import type { IDataObject } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { formatPrivateKey } from '@utils/utilities'; import { Client } from 'ssh2'; import type { ConnectConfig } from 'ssh2'; import type { Server } from 'net'; import { createServer } from 'net'; import pgPromise from 'pg-promise'; import type { PgpDatabase } from '../helpers/interfaces'; async function createSshConnectConfig(credentials: IDataObject) { if (credentials.sshAuthenticateWith === 'password') { return { host: credentials.sshHost as string, port: credentials.sshPort as number, username: credentials.sshUser as string, password: credentials.sshPassword as string, } as ConnectConfig; } else { const options: ConnectConfig = { host: credentials.sshHost as string, username: credentials.sshUser as string, port: credentials.sshPort as number, privateKey: formatPrivateKey(credentials.privateKey as string), }; if (credentials.passphrase) { options.passphrase = credentials.passphrase as string; } return options; } } export async function configurePostgres( credentials: IDataObject, options: IDataObject = {}, createdSshClient?: Client, ) { const pgp = pgPromise({ // prevent spam in console "WARNING: Creating a duplicate database object for the same connection." // duplicate connections created when auto loading parameters, they are closed imidiatly after, but several could be open at the same time noWarnings: true, }); if (typeof options.nodeVersion == 'number' && options.nodeVersion >= 2.1) { // Always return dates as ISO strings [,].forEach((type) => {, (value: string) => { return new Date(value).toISOString(); }); }); } if (options.largeNumbersOutput === 'numbers') {, (value: string) => { return parseInt(value, 10); });, (value: string) => { return parseFloat(value); }); } const dbConfig: IDataObject = { host: as string, port: credentials.port as number, database: credentials.database as string, user: credentials.user as string, password: credentials.password as string, }; if (options.connectionTimeout) { dbConfig.connectionTimeoutMillis = (options.connectionTimeout as number) * 1000; } if (credentials.allowUnauthorizedCerts === true) { dbConfig.ssl = { rejectUnauthorized: false, }; } else { dbConfig.ssl = !['disable', undefined].includes(credentials.ssl as string | undefined); dbConfig.sslmode = (credentials.ssl as string) || 'disable'; } if (!credentials.sshTunnel) { const db = pgp(dbConfig); return { db, pgp }; } else { const sshClient = createdSshClient || new Client(); const tunnelConfig = await createSshConnectConfig(credentials); const localHost = ''; const localPort = credentials.sshPostgresPort as number; let proxy: Server | undefined; const db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let sshClientReady = false; proxy = createServer((socket) => { if (!sshClientReady) return socket.destroy(); sshClient.forwardOut( socket.remoteAddress as string, socket.remotePort as number, as string, credentials.port as number, (err, stream) => { if (err) reject(err); socket.pipe(stream); stream.pipe(socket); }, ); }).listen(localPort, localHost); proxy.on('error', (err) => { reject(err); }); sshClient.connect(tunnelConfig); sshClient.on('ready', () => { sshClientReady = true; const updatedDbConfig = { ...dbConfig, port: localPort, host: localHost, }; const dbConnection = pgp(updatedDbConfig); resolve(dbConnection); }); sshClient.on('error', (err) => { reject(err); }); sshClient.on('end', async () => { if (proxy) proxy.close(); }); }).catch((err) => { if (proxy) proxy.close(); if (sshClient) sshClient.end(); let message = err.message; let description = err.description; if (err.message.includes('ECONNREFUSED')) { message = 'Connection refused'; try { description = err.message.split('ECONNREFUSED ')[1].trim(); } catch (e) {} } if (err.message.includes('ENOTFOUND')) { message = 'Host not found'; try { description = err.message.split('ENOTFOUND ')[1].trim(); } catch (e) {} } if (err.message.includes('ETIMEDOUT')) { message = 'Connection timed out'; try { description = err.message.split('ETIMEDOUT ')[1].trim(); } catch (e) {} } err.message = message; err.description = description; throw err; }); return { db, pgp, sshClient }; } }