import _Vue from "vue"; import axios from 'axios'; import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'; import { Store } from "vuex"; import Vue from 'vue'; import { INodeTranslationHeaders, IRootState } from '@/Interface'; const englishBaseText = require('./locales/en'); Vue.use(VueI18n); const REUSABLE_DYNAMIC_TEXT_KEY = 'reusableDynamicText'; const CREDENTIALS_MODAL_KEY = 'credentialsModal'; const NODE_VIEW_KEY = 'nodeView'; export function I18nPlugin(vue: typeof _Vue, store: Store): void { const i18n = new I18nClass(store); Object.defineProperty(vue, '$locale', { get() { return i18n; }, }); Object.defineProperty(vue.prototype, '$locale', { get() { return i18n; }, }); } export class I18nClass { $store: Store; constructor(store: Store) { this.$store = store; } private get i18n(): VueI18n { return i18nInstance; } // ---------------------------------- // helper methods // ---------------------------------- exists(key: string) { return this.i18n.te(key); } number(value: number, options: VueI18n.FormattedNumberPartType) { return this.i18n.n(value, options); } shortNodeType(longNodeType: string) { return longNodeType.replace('n8n-nodes-base.', ''); } // ---------------------------------- // render methods // ---------------------------------- /** * Render a string of base text, i.e. a string with a fixed path to the localized value in the base text object. Optionally allows for [interpolation]( when the localized value contains a string between curly braces. */ baseText( key: string, options?: { interpolate: { [key: string]: string } }, ): string { return this.i18n.t(key, options && options.interpolate).toString(); } /** * Render a string of dynamic text, i.e. a string with a constructed path to the localized value in the node text object, in the credentials modal, in the node view, or in the headers. Unlike in `baseText`, the fallback has to be set manually for dynamic text. */ private dynamicRender( { key, fallback }: { key: string; fallback: string; }, ) { return this.i18n.te(key) ? this.i18n.t(key).toString() : fallback; } /** * Render a string of dynamic header text, used in the nodes panel and in the node view. */ headerText(arg: { key: string; fallback: string; }) { return this.dynamicRender(arg); } credText () { const { credentialTextRenderKeys: keys } = this.$store.getters; const nodeType = keys ? keys.nodeType : ''; const credentialType = keys ? keys.credentialType : ''; const credentialPrefix = `${nodeType}.${CREDENTIALS_MODAL_KEY}.${credentialType}`; const context = this; return { /** * Display name for a top-level parameter in the credentials modal. */ topParameterDisplayName( { name: parameterName, displayName }: { name: string; displayName: string; }, ) { if (['clientId', 'clientSecret'].includes(parameterName)) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${REUSABLE_DYNAMIC_TEXT_KEY}.oauth2.${parameterName}`, fallback: displayName, }); } return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${credentialPrefix}.${parameterName}.displayName`, fallback: displayName, }); }, /** * Description for a top-level parameter in the credentials modal. */ topParameterDescription( { name: parameterName, description }: { name: string; description: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${credentialPrefix}.${parameterName}.description`, fallback: description, }); }, /** * Display name for an option inside an `options` or `multiOptions` parameter in the credentials modal. */ optionsOptionDisplayName( { name: parameterName }: { name: string; }, { value: optionName, name: displayName }: { value: string; name: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${credentialPrefix}.${parameterName}.options.${optionName}.displayName`, fallback: displayName, }); }, /** * Description for an option inside an `options` or `multiOptions` parameter in the credentials modal. */ optionsOptionDescription( { name: parameterName }: { name: string; }, { value: optionName, description }: { value: string; description: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${credentialPrefix}.${parameterName}.options.${optionName}.description`, fallback: description, }); }, /** * Placeholder for a `string` or `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter in the credentials modal. * - For a `string` parameter, the placeholder is unselectable greyed-out sample text. * - For a `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter, the placeholder is the button text. */ placeholder( { name: parameterName, displayName }: { name: string; displayName: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${credentialPrefix}.${parameterName}.placeholder`, fallback: displayName, }); }, }; } nodeText () { const type = this.$store.getters.activeNode.type; const nodePrefix = `${type}.${NODE_VIEW_KEY}`; const context = this; return { /** * Display name for a top-level parameter in the node view. */ topParameterDisplayName( { name: parameterName, displayName }: { name: string; displayName: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.displayName`, fallback: displayName, }); }, /** * Description for a top-level parameter in the node view in the node view. */ topParameterDescription( { name: parameterName, description }: { name: string; description: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.description`, fallback: description, }); }, /** * Display name for an option inside a `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter in the node view. */ collectionOptionDisplayName( { name: parameterName }: { name: string; }, { name: optionName, displayName }: { name: string; displayName: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.options.${optionName}.displayName`, fallback: displayName, }); }, /** * Display name for an option inside an `options` or `multiOptions` parameter in the node view. */ optionsOptionDisplayName( { name: parameterName }: { name: string; }, { value: optionName, name: displayName }: { value: string; name: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.options.${optionName}.displayName`, fallback: displayName, }); }, /** * Description for an option inside an `options` or `multiOptions` parameter in the node view. */ optionsOptionDescription( { name: parameterName }: { name: string; }, { value: optionName, description }: { value: string; description: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.options.${optionName}.description`, fallback: description, }); }, /** * Text for a button to add another option inside a `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter having`multipleValues: true` in the node view. */ multipleValueButtonText( { name: parameterName, typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText } }: { name: string; typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText: string; } }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.multipleValueButtonText`, fallback: multipleValueButtonText, }); }, /** * Placeholder for a `string` or `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter in the node view. * - For a `string` parameter, the placeholder is unselectable greyed-out sample text. * - For a `collection` or `fixedCollection` parameter, the placeholder is the button text. */ placeholder( { name: parameterName, placeholder }: { name: string; placeholder: string; }, ) { return context.dynamicRender({ key: `${nodePrefix}.${parameterName}.placeholder`, fallback: placeholder, }); }, }; } } const i18nInstance = new VueI18n({ locale: 'en', fallbackLocale: 'en', messages: { en: englishBaseText }, silentTranslationWarn: true, }); const loadedLanguages = ['en']; function setLanguage(language: string) { i18nInstance.locale = language; axios.defaults.headers.common['Accept-Language'] = language; document!.querySelector('html')!.setAttribute('lang', language); return language; } export async function loadLanguage(language?: string) { if (!language) return Promise.resolve(); if (i18nInstance.locale === language) { return Promise.resolve(setLanguage(language)); } if (loadedLanguages.includes(language)) { return Promise.resolve(setLanguage(language)); } const { numberFormats, } = require(`./locales/${language}.json`); i18nInstance.setLocaleMessage(language, rest); if (numberFormats) { i18nInstance.setNumberFormat(language, numberFormats); } loadedLanguages.push(language); setLanguage(language); } export function addNodeTranslation( nodeTranslation: { [key: string]: object }, language: string, ) { const newNodesBase = { 'n8n-nodes-base': Object.assign( i18nInstance.messages[language]['n8n-nodes-base'] || {}, nodeTranslation, ), }; i18nInstance.setLocaleMessage( language, Object.assign(i18nInstance.messages[language], newNodesBase), ); } export function addHeaders( headers: INodeTranslationHeaders, language: string, ) { i18nInstance.setLocaleMessage( language, Object.assign(i18nInstance.messages[language], { headers }), ); }