/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */ import 'source-map-support/register'; import 'reflect-metadata'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import type { IProcessMessage } from 'n8n-core'; import { BinaryDataManager, UserSettings, WorkflowExecute } from 'n8n-core'; import type { ExecutionError, IDataObject, IExecuteResponsePromiseData, IExecuteWorkflowInfo, ILogger, INode, INodeExecutionData, IRun, ITaskData, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, IWorkflowExecuteHooks, IWorkflowSettings, NodeOperationError, WorkflowExecuteMode, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, LoggerProxy, Workflow, WorkflowHooks, WorkflowOperationError, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { CredentialTypes } from '@/CredentialTypes'; import { CredentialsOverwrites } from '@/CredentialsOverwrites'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import type { IWorkflowExecuteProcess, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcessWithExecution, } from '@/Interfaces'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import * as WebhookHelpers from '@/WebhookHelpers'; import * as WorkflowHelpers from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import * as WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData from '@/WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData'; import { getLogger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import { generateFailedExecutionFromError } from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import { initErrorHandling } from '@/ErrorReporting'; import { PermissionChecker } from '@/UserManagement/PermissionChecker'; import { License } from '@/License'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import { PostHogClient } from '@/posthog'; class WorkflowRunnerProcess { data: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcessWithExecution | undefined; logger: ILogger; startedAt = new Date(); workflow: Workflow | undefined; workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute | undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type executionIdCallback: (executionId: string) => void | undefined; childExecutions: { [key: string]: IWorkflowExecuteProcess; } = {}; static async stopProcess() { setTimeout(() => { // Attempt a graceful shutdown, giving executions 30 seconds to finish process.exit(0); }, 30000); } async runWorkflow(inputData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcessWithExecution): Promise { process.once('SIGTERM', WorkflowRunnerProcess.stopProcess); process.once('SIGINT', WorkflowRunnerProcess.stopProcess); await initErrorHandling(); const logger = (this.logger = getLogger()); LoggerProxy.init(logger); this.data = inputData; const { userId } = inputData; logger.verbose('Initializing n8n sub-process', { pid: process.pid, workflowId: this.data.workflowData.id, }); this.startedAt = new Date(); // Init db since we need to read the license. await Db.init(); const userSettings = await UserSettings.prepareUserSettings(); const loadNodesAndCredentials = Container.get(LoadNodesAndCredentials); await loadNodesAndCredentials.init(); const nodeTypes = Container.get(NodeTypes); const credentialTypes = Container.get(CredentialTypes); CredentialsOverwrites(credentialTypes); // Load all external hooks const externalHooks = Container.get(ExternalHooks); await externalHooks.init(); const instanceId = userSettings.instanceId ?? ''; await Container.get(PostHogClient).init(instanceId); await Container.get(InternalHooks).init(instanceId); const binaryDataConfig = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager'); await BinaryDataManager.init(binaryDataConfig); const license = Container.get(License); await license.init(instanceId); const workflowSettings = this.data.workflowData.settings ?? {}; // Start timeout for the execution let workflowTimeout = workflowSettings.executionTimeout ?? config.getEnv('executions.timeout'); // initialize with default if (workflowTimeout > 0) { workflowTimeout = Math.min(workflowTimeout, config.getEnv('executions.maxTimeout')); } this.workflow = new Workflow({ id: this.data.workflowData.id, name: this.data.workflowData.name, nodes: this.data.workflowData.nodes, connections: this.data.workflowData.connections, active: this.data.workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: this.data.workflowData.staticData, settings: this.data.workflowData.settings, pinData: this.data.pinData, }); try { await PermissionChecker.check(this.workflow, userId); } catch (error) { const caughtError = error as NodeOperationError; const failedExecutionData = generateFailedExecutionFromError( this.data.executionMode, caughtError, caughtError.node, ); // Force the `workflowExecuteAfter` hook to run since // it's the one responsible for saving the execution await this.sendHookToParentProcess('workflowExecuteAfter', [failedExecutionData]); // Interrupt the workflow execution since we don't have all necessary creds. return