import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { STORES, TEMPLATES_URLS } from '@/constants'; import type { INodeUi, ITemplatesCategory, ITemplatesCollection, ITemplatesCollectionFull, ITemplatesQuery, ITemplateState, ITemplatesWorkflow, ITemplatesWorkflowFull, IWorkflowTemplate, } from '@/Interface'; import { useSettingsStore } from './'; import { getCategories, getCollectionById, getCollections, getTemplateById, getWorkflows, getWorkflowTemplate, } from '@/api/templates'; import { getFixedNodesList } from '@/utils/nodeViewUtils'; import { useRootStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useUsersStore } from './'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from './'; const TEMPLATES_PAGE_SIZE = 20; function getSearchKey(query: ITemplatesQuery): string { return JSON.stringify([ || '', [...query.categories].sort()]); } export type TemplatesStore = ReturnType; export const useTemplatesStore = defineStore(STORES.TEMPLATES, { state: (): ITemplateState => ({ categories: [], collections: {}, workflows: {}, collectionSearches: {}, workflowSearches: {}, currentSessionId: '', previousSessionId: '', currentN8nPath: `${window.location.protocol}//${}${window.BASE_PATH}`, }), getters: { allCategories(): ITemplatesCategory[] { return Object.values(this.categories).sort((a: ITemplatesCategory, b: ITemplatesCategory) => > ? 1 : -1, ); }, getTemplateById() { return (id: string): null | ITemplatesWorkflow => this.workflows[id]; }, getFullTemplateById() { return (id: string): null | ITemplatesWorkflowFull => { const template = this.workflows[id]; return template && 'full' in template && template.full ? template : null; }; }, getCollectionById() { return (id: string): null | ITemplatesCollection => this.collections[id]; }, getCategoryById() { return (id: string): null | ITemplatesCategory => this.categories[id]; }, getSearchedCollections() { return (query: ITemplatesQuery) => { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const search = this.collectionSearches[searchKey]; if (!search) { return null; } return string) => this.collections[collectionId]); }; }, getSearchedWorkflows() { return (query: ITemplatesQuery) => { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const search = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; if (!search) { return null; } return string) => this.workflows[workflowId]); }; }, getSearchedWorkflowsTotal() { return (query: ITemplatesQuery) => { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const search = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; return search ? search.totalWorkflows : 0; }; }, isSearchLoadingMore() { return (query: ITemplatesQuery) => { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const search = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; return Boolean(search && search.loadingMore); }; }, isSearchFinished() { return (query: ITemplatesQuery) => { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const search = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; return Boolean( search && !search.loadingMore && search.totalWorkflows === search.workflowIds.length, ); }; }, hasCustomTemplatesHost(): boolean { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); return settingsStore.templatesHost !== TEMPLATES_URLS.DEFAULT_API_HOST; }, /** * Constructs URLSearchParams object based on the default parameters for the template repository * and provided additional parameters */ websiteTemplateRepositoryParameters(roleOverride?: string) { const rootStore = useRootStore(); const userStore = useUsersStore(); const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore(); const defaultParameters: Record = { ...TEMPLATES_URLS.UTM_QUERY, utm_instance: this.currentN8nPath, utm_n8n_version: rootStore.versionCli, utm_awc: String(workflowsStore.activeWorkflows.length), }; const userRole: string | undefined = userStore.currentUserCloudInfo?.role ?? userStore.currentUser?.personalizationAnswers?.role; if (userRole) { defaultParameters.utm_user_role = userRole; } return (additionalParameters: Record = {}) => { return new URLSearchParams({ ...defaultParameters, ...additionalParameters, }); }; }, /** * Construct the URL for the template repository on the website * @returns {string} */ websiteTemplateRepositoryURL(): string { return `${ TEMPLATES_URLS.BASE_WEBSITE_URL }?${this.websiteTemplateRepositoryParameters().toString()}`; }, /** * Construct the URL for the template category page on the website for a given category id */ getWebsiteCategoryURL() { return (id?: string, roleOverride?: string) => { const payload: Record = {}; if (id) { payload.categories = id; } if (roleOverride) { payload.utm_user_role = roleOverride; } return `${TEMPLATES_URLS.BASE_WEBSITE_URL}/?