import { WorkflowsPage } from '../pages'; const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage(); describe(' iframe', () => { describe('when telemetry is disabled', () => { it('should not load the iframe when visiting /home/workflows', () => { cy.overrideSettings({ telemetry: { enabled: false } }); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.get('iframe').should('not.exist'); }); }); describe('when telemetry is enabled', () => { it('should load the iframe when visiting /home/workflows', () => { const testInstanceId = 'test-instance-id'; cy.overrideSettings({ telemetry: { enabled: true }, instanceId: testInstanceId }); const testUserId = Cypress.env('currentUserId'); const iframeUrl = `${testInstanceId}&userId=${testUserId}`; cy.intercept(iframeUrl, (req) => req.reply(200)).as('iframeRequest'); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.get('iframe').should('exist').and('have.attr', 'src', iframeUrl); cy.wait('@iframeRequest').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200); }); }); });