/* eslint-disable n8n-nodes-base/node-execute-block-wrong-error-thrown */ import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { stat } from 'fs/promises'; import isbot from 'isbot'; import type { IWebhookFunctions, IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, INodeTypeDescription, IWebhookResponseData, MultiPartFormData, INodeProperties, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { BINARY_ENCODING, NodeOperationError, Node } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { file as tmpFile } from 'tmp-promise'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { authenticationProperty, credentialsProperty, defaultWebhookDescription, httpMethodsProperty, optionsProperty, responseBinaryPropertyNameProperty, responseCodeOption, responseCodeProperty, responseDataProperty, responseModeProperty, } from './description'; import { WebhookAuthorizationError } from './error'; import { checkResponseModeConfiguration, configuredOutputs, isIpWhitelisted, setupOutputConnection, validateWebhookAuthentication, } from './utils'; export class Webhook extends Node { authPropertyName = 'authentication'; description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Webhook', icon: { light: 'file:webhook.svg', dark: 'file:webhook.dark.svg' }, name: 'webhook', group: ['trigger'], version: [1, 1.1, 2], description: 'Starts the workflow when a webhook is called', eventTriggerDescription: 'Waiting for you to call the Test URL', activationMessage: 'You can now make calls to your production webhook URL.', defaults: { name: 'Webhook', }, supportsCORS: true, triggerPanel: { header: '', executionsHelp: { inactive: 'Webhooks have two modes: test and production.

Use test mode while you build your workflow. Click the \'listen\' button, then make a request to the test URL. The executions will show up in the editor.

Use production mode to run your workflow automatically. Activate the workflow, then make requests to the production URL. These executions will show up in the executions list, but not in the editor.', active: 'Webhooks have two modes: test and production.

Use test mode while you build your workflow. Click the \'listen\' button, then make a request to the test URL. The executions will show up in the editor.