${this.websiteTemplateRepositoryParameters(payload).toString()}`; }; }, }, actions: { addCategories(categories: ITemplatesCategory[]): void { categories.forEach((category: ITemplatesCategory) => { this.categories = { ...this.categories, []: category, }; }); }, addCollections(collections: Array): void { collections.forEach((collection) => { const workflows = (collection.workflows || []).map((workflow) => ({ id: })); const cachedCollection = this.collections[] || {}; this.collections = { ...this.collections, []: { ...cachedCollection, ...collection, workflows, }, }; }); }, addWorkflows(workflows: Array): void { workflows.forEach((workflow: ITemplatesWorkflow) => { const cachedWorkflow = this.workflows[] || {}; this.workflows = { ...this.workflows, []: { ...cachedWorkflow, ...workflow, }, }; }); }, addCollectionSearch(data: { collections: ITemplatesCollection[]; query: ITemplatesQuery; }): void { const collectionIds = => String(; const searchKey = getSearchKey(data.query); this.collectionSearches = { ...this.collectionSearches, [searchKey]: { collectionIds, }, }; }, addWorkflowsSearch(data: { totalWorkflows: number; workflows: ITemplatesWorkflow[]; query: ITemplatesQuery; }): void { const workflowIds = =>; const searchKey = getSearchKey(data.query); const cachedResults = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; if (!cachedResults) { this.workflowSearches = { ...this.workflowSearches, [searchKey]: { workflowIds: workflowIds as unknown as string[], totalWorkflows: data.totalWorkflows, categories: this.categories, }, }; return; } this.workflowSearches = { ...this.workflowSearches, [searchKey]: { workflowIds: [...cachedResults.workflowIds, ...workflowIds] as string[], totalWorkflows: data.totalWorkflows, categories: this.categories, }, }; }, setWorkflowSearchLoading(query: ITemplatesQuery): void { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const cachedResults = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; if (!cachedResults) { return; } this.workflowSearches[searchKey] = { ...this.workflowSearches[searchKey], loadingMore: true, }; }, setWorkflowSearchLoaded(query: ITemplatesQuery): void { const searchKey = getSearchKey(query); const cachedResults = this.workflowSearches[searchKey]; if (!cachedResults) { return; } this.workflowSearches[searchKey] = { ...this.workflowSearches[searchKey], loadingMore: false, }; }, resetSessionId(): void { this.previousSessionId = this.currentSessionId; this.currentSessionId = ''; }, setSessionId(): void { if (!this.currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId = `templates-${}`; } }, async fetchTemplateById(templateId: string): Promise { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; const response = await getTemplateById(apiEndpoint, templateId, { 'n8n-version': versionCli, }); const template: ITemplatesWorkflowFull = { ...response.workflow, full: true, }; this.addWorkflows([template]); return template; }, async fetchCollectionById(collectionId: string): Promise { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; const response = await getCollectionById(apiEndpoint, collectionId, { 'n8n-version': versionCli, }); const collection: ITemplatesCollectionFull = { ...response.collection, full: true, }; this.addCollections([collection]); this.addWorkflows(response.collection.workflows); return this.getCollectionById(collectionId); }, async getCategories(): Promise { const cachedCategories = this.allCategories; if (cachedCategories.length) { return cachedCategories; } const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; const response = await getCategories(apiEndpoint, { 'n8n-version': versionCli }); const categories = response.categories; this.addCategories(categories); return categories; }, async getCollections(query: ITemplatesQuery): Promise { const cachedResults = this.getSearchedCollections(query); if (cachedResults) { return cachedResults; } const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; const response = await getCollections(apiEndpoint, query, { 'n8n-version': versionCli }); const collections = response.collections; this.addCollections(collections); this.addCollectionSearch({ query, collections }); collections.forEach((collection) => this.addWorkflows(collection.workflows as ITemplatesWorkflowFull[]), ); return collections; }, async getWorkflows(query: ITemplatesQuery): Promise { const cachedResults = this.getSearchedWorkflows(query); if (cachedResults) { this.categories = this.workflowSearches[getSearchKey(query)].categories ?? []; return cachedResults; } const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; const payload = await getWorkflows( apiEndpoint, { ...query, page: 1, limit: TEMPLATES_PAGE_SIZE }, { 'n8n-version': versionCli }, ); this.addWorkflows(payload.workflows); this.addWorkflowsSearch({ ...payload, query }); return this.getSearchedWorkflows(query) || []; }, async getMoreWorkflows(query: ITemplatesQuery): Promise { if (this.isSearchLoadingMore(query) && !this.isSearchFinished(query)) { return []; } const cachedResults = this.getSearchedWorkflows(query) || []; const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; this.setWorkflowSearchLoading(query); try { const payload = await getWorkflows(apiEndpoint, { ...query, page: cachedResults.length / TEMPLATES_PAGE_SIZE + 1, limit: TEMPLATES_PAGE_SIZE, }); this.setWorkflowSearchLoaded(query); this.addWorkflows(payload.workflows); this.addWorkflowsSearch({ ...payload, query }); return this.getSearchedWorkflows(query) || []; } catch (e) { this.setWorkflowSearchLoaded(query); throw e; } }, async getWorkflowTemplate(templateId: string): Promise { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const apiEndpoint: string = settingsStore.templatesHost; const versionCli: string = settingsStore.versionCli; return await getWorkflowTemplate(apiEndpoint, templateId, { 'n8n-version': versionCli }); }, async getFixedWorkflowTemplate(templateId: string): Promise { const template = await this.getWorkflowTemplate(templateId); if (template?.workflow?.nodes) { template.workflow.nodes = getFixedNodesList(template.workflow.nodes) as INodeUi[]; template.workflow.nodes?.forEach((node) => { if (node.credentials) { delete node.credentials; } }); } return template; }, }, });