 'getIssue', description: 'Get the data of a single issues', }, { name: 'Get Repository Issues', value: 'getRepositoryIssues', description: 'Returns issues of a repository', }, { name: 'Get Repository License', value: 'getRepositoryLicense', description: 'Returns the contents of the repository\'s license file, if one is detected', }, { name: 'List Popular Paths', value: 'listPopularPaths', description: 'Get the top 10 popular content paths over the last 14 days.', }, { name: 'List Referrers', value: 'listReferrers', description: 'Get the top 10 referrering domains over the last 14 days', }, { name: 'List User Repositories', value: 'listUserRepositories', description: 'Returns the repositories of a user', }, { name: 'Lock Issue', value: 'lockIssue', description: 'Lock an issue', }, { name: 'Update File', value: 'updateFile', description: 'Updates an existing file', }, ], default: 'createIssue', description: 'The operation to perform.', }, { displayName: 'Repository Owner', name: 'owner', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, placeholder: 'n8n-io', description: 'Owner of the repsitory.', }, { displayName: 'Repository Name', name: 'repository', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { hide: { operation: [ 'listUserRepositories', ], }, }, placeholder: 'n8n', description: 'The name of the repsitory.', }, // ---------------------------------- // createFile / deleteFile / getFile / updateFile // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'File Path', name: 'filePath', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'deleteFile', 'getFile', 'updateFile', ], }, }, placeholder: 'docs/', description: 'The file path of the file. Has to contain the full path.', }, // ---------------------------------- // createFile / updateFile // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Binary Data', name: 'binaryData', type: 'boolean', default: false, required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'updateFile', ], }, }, description: 'If the data to upload should be taken from binary field.', }, { displayName: 'File Content', name: 'fileContent', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'updateFile', ], binaryData: [ false, ], }, }, placeholder: '', description: 'The text content of the file.', }, { displayName: 'Binary Property', name: 'binaryPropertyName', type: 'string', default: 'data', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'updateFile', ], binaryData: [ true, ], }, }, placeholder: '', description: 'Name of the binary property which contains
the data for the file.', }, { displayName: 'Commit Message', name: 'commitMessage', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'deleteFile', 'updateFile', ], }, }, description: 'The commit message.', }, { displayName: 'Additional Parameters', name: 'additionalParameters', placeholder: 'Add Parameter', description: 'Additional fields to add.', type: 'fixedCollection', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createFile', 'deleteFile', 'updateFile', ], }, }, options: [ { name: 'author', displayName: 'Author', values: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The name of the author of the commit.', }, { displayName: 'EMail', name: 'email', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The email of the author of the commit.', }, ] }, { name: 'branch', displayName: 'Branch', values: [ { displayName: 'Branch', name: 'branch', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The branch to commit to. If not set the repository’s default branch (usually master) is used.', }, ] }, { name: 'committer', displayName: 'Committer', values: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The name of the committer of the commit.', }, { displayName: 'EMail', name: 'email', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The email of the committer of the commit.', }, ] }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // createIssue // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Title', name: 'title', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssue', ], }, }, description: 'The title of the issue.', }, { displayName: 'Body', name: 'body', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssue', ], }, }, description: 'The body of the issue.', }, { displayName: 'Labels', name: 'labels', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Label', }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssue', ], }, }, default: { 'label': '' }, options: [ { displayName: 'Label', name: 'label', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Label to add to issue.', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Assignees', name: 'assignees', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Assignee', }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssue', ], }, }, default: { 'assignee': '' }, options: [ { displayName: 'Assignee', name: 'assignee', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'User to assign issue too.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // createIssueComment // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Issue Number', name: 'issueNumber', type: 'number', default: 0, required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssueComment', ], }, }, description: 'The number of the issue on which to create the comment on.', }, { displayName: 'Body', name: 'body', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createIssueComment', ], }, }, default: '', description: 'The body of the comment.', }, // ---------------------------------- // createRelease // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Tag', name: 'releaseTag', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createRelease', ], }, }, description: 'The tag of the release.', }, { displayName: 'Edit Fields', name: 'createReleaseFields', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Field', }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createRelease' ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The name of the issue.', }, { displayName: 'Body', name: 'body', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'The body of the release.', }, { displayName: 'Draft', name: 'draft', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Set "true" to create a draft (unpublished) release, "false" to create a published one.', }, { displayName: 'Prerelease', name: 'prerelease', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'If set to "true" it will point out that the release is non-production ready.', }, { displayName: 'Target Commitish', name: 'target_commitish', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: the repository\'s default branch(usually master).', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // editIssue // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Issue Number', name: 'issueNumber', type: 'number', default: 0, required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'editIssue', ], }, }, description: 'The number of the issue edit.', }, { displayName: 'Edit Fields', name: 'editFields', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Field', }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'editIssue' ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Title', name: 'title', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The title of the issue.', }, { displayName: 'Body', name: 'body', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'The body of the issue.', }, { displayName: 'State', name: 'state', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Closed', value: 'closed', description: 'Set the state to "closed"', }, { name: 'Open', value: 'open', description: 'Set the state to "open"', }, ], default: 'open', description: 'The state to set.', }, { displayName: 'Labels', name: 'labels', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Label', }, default: { 'label': '' }, options: [ { displayName: 'Label', name: 'label', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Label to add to issue.', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Assignees', name: 'assignees', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Assignee', }, default: { 'assignee': '' }, options: [ { displayName: 'Assignees', name: 'assignee', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'User to assign issue too.', }, ], }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // getFile // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'As Binary Property', name: 'asBinaryProperty', type: 'boolean', default: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'getFile', ], }, }, description: 'If set it will set the data of the file as binary property
instead of returning the raw API response.', }, { displayName: 'Binary Property', name: 'binaryPropertyName', type: 'string', default: 'data', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'getFile', ], asBinaryProperty: [ true, ], }, }, placeholder: '', description: 'Name of the binary property in which to save
the binary data of the received file.', }, // ---------------------------------- // getIssue // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Issue Number', name: 'issueNumber', type: 'number', default: 0, required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'getIssue', ], }, }, description: 'The number of the issue get data of.', }, // ---------------------------------- // getRepositoryIssues // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Filters', name: 'getRepositoryIssuesFilters', type: 'collection', typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Filter', }, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'getRepositoryIssues' ], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Assignee', name: 'assignee', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Return only issuse which are assigned to a specific user.', }, { displayName: 'Creator', name: 'creator', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Return only issuse which were created by a specific user.', }, { displayName: 'Mentioned', name: 'mentioned', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Return only issuse in which a specific user was mentioned.', }, { displayName: 'Labels', name: 'labels', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Return only issuse with the given labels. Multiple lables can be separated by comma.', }, { displayName: 'Updated Since', name: 'since', type: 'dateTime', default: '', description: 'Return only issues updated at or after this time.', }, { displayName: 'State', name: 'state', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'All', value: 'all', description: 'Returns issues with any state', }, { name: 'Closed', value: 'closed', description: 'Return issues with "closed" state', }, { name: 'Open', value: 'open', description: 'Return issues with "open" state', }, ], default: 'open', description: 'The state to set.', }, { displayName: 'Sort', name: 'sort', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Created', value: 'created', description: 'Sort by created date', }, { name: 'Updated', value: 'updated', description: 'Sort by updated date', }, { name: 'Comments', value: 'comments', description: 'Sort by comments', }, ], default: 'created', description: 'The order the issues should be returned in.', }, { displayName: 'Direction', name: 'direction', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Ascending', value: 'asc', description: 'Sort in ascending order', }, { name: 'Descending', value: 'desc', description: 'Sort in descending order', }, ], default: 'desc', description: 'The sort order.', }, ], }, // ---------------------------------- // lockIssue // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Issue Number', name: 'issueNumber', type: 'number', default: 0, required: true, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'lockIssue', ], }, }, description: 'The number of the issue to lock.', }, { displayName: 'Lock Reason', name: 'lockReason', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'lockIssue' ], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Off-Topic', value: 'off-topic', description: 'The issue is Off-Topic', }, { name: 'Too Heated', value: 'too heated', description: 'The discussion is too heated', }, { name: 'Resolved', value: 'resolved', description: 'The issue got resolved', }, { name: 'Spam', value: 'spam', description: 'The issue is spam', }, ], default: 'resolved', description: 'The reason to lock the issue.', }, ], }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; const credentials = this.getCredentials('githubApi'); if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials got returned!'); } // Operations which overwrite the returned data const overwriteDataOperations = [ 'createFile', 'createIssue', 'createIssueComment', 'createRelease', 'deleteFile', 'editIssue', 'getCommunityProfile', 'getFile', 'getIssue', 'getRepositoryLicense', 'updateFile', ]; // Operations which overwrite the returned data and return arrays // and has so to be merged with the data of other items const overwriteDataOperationsArray = [ 'getRepositoryIssues', 'listPopularPaths', 'listReferrers', 'listUserRepositories', ]; // For Post let body: IDataObject; // For Query string let qs: IDataObject; let requestMethod: string; let endpoint: string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // Reset all values requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = ''; body = {}; qs = {}; // Request the parameters which almost all operations need const owner = this.getNodeParameter('owner', i) as string; let repository = ''; if (operation !