import { DynamicStructuredTool } from '@langchain/core/tools'; import type { IExecuteFunctions, INodeParameters, INodeType } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { jsonParse, NodeConnectionType, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { z } from 'zod'; type AllowedTypes = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'json'; interface FromAIArgument { key: string; description?: string; type?: AllowedTypes; defaultValue?: string | number | boolean | Record; } /** * AIParametersParser * * This class encapsulates the logic for parsing node parameters, extracting $fromAI calls, * generating Zod schemas, and creating LangChain tools. */ class AIParametersParser { private ctx: IExecuteFunctions; /** * Constructs an instance of AIParametersParser. * @param ctx The execution context. */ constructor(ctx: IExecuteFunctions) { this.ctx = ctx; } /** * Generates a Zod schema based on the provided FromAIArgument placeholder. * @param placeholder The FromAIArgument object containing key, type, description, and defaultValue. * @returns A Zod schema corresponding to the placeholder's type and constraints. */ private generateZodSchema(placeholder: FromAIArgument): z.ZodTypeAny { let schema: z.ZodTypeAny; switch (placeholder.type?.toLowerCase()) { case 'string': schema = z.string(); break; case 'number': schema = z.number(); break; case 'boolean': schema = z.boolean(); break; case 'json': schema = z.record(z.any()); break; default: schema = z.string(); } if (placeholder.description) { schema = schema.describe(`${schema.description ?? ''} ${placeholder.description}`.trim()); } if (placeholder.defaultValue !== undefined) { schema = schema.default(placeholder.defaultValue); } return schema; } /** * Recursively traverses the nodeParameters object to find all $fromAI calls. * @param payload The current object or value being traversed. * @param collectedArgs The array collecting FromAIArgument objects. */ private traverseNodeParameters(payload: unknown, collectedArgs: FromAIArgument[]) { if (typeof payload === 'string') { const fromAICalls = this.extractFromAICalls(payload); fromAICalls.forEach((call) => collectedArgs.push(call)); } else if (Array.isArray(payload)) { payload.forEach((item: unknown) => this.traverseNodeParameters(item, collectedArgs)); } else if (typeof payload === 'object' && payload !== null) { Object.values(payload).forEach((value) => this.traverseNodeParameters(value, collectedArgs)); } } /** * Extracts all $fromAI calls from a given string * @param str The string to search for $fromAI calls. * @returns An array of FromAIArgument objects. * * This method uses a regular expression to find the start of each $fromAI function call * in the input string. It then employs a character-by-character parsing approach to * accurately extract the arguments of each call, handling nested parentheses and quoted strings. * * The parsing process: * 1. Finds the starting position of a $fromAI call using regex. * 2. Iterates through characters, keeping track of parentheses depth and quote status. * 3. Handles escaped characters within quotes to avoid premature quote closing. * 4. Builds the argument string until the matching closing parenthesis is found. * 5. Parses the extracted argument string into a FromAIArgument object. * 6. Repeats the process for all $fromAI calls in the input string. * */ private extractFromAICalls(str: string): FromAIArgument[] { const args: FromAIArgument[] = []; // Regular expression to match the start of a $fromAI function call const pattern = /\$fromAI\s*\(\s*/gi; let match: RegExpExecArray | null; while ((match = pattern.exec(str)) !== null) { const startIndex = match.index + match[0].length; let current = startIndex; let inQuotes = false; let quoteChar = ''; let parenthesesCount = 1; let argsString = ''; // Parse the arguments string, handling nested parentheses and quotes while (current < str.length && parenthesesCount > 0) { const char = str[current]; if (inQuotes) { // Handle characters inside quotes, including escaped characters if (char === '\\' && current + 1 < str.length) { argsString += char + str[current + 1]; current += 2; continue; } if (char === quoteChar) { inQuotes = false; quoteChar = ''; } argsString += char; } else { // Handle characters outside quotes if (['"', "'", '`'].includes(char)) { inQuotes = true; quoteChar = char; } else if (char === '(') { parenthesesCount++; } else if (char === ')') { parenthesesCount--; } // Only add characters if we're still inside the main parentheses if (parenthesesCount > 0 || char !== ')') { argsString += char; } } current++; } // If parentheses are balanced, parse the arguments if (parenthesesCount === 0) { try { const parsedArgs = this.parseArguments(argsString); args.push(parsedArgs); } catch (error) { // If parsing fails, throw an ApplicationError with details throw new NodeOperationError( this.ctx.getNode(), `Failed to parse $fromAI arguments: ${argsString}: ${error}`, ); } } else { // Log an error if parentheses are unbalanced throw new NodeOperationError( this.ctx.getNode(), `Unbalanced parentheses while parsing $fromAI call: ${str.slice(startIndex)}`, ); } } return args; } /** * Parses the arguments of a single $fromAI function call. * @param argsString The string containing the function arguments. * @returns A FromAIArgument object. */ private parseArguments(argsString: string): FromAIArgument { // Split arguments by commas not inside quotes const args: string[] = []; let currentArg = ''; let inQuotes = false; let quoteChar = ''; let escapeNext = false; for (let i = 0; i < argsString.length; i++) { const char = argsString[i]; if (escapeNext) { currentArg += char; escapeNext = false; continue; } if (char === '\\') { escapeNext = true; continue; } if (['"', "'", '`'].includes(char)) { if (!inQuotes) { inQuotes = true; quoteChar = char; currentArg += char; } else if (char === quoteChar) { inQuotes = false; quoteChar = ''; currentArg += char; } else { currentArg += char; } continue; } if (char === ',' && !inQuotes) { args.push(currentArg.trim()); currentArg = ''; continue; } currentArg += char; } if (currentArg) { args.push(currentArg.trim()); } // Remove surrounding quotes if present const cleanArgs = => { const trimmed = arg.trim(); if ( (trimmed.startsWith("'") && trimmed.endsWith("'")) || (trimmed.startsWith('`') && trimmed.endsWith('`')) || (trimmed.startsWith('"') && trimmed.endsWith('"')) ) { return trimmed .slice(1, -1) .replace(/\\'/g, "'") .replace(/\\`/g, '`') .replace(/\\"/g, '"') .replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } return trimmed; }); const type = cleanArgs?.