import { DeleteResult, EntityManager, In, Not } from 'typeorm'; import { Db, ICredentialsDb, ResponseHelper, WorkflowHelpers } from '..'; import { SharedWorkflow } from '../databases/entities/SharedWorkflow'; import { User } from '../databases/entities/User'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '../databases/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import { RoleService } from '../role/role.service'; import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'; import { WorkflowsService } from './'; import { WorkflowWithSharings } from './workflows.types'; import { EECredentialsService as EECredentials } from '../credentials/'; export class EEWorkflowsService extends WorkflowsService { static async isOwned( user: User, workflowId: string, ): Promise<{ ownsWorkflow: boolean; workflow?: WorkflowEntity }> { const sharing = await this.getSharing(user, workflowId, ['workflow', 'role'], { allowGlobalOwner: false, }); if (!sharing || !== 'owner') return { ownsWorkflow: false }; const { workflow } = sharing; return { ownsWorkflow: true, workflow }; } static async getSharings( transaction: EntityManager, workflowId: string, ): Promise { const workflow = await transaction.findOne(WorkflowEntity, workflowId, { relations: ['shared'], }); return workflow?.shared ?? []; } static async pruneSharings( transaction: EntityManager, workflowId: string, userIds: string[], ): Promise { return transaction.delete(SharedWorkflow, { workflow: { id: workflowId }, user: { id: Not(In(userIds)) }, }); } static async share( transaction: EntityManager, workflow: WorkflowEntity, shareWithIds: string[], ): Promise { const [users, role] = await Promise.all([ UserService.getByIds(transaction, shareWithIds), RoleService.trxGet(transaction, { scope: 'workflow', name: 'editor' }), ]); const newSharedWorkflows = users.reduce((acc, user) => { if (user.isPending) { return acc; } acc.push( Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.create({ workflow, user, role, }), ); return acc; }, []); return; } static addOwnerAndSharings( workflow: WorkflowEntity & WorkflowWithSharings, ): WorkflowEntity & WorkflowWithSharings { workflow.ownedBy = null; workflow.sharedWith = []; workflow.shared?.forEach(({ user, role }) => { const { id, email, firstName, lastName } = user; if ( === 'owner') { workflow.ownedBy = { id, email, firstName, lastName }; return; } workflow.sharedWith?.push({ id, email, firstName, lastName }); }); // @ts-ignore delete workflow.shared; return workflow; } static validateCredentialPermissionsToUser( workflow: WorkflowEntity, allowedCredentials: ICredentialsDb[], ) { workflow.nodes.forEach((node) => { if (!node.credentials) { return; } Object.keys(node.credentials).forEach((credentialType) => { const credentialId = parseInt(node.credentials?.[credentialType].id ?? '', 10); const matchedCredential = allowedCredentials.find( (credential) => === credentialId, ); if (!matchedCredential) { throw new Error('The workflow contains credentials that you do not have access to'); } }); }); } static async updateWorkflow( user: User, workflow: WorkflowEntity, workflowId: string, tags?: string[], ): Promise { const previousVersion = await EEWorkflowsService.get({ id: parseInt(workflowId, 10) }); if (!previousVersion) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Workflow not found', undefined, 404); } const allCredentials = await EECredentials.getAll(user); try { workflow = WorkflowHelpers.validateWorkflowCredentialUsage( workflow, previousVersion, allCredentials, ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( 'Invalid workflow credentials - make sure you have access to all credentials and try again.', undefined, 400, ); } return super.updateWorkflow(user, workflow, workflowId, tags); } }