failedExecutionData; } const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase( userId, undefined, workflowTimeout <= 0 ? undefined : Date.now() + workflowTimeout * 1000, ); additionalData.restartExecutionId = this.data.restartExecutionId; additionalData.hooks = this.getProcessForwardHooks(); additionalData.hooks.hookFunctions.sendResponse = [ async (response: IExecuteResponsePromiseData): Promise => { await sendToParentProcess('sendResponse', { response: WebhookHelpers.encodeWebhookResponse(response), }); }, ]; additionalData.executionId = inputData.executionId; additionalData.setExecutionStatus = WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.setExecutionStatus.bind({ executionId: inputData.executionId, }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any additionalData.sendMessageToUI = async (source: string, message: any) => { if (workflowRunner.data!.executionMode !== 'manual') { return; } try { await sendToParentProcess('sendMessageToUI', { source, message }); } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); this.logger.error( `There was a problem sending UI data to parent process: "${error.message}"`, ); } }; const executeWorkflowFunction = additionalData.executeWorkflow; additionalData.executeWorkflow = async ( workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, options?: { parentWorkflowId?: string; inputData?: INodeExecutionData[]; parentWorkflowSettings?: IWorkflowSettings; }, ): Promise | IRun> => { const workflowData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getWorkflowData( workflowInfo, options?.parentWorkflowId, options?.parentWorkflowSettings, ); const runData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getRunData( workflowData, additionalData.userId, options?.inputData, options?.parentWorkflowId, ); await sendToParentProcess('startExecution', { runData }); const executionId: string = await new Promise((resolve) => { this.executionIdCallback = (executionId: string) => { resolve(executionId); }; }); void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowBeforeExecute(executionId || '', runData); let result: IRun; try { const executeWorkflowFunctionOutput = (await executeWorkflowFunction( workflowInfo, additionalData, { parentWorkflowId: options?.parentWorkflowId, inputData: options?.inputData, parentExecutionId: executionId, loadedWorkflowData: workflowData, loadedRunData: runData, parentWorkflowSettings: options?.parentWorkflowSettings, }, )) as { workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; workflow: Workflow } as IWorkflowExecuteProcess; const { workflowExecute } = executeWorkflowFunctionOutput; this.childExecutions[executionId] = executeWorkflowFunctionOutput; const { workflow } = executeWorkflowFunctionOutput; result = await workflowExecute.processRunExecutionData(workflow); await externalHooks.run('workflow.postExecute', [result, workflowData, executionId]); void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowPostExecute( executionId, workflowData, result, additionalData.userId, ); await sendToParentProcess('finishExecution', { executionId, result }); delete this.childExecutions[executionId]; } catch (e) { await sendToParentProcess('finishExecution', { executionId }); delete this.childExecutions[executionId]; // Throw same error we had throw e; } await sendToParentProcess('finishExecution', { executionId, result }); const returnData = WorkflowHelpers.getDataLastExecutedNodeData(result); if (returnData!.error) { const error = new Error(returnData!.error.message); error.stack = returnData!.error.stack; throw error; } return returnData!.data!.main; }; if (this.data.executionData !== undefined) { this.workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute( additionalData, this.data.executionMode, this.data.executionData, ); return this.workflowExecute.processRunExecutionData(this.workflow); } if ( this.data.runData === undefined || this.data.startNodes === undefined || this.data.startNodes.length === 0 || this.data.destinationNode === undefined ) { // Execute all nodes let startNode; if ( this.data.startNodes?.length === 1 && Object.keys(this.data.pinData ?? {}).includes(this.data.startNodes[0]) ) { startNode = this.workflow.getNode(this.data.startNodes[0]) ?? undefined; } // Can execute without webhook so go on this.workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, this.data.executionMode); return this.workflowExecute.run( this.workflow, startNode, this.data.destinationNode, this.data.pinData, ); } // Execute only the nodes between start and destination nodes this.workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, this.data.executionMode); return this.workflowExecute.runPartialWorkflow( this.workflow, this.data.runData, this.data.startNodes, this.data.destinationNode, this.data.pinData, ); } /** * Sends hook data to the parent process that it executes them * */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any async sendHookToParentProcess(hook: string, parameters: any[]) { try { await