== 'listUserRepositories') { repository = this.getNodeParameter('repository', i) as string; } if (['createFile', 'updateFile'].includes(operation)) { requestMethod = 'PUT'; const filePath = this.getNodeParameter('filePath', i) as string; const additionalParameters = this.getNodeParameter('additionalParameters', i, {}) as IDataObject; if ( { =; } if (additionalParameters.committer) { body.committer = additionalParameters.committer; } if (additionalParameters.branch && (additionalParameters.branch as IDataObject).branch) { body.branch = (additionalParameters.branch as IDataObject).branch; } if (operation === 'updateFile') { // If the file should be updated the request has to contain the SHA // of the file which gets replaced. body.sha = await, owner, repository, filePath, body.branch as string | undefined); } body.message = this.getNodeParameter('commitMessage', i) as string; if (this.getNodeParameter('binaryData', i) === true) { // Is binary file to upload const item = items[i]; if (item.binary === undefined) { throw new Error('No binary data exists on item!'); } const binaryPropertyName = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string; if (item.binary[binaryPropertyName] === undefined) { throw new Error(`No binary data property "${binaryPropertyName}" does not exists on item!`); } // Currently internally n8n uses base64 and also Github expects it base64 encoded. // If that ever changes the data has to get converted here. body.content = item.binary[binaryPropertyName].data; } else { // Is text file // body.content = Buffer.from(this.getNodeParameter('fileContent', i) as string, 'base64'); body.content = Buffer.from(this.getNodeParameter('fileContent', i) as string).toString('base64'); } endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/contents/${encodeURI(filePath)}`; } else if (operation === 'createIssue') { requestMethod = 'POST'; body.title = this.getNodeParameter('title', i) as string; body.body = this.getNodeParameter('body', i) as string; const labels = this.getNodeParameter('labels', i) as IDataObject[]; const assignees = this.getNodeParameter('assignees', i) as IDataObject[]; body.labels = => data['label']); body.assignees = => data['assignee']); endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues`; } else if (operation === 'createIssueComment') { requestMethod = 'POST'; const issueNumber = this.getNodeParameter('issueNumber', i) as string; body.body = this.getNodeParameter('body', i) as string; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues/${issueNumber}/comments`; } else if (operation === 'createRelease') { requestMethod = 'POST'; body = this.getNodeParameter('createReleaseFields', i, {}) as IDataObject; body.tag_name = this.getNodeParameter('releaseTag', i) as string; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/releases`; } else if (operation === 'deleteFile') { requestMethod = 'DELETE'; const additionalParameters = this.getNodeParameter('additionalParameters', i, {}) as IDataObject; if ( { =; } if (additionalParameters.committer) { body.committer = additionalParameters.committer; } if (additionalParameters.branch && (additionalParameters.branch as IDataObject).branch) { body.branch = (additionalParameters.branch as IDataObject).branch; } const filePath = this.getNodeParameter('filePath', i) as string; body.message = this.getNodeParameter('commitMessage', i) as string; body.sha = await, owner, repository, filePath, body.branch as string | undefined); endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/contents/${encodeURI(filePath)}`; } else if (operation === 'editIssue') { requestMethod = 'PATCH'; const issueNumber = this.getNodeParameter('issueNumber', i) as string; body = this.getNodeParameter('editFields', i, {}) as IDataObject; if (body.labels !== undefined) { body.labels = (body.labels as IDataObject[]).map((data) => data['label']); } if (body.assignees !== undefined) { body.assignees = (body.assignees as IDataObject[]).map((data) => data['assignee']); } endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues/${issueNumber}`; } else if (operation === 'getFile') { requestMethod = 'GET'; const filePath = this.getNodeParameter('filePath', i) as string; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/contents/${encodeURI(filePath)}`; } else if (operation === 'getIssue') { requestMethod = 'GET'; const issueNumber = this.getNodeParameter('issueNumber', i) as string; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues/${issueNumber}`; } else if (operation === 'listPopularPaths') { requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/traffic/popular/paths`; } else if (operation === 'listReferrers') { requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/traffic/popular/referrers`; } else if (operation === 'getRepositoryLicense') { requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/license`; } else if (operation === 'getRepositoryIssues') { requestMethod = 'GET'; qs = this.getNodeParameter('getRepositoryIssuesFilters', i) as IDataObject; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues`; } else if (operation === 'listUserRepositories') { requestMethod = 'GET'; endpoint = `/users/${owner}/repos`; } else if (operation === 'lockIssue') { requestMethod = 'PUT'; const issueNumber = this.getNodeParameter('issueNumber', i) as string; qs.lock_reason = this.getNodeParameter('lockReason', i) as string; endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/issues/${issueNumber}/lock`; } const responseData = await, requestMethod, endpoint, body, qs); if (operation === 'getFile') { const asBinaryProperty = this.getNodeParameter('asBinaryProperty', i); if (asBinaryProperty === true) { // Add the returned data to the item as binary property const binaryPropertyName = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string; if (items[i].binary === undefined) { items[i].binary = {}; } items[i].binary![binaryPropertyName] = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData(Buffer.from(responseData.content, 'base64'), responseData.path); return this.prepareOutputData(items); } } if (overwriteDataOperations.includes(operation)) { returnData.push(responseData); } else if (overwriteDataOperationsArray.includes(operation)) { returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData); } } if (overwriteDataOperations.includes(operation) || overwriteDataOperationsArray.includes(operation)) { // Return data gets replaced return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } else { // For all other ones simply return the unchanged items return this.prepareOutputData(items); } } }