import { LoggerProxy } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { FindManyOptions, FindOneOptions, ObjectLiteral } from 'typeorm'; import { ActiveWorkflowRunner, Db, InternalHooksManager, ResponseHelper, whereClause, WorkflowHelpers, } from '..'; import config from '../../config'; import { SharedWorkflow } from '../databases/entities/SharedWorkflow'; import { User } from '../databases/entities/User'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '../databases/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import { validateEntity } from '../GenericHelpers'; import { externalHooks } from '../Server'; import * as TagHelpers from '../TagHelpers'; export class WorkflowsService { static async getSharing( user: User, workflowId: number | string, relations: string[] = ['workflow'], { allowGlobalOwner } = { allowGlobalOwner: true }, ): Promise { const options: FindOneOptions & { where: ObjectLiteral } = { where: { workflow: { id: workflowId }, }, }; // Omit user from where if the requesting user is the global // owner. This allows the global owner to view and delete // workflows they don't own. if (!allowGlobalOwner || !== 'owner') { options.where.user = { id: }; } if (relations?.length) { options.relations = relations; } return Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne(options); } static async get(workflow: Partial, options?: { relations: string[] }) { return Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(workflow, options); } static async updateWorkflow( user: User, workflow: WorkflowEntity, workflowId: string, tags?: string[], ): Promise { const shared = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ relations: ['workflow'], where: whereClause({ user, entityType: 'workflow', entityId: workflowId, }), }); if (!shared) {'User attempted to update a workflow without permissions', { workflowId, userId:, }); throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( `Workflow with ID "${workflowId}" could not be found to be updated.`, undefined, 404, ); } // check credentials for old format await WorkflowHelpers.replaceInvalidCredentials(workflow); WorkflowHelpers.addNodeIds(workflow); await'workflow.update', [workflow]); if ( { // When workflow gets saved always remove it as the triggers could have been // changed and so the changes would not take effect await ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance().remove(workflowId); } if (workflow.settings) { if (workflow.settings.timezone === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save the default timezone delete workflow.settings.timezone; } if (workflow.settings.saveDataErrorExecution === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete workflow.settings.saveDataErrorExecution; } if (workflow.settings.saveDataSuccessExecution === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete workflow.settings.saveDataSuccessExecution; } if (workflow.settings.saveManualExecutions === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete workflow.settings.saveManualExecutions; } if ( parseInt(workflow.settings.executionTimeout as string, 10) === config.get('executions.timeout') ) { // Do not save when default got set delete workflow.settings.executionTimeout; } } if ( { workflow.updatedAt = new Date(); // required due to atomic update await validateEntity(workflow); } await Db.collections.Workflow.update(workflowId, workflow); if (tags && !config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) { const tablePrefix = config.getEnv('database.tablePrefix'); await TagHelpers.removeRelations(workflowId, tablePrefix); if (tags.length) { await TagHelpers.createRelations(workflowId, tags, tablePrefix); } } const options: FindManyOptions = { relations: ['tags'], }; if (config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) { delete options.relations; } // We sadly get nothing back from "update". Neither if it updated a record // nor the new value. So query now the hopefully updated entry. const updatedWorkflow = await Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(workflowId, options); if (updatedWorkflow === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( `Workflow with ID "${workflowId}" could not be found to be updated.`, undefined, 400, ); } if (updatedWorkflow.tags?.length && tags?.length) { updatedWorkflow.tags = TagHelpers.sortByRequestOrder(updatedWorkflow.tags, { requestOrder: tags, }); } await'workflow.afterUpdate', [updatedWorkflow]); void InternalHooksManager.getInstance().onWorkflowSaved(, updatedWorkflow, false); if ( { // When the workflow is supposed to be active add it again try { await'workflow.activate', [updatedWorkflow]); await ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance().add( workflowId, ? 'update' : 'activate', ); } catch (error) { // If workflow could not be activated set it again to inactive = false; await Db.collections.Workflow.update(workflowId, workflow); // Also set it in the returned data = false; // Now return the original error for UI to display throw error; } } return updatedWorkflow; } }