Use production mode to run your workflow automatically. Since the workflow is activated, you can make requests to the production URL. These executions will show up in the executions list, but not in the editor.', }, activationHint: "Once you've finished building your workflow, run it without having to click this button by using the production webhook URL.", }, inputs: [], outputs: `={{(${configuredOutputs})($parameter)}}`, credentials: credentialsProperty(this.authPropertyName), webhooks: [defaultWebhookDescription], properties: [ { displayName: 'Allow Multiple HTTP Methods', name: 'multipleMethods', type: 'boolean', default: false, isNodeSetting: true, description: 'Whether to allow the webhook to listen for multiple HTTP methods', }, { ...httpMethodsProperty, displayOptions: { show: { multipleMethods: [false], }, }, }, { displayName: 'HTTP Methods', name: 'httpMethod', type: 'multiOptions', options: [ { name: 'DELETE', value: 'DELETE', }, { name: 'GET', value: 'GET', }, { name: 'HEAD', value: 'HEAD', }, { name: 'PATCH', value: 'PATCH', }, { name: 'POST', value: 'POST', }, { name: 'PUT', value: 'PUT', }, ], default: ['GET', 'POST'], description: 'The HTTP methods to listen to', displayOptions: { show: { multipleMethods: [true], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Path', name: 'path', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'webhook', required: true, description: "The path to listen to, dynamic values could be specified by using ':', e.g. 'your-path/:dynamic-value'. If dynamic values are set 'webhookId' would be prepended to path.", }, authenticationProperty(this.authPropertyName), responseModeProperty, { displayName: 'Insert a \'Respond to Webhook\' node to control when and how you respond. More details', name: 'webhookNotice', type: 'notice', displayOptions: { show: { responseMode: ['responseNode'], }, }, default: '', }, { ...responseCodeProperty, displayOptions: { show: { '@version': [1, 1.1], }, hide: { responseMode: ['responseNode'], }, }, }, responseDataProperty, responseBinaryPropertyNameProperty, { ...optionsProperty, options: [...(optionsProperty.options as INodeProperties[]), responseCodeOption].sort( (a, b) => { const nameA = a.displayName.toUpperCase(); const nameB = b.displayName.toUpperCase(); if (nameA < nameB) return -1; if (nameA > nameB) return 1; return 0; }, ), }, ], }; async webhook(context: IWebhookFunctions): Promise { const { typeVersion: nodeVersion, type: nodeType } = context.getNode(); if (nodeVersion >= 2 && nodeType === 'n8n-nodes-base.webhook') { checkResponseModeConfiguration(context); } const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', {}) as { binaryData: boolean; ignoreBots: boolean; rawBody: boolean; responseData?: string; ipWhitelist?: string; }; const req = context.getRequestObject(); const resp = context.getResponseObject(); const requestMethod = context.getRequestObject().method; if (!isIpWhitelisted(options.ipWhitelist, req.ips, req.ip)) { resp.writeHead(403); resp.end('IP is not whitelisted to access the webhook!'); return { noWebhookResponse: true }; } let validationData: IDataObject | undefined; try { if (options.ignoreBots && isbot(req.headers['user-agent'])) throw new WebhookAuthorizationError(403); validationData = await this.validateAuth(context); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof WebhookAuthorizationError) { resp.writeHead(error.responseCode, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Webhook"' }); resp.end(error.message); return { noWebhookResponse: true }; } throw error; } const prepareOutput = setupOutputConnection(context, requestMethod, { jwtPayload: validationData, }); if (options.binaryData) { return await this.handleBinaryData(context, prepareOutput); } if (req.contentType === 'multipart/form-data') { return await this.handleFormData(context, prepareOutput); } if (nodeVersion > 1 && !req.body && !options.rawBody) { try { return await this.handleBinaryData(context, prepareOutput); } catch (error) {} } if (options.rawBody && !req.rawBody) { await req.readRawBody(); } const response: INodeExecutionData = { json: { headers: req.headers, params: req.params, query: req.query, body: req.body, }, binary: options.rawBody ? { data: { data: (req.rawBody ?? '').toString(BINARY_ENCODING), mimeType: req.contentType ?? 'application/json', }, } : undefined, }; return { webhookResponse: options.responseData, workflowData: prepareOutput(response), }; } private async validateAuth(context: IWebhookFunctions) { return await validateWebhookAuthentication(context, this.authPropertyName); } private async handleFormData( context: IWebhookFunctions, prepareOutput: (data: INodeExecutionData) => INodeExecutionData[][], ) { const req = context.getRequestObject() as MultiPartFormData.Request; const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', {}) as IDataObject; const { data, files } = req.body; const returnItem: INodeExecutionData = { json: { headers: req.headers, params: req.params, query: req.query, body: data, }, }; if (files && Object.keys(files).length) { returnItem.binary = {}; } let count = 0; for (const key of Object.keys(files)) { const processFiles: MultiPartFormData.File[] = []; let multiFile = false; if (Array.isArray(files[key])) { processFiles.push(...files[key]); multiFile = true; } else { processFiles.push(files[key]); } let fileCount = 0; for (const file of processFiles) { let binaryPropertyName = key; if (binaryPropertyName.endsWith('[]')) { binaryPropertyName = binaryPropertyName.slice(0, -2); } if (multiFile) { binaryPropertyName += fileCount++; } if (options.binaryPropertyName) { binaryPropertyName = `${options.binaryPropertyName}${count}`; } returnItem.binary![binaryPropertyName] = await context.nodeHelpers.copyBinaryFile( file.filepath, file.originalFilename ?? file.newFilename, file.mimetype, ); count += 1; } } return { workflowData: prepareOutput(returnItem) }; } private async handleBinaryData( context: IWebhookFunctions, prepareOutput: (data: INodeExecutionData) => INodeExecutionData[][], ): Promise { const req = context.getRequestObject(); const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', {}) as IDataObject; // TODO: create empty binaryData placeholder, stream into that path, and then finalize the binaryData const binaryFile = await tmpFile({ prefix: 'n8n-webhook-' }); try { await pipeline(req, createWriteStream(binaryFile.path)); const returnItem: INodeExecutionData = { json: { headers: req.headers, params: req.params, query: req.query, body: {}, }, }; const stats = await stat(binaryFile.path); if (stats.size) { const binaryPropertyName = (options.binaryPropertyName ?? 'data') as string; const fileName = req.contentDisposition?.filename ?? uuid(); const binaryData = await context.nodeHelpers.copyBinaryFile( binaryFile.path, fileName, req.contentType ?? 'application/octet-stream', ); returnItem.binary = { [binaryPropertyName]: binaryData }; } return { workflowData: prepareOutput(returnItem) }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeOperationError(context.getNode(), error as Error); } finally { await binaryFile.cleanup(); } } }