sendToParentProcess('processHook', { hook, parameters, }); } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); this.logger.error(`There was a problem sending hook: "${hook}"`, { parameters, error }); } } /** * Create a wrapper for hooks which simply forwards the data to * the parent process where they then can be executed with access * to database and to PushService * */ getProcessForwardHooks(): WorkflowHooks { const hookFunctions: IWorkflowExecuteHooks = { nodeExecuteBefore: [ async (nodeName: string): Promise => { await this.sendHookToParentProcess('nodeExecuteBefore', [nodeName]); }, ], nodeExecuteAfter: [ async (nodeName: string, data: ITaskData): Promise => { await this.sendHookToParentProcess('nodeExecuteAfter', [nodeName, data]); }, ], workflowExecuteBefore: [ async (): Promise => { await this.sendHookToParentProcess('workflowExecuteBefore', []); }, ], workflowExecuteAfter: [ async (fullRunData: IRun, newStaticData?: IDataObject): Promise => { await this.sendHookToParentProcess('workflowExecuteAfter', [fullRunData, newStaticData]); }, ], nodeFetchedData: [ async (workflowId: string, node: INode) => { await this.sendHookToParentProcess('nodeFetchedData', [workflowId, node]); }, ], }; const preExecuteFunctions = WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.hookFunctionsPreExecute(); for (const key of Object.keys(preExecuteFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], preExecuteFunctions[key]); } return new WorkflowHooks( hookFunctions, this.data!.executionMode, this.data!.executionId, this.data!.workflowData, { sessionId: this.data!.sessionId, retryOf: this.data!.retryOf as string }, ); } } /** * Sends data to parent process * * @param {string} type The type of data to send * @param {*} data The data */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any async function sendToParentProcess(type: string, data: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.send!( { type, data, }, (error: Error) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } resolve(); }, ); }); } const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunnerProcess(); // Listen to messages from parent process which send the data of // the workflow to process process.on('message', async (message: IProcessMessage) => { try { if (message.type === 'startWorkflow') { await sendToParentProcess('start', {}); const runData = await workflowRunner.runWorkflow(message.data); await sendToParentProcess('end', { runData, }); // Once the workflow got executed make sure the process gets killed again process.exit(); } else if (message.type === 'stopExecution' || message.type === 'timeout') { // The workflow execution should be stopped let runData: IRun; if (workflowRunner.workflowExecute !== undefined) { const executionIds = Object.keys(workflowRunner.childExecutions); for (const executionId of executionIds) { const childWorkflowExecute = workflowRunner.childExecutions[executionId]; runData = childWorkflowExecute.workflowExecute.getFullRunData( workflowRunner.childExecutions[executionId].startedAt, ); const timeOutError = message.type === 'timeout' ? new WorkflowOperationError('Workflow execution timed out!') : new WorkflowOperationError('Workflow-Execution has been canceled!'); // If there is any data send it to parent process, if execution timedout add the error await childWorkflowExecute.workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution( workflowRunner.childExecutions[executionId].startedAt, childWorkflowExecute.workflow, timeOutError, ); } // Workflow started already executing runData = workflowRunner.workflowExecute.getFullRunData(workflowRunner.startedAt); const timeOutError = message.type === 'timeout' ? new WorkflowOperationError('Workflow execution timed out!') : new WorkflowOperationError('Workflow-Execution has been canceled!'); runData.status = message.type === 'timeout' ? 'failed' : 'canceled'; // If there is any data send it to parent process, if execution timedout add the error await workflowRunner.workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution( workflowRunner.startedAt, workflowRunner.workflow!, timeOutError, ); } else { // Workflow did not get started yet runData = { data: { resultData: { runData: {}, }, }, finished: false, mode: workflowRunner.data ? workflowRunner.data.executionMode : ('own' as WorkflowExecuteMode), startedAt: workflowRunner.startedAt, stoppedAt: new Date(), status: 'canceled', }; await workflowRunner.sendHookToParentProcess('workflowExecuteAfter', [runData]); } await sendToParentProcess(message.type === 'timeout' ? message.type : 'end', { runData, }); // Stop process process.exit(); } else if (message.type === 'executionId') { workflowRunner.executionIdCallback(message.data.executionId); } } catch (error) { workflowRunner.logger.error(error.message); // Catch all uncaught errors and forward them to parent process const executionError = { ...error, name: error.name || 'Error', message: error.message, stack: error.stack, } as ExecutionError; await sendToParentProcess('processError', { executionError, }); process.exit(); } });