[2] || 'string'; if (!['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'json'].includes(type.toLowerCase())) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.ctx.getNode(), `Invalid type: ${type}`); } return { key: cleanArgs[0] || '', description: cleanArgs[1], type: (cleanArgs?.[2] ?? 'string') as AllowedTypes, defaultValue: this.parseDefaultValue(cleanArgs[3]), }; } /** * Parses the default value, preserving its original type. * @param value The default value as a string. * @returns The parsed default value in its appropriate type. */ private parseDefaultValue( value: string | undefined, ): string | number | boolean | Record | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === '') return undefined; const lowerValue = value.toLowerCase(); if (lowerValue === 'true') return true; if (lowerValue === 'false') return false; if (!isNaN(Number(value))) return Number(value); try { return jsonParse(value); } catch { return value; } } /** * Generates a description for a node based on the provided parameters. * @param node The node type. * @param nodeParameters The parameters of the node. * @returns A string description for the node. */ private getDescription(node: INodeType, nodeParameters: INodeParameters): string { const manualDescription = nodeParameters.toolDescription as string; if (nodeParameters.descriptionType === 'auto') { const resource = nodeParameters.resource as string; const operation = nodeParameters.operation as string; let description = node.description.description; if (resource) { description += `\n Resource: ${resource}`; } if (operation) { description += `\n Operation: ${operation}`; } return description.trim(); } if (nodeParameters.descriptionType === 'manual') { return manualDescription ?? node.description.description; } return node.description.description; } /** * Creates a DynamicStructuredTool from a node. * @param node The node type. * @param nodeParameters The parameters of the node. * @returns A DynamicStructuredTool instance. */ public createTool(node: INodeType, nodeParameters: INodeParameters): DynamicStructuredTool { const collectedArguments: FromAIArgument[] = []; this.traverseNodeParameters(nodeParameters, collectedArguments); // Validate each collected argument const nameValidationRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$/; const keyMap = new Map(); for (const argument of collectedArguments) { if (argument.key.length === 0 || !nameValidationRegex.test(argument.key)) { const isEmptyError = 'You must specify a key when using $fromAI()'; const isInvalidError = `Parameter key \`${argument.key}\` is invalid`; const error = new Error(argument.key.length === 0 ? isEmptyError : isInvalidError); throw new NodeOperationError(this.ctx.getNode(), error, { description: 'Invalid parameter key, must be between 1 and 64 characters long and only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens', }); } if (keyMap.has(argument.key)) { // If the key already exists in the Map const existingArg = keyMap.get(argument.key)!; // Check if the existing argument has the same description and type if ( existingArg.description !== argument.description || existingArg.type !== argument.type ) { // If not, throw an error for inconsistent duplicate keys throw new NodeOperationError( this.ctx.getNode(), `Duplicate key '${argument.key}' found with different description or type`, { description: 'Ensure all $fromAI() calls with the same key have consistent descriptions and types', }, ); } // If the duplicate key has consistent description and type, it's allowed (no action needed) } else { // If the key doesn't exist in the Map, add it keyMap.set(argument.key, argument); } } // Remove duplicate keys, latest occurrence takes precedence const uniqueArgsMap = collectedArguments.reduce((map, arg) => { map.set(arg.key, arg); return map; }, new Map()); const uniqueArguments = Array.from(uniqueArgsMap.values()); // Generate Zod schema from unique arguments const schemaObj = uniqueArguments.reduce((acc: Record, placeholder) => { acc[placeholder.key] = this.generateZodSchema(placeholder); return acc; }, {}); const schema = z.object(schemaObj).required(); const description = this.getDescription(node, nodeParameters); const nodeName = this.ctx.getNode().name.replace(/ /g, '_'); const name = nodeName ||; const tool = new DynamicStructuredTool({ name, description, schema, func: async (functionArgs: z.infer) => { const { index } = this.ctx.addInputData(NodeConnectionType.AiTool, [ [{ json: functionArgs }], ]); try { // Execute the node with the proxied context const result = await node.execute?.bind(this.ctx)(); // Process and map the results const mappedResults = result?.[0]?.flatMap((item) => item.json); // Add output data to the context this.ctx.addOutputData(NodeConnectionType.AiTool, index, [ [{ json: { response: mappedResults } }], ]); // Return the stringified results return JSON.stringify(mappedResults); } catch (error) { const nodeError = new NodeOperationError(this.ctx.getNode(), error as Error); this.ctx.addOutputData(NodeConnectionType.AiTool, index, nodeError); return 'Error during node execution: ' + nodeError.description; } }, }); return tool; } } /** * Converts node into LangChain tool by analyzing node parameters, * identifying placeholders using the $fromAI function, and generating a Zod schema. It then creates * a DynamicStructuredTool that can be used in LangChain workflows. * * @param ctx The execution context. * @param node The node type. * @param nodeParameters The parameters of the node. * @returns An object containing the DynamicStructuredTool instance. */ export function createNodeAsTool( ctx: IExecuteFunctions, node: INodeType, nodeParameters: INodeParameters, ) { const parser = new AIParametersParser(ctx); return { response: parser.createTool(node, nodeParameters), }; }