import { IDataObject, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHttpRequestOptions, INodeExecutionData, INodeProperties, } from 'n8n-workflow'; // Projection field controls the page limit maximum // When not returning all, return the max number for the current projection parameter const PAGE_LIMITS = { noAcl: 1000, full: 200, }; // Define a JSON parse function here to use it in two places async function parseJSONBody( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { if (!requestOptions.body) requestOptions.body = {}; const body = this.getNodeParameter('createBody') as IDataObject; // Parse all the JSON fields if (body.acl) { try { body.acl = JSON.parse(body.acl as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.billing) { try { body.billing = JSON.parse(body.billing as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.cors) { try { body.cors = JSON.parse(body.cors as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.customPlacementConfig) { try { body.customPlacementConfig = JSON.parse(body.customPlacementConfig as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.dataLocations) { try { body.dataLocations = JSON.parse(body.dataLocations as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.defaultObjectAcl) { try { body.defaultObjectAcl = JSON.parse(body.defaultObjectAcl as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.encryption) { try { body.encryption = JSON.parse(body.encryption as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.iamConfiguration) { try { body.iamConfiguration = JSON.parse(body.iamConfiguration as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.labels) { try { body.labels = JSON.parse(body.labels as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.lifecycle) { try { body.lifecycle = JSON.parse(body.lifecycle as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.logging) { try { body.logging = JSON.parse(body.logging as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.retentionPolicy) { try { body.retentionPolicy = JSON.parse(body.retentionPolicy as string); } catch (error) {} } if (body.versioning) { try { body.versioning = JSON.parse(body.versioning as string); } catch (error) {} } if ( { try { = JSON.parse( as string); } catch (error) {} } requestOptions.body = Object.assign(requestOptions.body, body); return requestOptions; } export const bucketOperations: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], }, }, options: [ { name: 'Create', value: 'create', description: 'Create a new Bucket', routing: { request: { method: 'POST', url: '/b/', qs: {}, body: { name: '={{$parameter["bucketName"]}}', }, returnFullResponse: true, }, send: { preSend: [parseJSONBody], }, }, action: 'Create a new Bucket', }, { name: 'Delete', value: 'delete', description: 'Delete an empty Bucket', routing: { request: { method: 'DELETE', url: '={{"/b/" + $parameter["bucketName"]}}', returnFullResponse: true, }, }, action: 'Delete an empty Bucket', }, { name: 'Get', value: 'get', description: 'Get metadata for a specific Bucket', routing: { request: { method: 'GET', url: '={{"/b/" + $parameter["bucketName"]}}', returnFullResponse: true, qs: {}, }, }, action: 'Get a Bucket', }, { name: 'Get Many', value: 'getAll', description: 'Get list of Buckets', routing: { request: { method: 'GET', url: '/b/', qs: {}, }, send: { paginate: true, preSend: [ async function (this, requestOptions) { if (!requestOptions.qs) requestOptions.qs = {}; const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll') as boolean; if (!returnAll) { const key = this.getNodeParameter('projection') as string; requestOptions.qs.maxResults = key === 'noAcl' ? PAGE_LIMITS.noAcl : PAGE_LIMITS.full; } return requestOptions; }, ], }, operations: { async pagination(this, requestOptions) { if (!requestOptions.options.qs) requestOptions.options.qs = {}; let executions: INodeExecutionData[] = []; let responseData: INodeExecutionData[]; let nextPageToken: string | undefined = undefined; const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll') as boolean; const extractBucketsList = (page: INodeExecutionData) => { const buckets = page.json.items as IDataObject[]; if (buckets) { executions = executions.concat( => ({ json: bucket }))); } }; do { requestOptions.options.qs.pageToken = nextPageToken; responseData = await this.makeRoutingRequest(requestOptions); // Check for another page const lastItem = responseData[responseData.length - 1].json; nextPageToken = lastItem.nextPageToken as string | undefined; // Extract just the list of buckets from the page data responseData.forEach(extractBucketsList); // If we don't return all, just return the first page } while (returnAll && nextPageToken); // Return all execution responses as an array return executions; }, }, }, action: 'Get a list of Buckets for a given project', }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Update the metadata of a bucket', routing: { request: { method: 'PATCH', url: '={{"/b/" + $parameter["bucketName"]}}', qs: { project: '={{$parameter["projectId"]}}', }, body: {}, returnFullResponse: true, }, send: { preSend: [parseJSONBody], }, }, action: 'Create a new Bucket', }, ], default: 'getAll', }, ]; export const bucketFields: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Project ID', name: 'projectId', type: 'string', required: true, placeholder: 'Project ID', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['create', 'getAll'], }, }, default: '', routing: { request: { qs: { project: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Bucket Name', name: 'bucketName', type: 'string', placeholder: 'Bucket Name', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['create', 'get', 'update', 'delete'], }, }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Prefix', name: 'prefix', type: 'string', placeholder: 'Filter for Bucket Names', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, default: '', routing: { request: { qs: { prefix: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Projection', name: 'projection', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'All Properties', value: 'full', }, { name: 'No ACL', value: 'noAcl', }, ], default: 'noAcl', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['create', 'get', 'getAll', 'update'], }, }, routing: { request: { qs: { projection: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Return All', name: 'returnAll', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, default: false, description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit', }, { displayName: 'Filters', name: 'getFilters', type: 'collection', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['delete', 'get', 'update'], }, }, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Filter', options: [ { displayName: 'Metageneration Match', name: 'ifMetagenerationMatch', type: 'number', description: 'Only return data if the metageneration value of the Bucket matches the sent value', default: 0, routing: { request: { qs: { ifMetagenerationMatch: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Metageneration Exclude', name: 'ifMetagenerationNotMatch', type: 'number', description: 'Only return data if the metageneration value of the Bucket does not match the sent value', default: 0, routing: { request: { qs: { ifMetagenerationNotMatch: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, ], }, { displayName: 'Predefined Access Control', name: 'createAcl', type: 'collection', noDataExpression: true, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Access Control Parameters', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['create', 'update'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Predefined ACL', name: 'predefinedAcl', type: 'options', default: 'authenticatedRead', placeholder: 'Apply a predefined set of access controls to this bucket', options: [ { name: 'Authenticated Read', value: 'authenticatedRead', }, { name: 'Private', value: 'private', }, { name: 'Project Private', value: 'projectPrivate', }, { name: 'Public Read', value: 'publicRead', }, { name: 'Public Read/Write', value: 'publicReadWrite', }, ], routing: { request: { qs: { predefinedAcl: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Predefined Default Object ACL', name: 'predefinedDefaultObjectAcl', type: 'options', default: 'authenticatedRead', placeholder: 'Apply a predefined set of default object access controls to this bucket', options: [ { name: 'Authenticated Read', value: 'authenticatedRead', }, { name: 'Bucket Owner Full Control', value: 'bucketOwnerFullControl', }, { name: 'Bucket Owner Read', value: 'bucketOwnerRead', }, { name: 'Private', value: 'private', }, { name: 'Project Private', value: 'projectPrivate', }, { name: 'Public Read', value: 'publicRead', }, ], routing: { request: { qs: { predefinedObjectAcl: '={{$value}}', }, }, }, }, ], }, { displayName: 'Additional Parameters', name: 'createBody', type: 'collection', noDataExpression: true, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Metadata Parameter', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['bucket'], operation: ['create', 'update'], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Access Control', name: 'acl', type: 'json', default: '[]', placeholder: 'Access controls on the Bucket', }, { displayName: 'Billing', name: 'billing', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's billing configuration", }, { displayName: 'CORS', name: 'cors', type: 'json', default: '[]', placeholder: "The bucket's Cross Origin Resource Sharing configuration", }, { displayName: 'Custom Placement Config', name: 'customPlacementConfig', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: 'The configuration for the region(s) for the Bucket', }, { displayName: 'Data Locations', name: 'dataLocations', type: 'json', default: '[]', placeholder: 'The list of individual regions that comprise a dual-region Bucket', }, { displayName: 'Default Event Based Hold', name: 'defaultEventBasedHold', type: 'boolean', default: true, placeholder: 'Whether or not to automatically apply an event based hold to new objects', }, { displayName: 'Default Object ACL', name: 'defaultObjectAcl', type: 'json', default: '[]', placeholder: 'Default Access Controls for new objects when no ACL is provided', }, { displayName: 'Encryption', name: 'encryption', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: 'Encryption configuration for a bucket', }, { displayName: 'IAM Configuration', name: 'iamConfiguration', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's IAM configuration", }, { displayName: 'Labels', name: 'labels', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: 'User provided bucket labels, in key/value pairs', }, { displayName: 'Lifecycle', name: 'lifecycle', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's lifecycle configuration", }, { displayName: 'Location', name: 'location', type: 'string', default: 'US', placeholder: 'The location of the bucket', }, { displayName: 'Logging', name: 'logging', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's logging configuration", }, { displayName: 'Retention Policy', name: 'retentionPolicy', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's retention policy", }, { displayName: 'Recovery Point Objective', name: 'rpo', type: 'string', default: 'DEFAULT', placeholder: 'The recovery point objective for the bucket', }, { displayName: 'Storage Class', name: 'storageClass', type: 'string', default: 'STANDARD', placeholder: "The bucket's default storage class for objects that don't define one", }, { displayName: 'Versioning', name: 'versioning', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's versioning configuration", }, { displayName: 'Website', name: 'website', type: 'json', default: '{}', placeholder: "The bucket's website configuration for when it is used to host a website", }, ], }, ];