import { IDataObject, IPollFunctions } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { apiRequest } from './v2/transport'; import { SheetDataRow, SheetRangeData } from './v2/helpers/GoogleSheets.types'; import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; import { isEqual, zip } from 'lodash'; export const BINARY_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'; type DiffData = Array<{ rowIndex: number; previous: SheetDataRow; current: SheetDataRow; changeType: string; }>; export async function getRevisionFile(this: IPollFunctions, exportLink: string) { const mimeType = BINARY_MIME_TYPE; const response = await this, 'GET', '', undefined, { mimeType }, exportLink, undefined, { resolveWithFullResponse: true, encoding: null, json: false, }, ); return Buffer.from(response.body as string); } export function sheetBinaryToArrayOfArrays( data: Buffer, sheetName: string, range: string | undefined, ) { const workbook =, { type: 'buffer', sheets: [sheetName] }); const sheet = workbook.Sheets[sheetName]; const sheetData: string[][] = sheet['!ref'] ? XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(sheet, { header: 1, defval: '', range }) : []; const lastDataRowIndex = sheetData.reduce((lastRowIndex, row, rowIndex) => { if (row.some((cell) => cell !== '')) { return rowIndex; } return lastRowIndex; }, 0); return sheetData.slice(0, lastDataRowIndex + 1); } export function arrayOfArraysToJson(sheetData: SheetRangeData, columns: SheetDataRow) { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < sheetData.length; rowIndex++) { const rowData: IDataObject = {}; for (let columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.length; columnIndex++) { const columnName = columns[columnIndex]; const cellValue = sheetData[rowIndex][columnIndex] || ''; rowData[columnName] = cellValue; } returnData.push(rowData); } return returnData; } const getSpecificColumns = ( row: SheetDataRow, selectedColumns: SheetDataRow, columns: SheetDataRow, ) => { return row ? => row[columns.indexOf(column) - 1]) : []; }; const extractVersionData = ( data: DiffData, version: 'previous' | 'current', triggerEvent: string, ) => { if (triggerEvent === 'anyUpdate') { return{ [version]: entry, rowIndex, changeType }) => entry ? [rowIndex, changeType, ...entry] : [rowIndex, changeType], ); } return{ [version]: entry, rowIndex }) => (entry ? [rowIndex, ...entry] : [rowIndex])); }; export function compareRevisions( previous: SheetRangeData, current: SheetRangeData, keyRow: number, includeInOutput: string, columnsToWatch: string[], dataStartIndex: number, event: string, ) { const dataLength = current.length > previous.length ? current.length : previous.length; const columnsRowIndex = keyRow - 1; const columnsInCurrent = current[columnsRowIndex]; const columnsInPrevious = previous[columnsRowIndex]; let columns: SheetDataRow = event === 'anyUpdate' ? ['row_number', 'change_type'] : ['row_number']; if (columnsInCurrent !== undefined && columnsInPrevious !== undefined) { columns = columnsInCurrent.length > columnsInPrevious.length ? columns.concat(columnsInCurrent) : columns.concat(columnsInPrevious); } else if (columnsInCurrent !== undefined) { columns = columns.concat(columnsInCurrent); } else if (columnsInPrevious !== undefined) { columns = columns.concat(columnsInPrevious); } const diffData: DiffData = []; for (let i = dataStartIndex; i < dataLength; i++) { if (i === columnsRowIndex) { continue; } // sheets API omits trailing empty columns, xlsx does not - so we need to pad the shorter array if (Array.isArray(current[i]) && Array.isArray(previous[i])) { while (current[i].length < previous[i].length) { current[i].push(''); } } // if columnsToWatch is defined, only compare those columns if (columnsToWatch?.length) { const currentRow = getSpecificColumns(current[i], columnsToWatch, columns); const previousRow = getSpecificColumns(previous[i], columnsToWatch, columns); if (isEqual(currentRow, previousRow)) continue; } else { if (isEqual(current[i], previous[i])) continue; } if (event === 'rowUpdate' && (!previous[i] || previous[i].every((cell) => cell === ''))) continue; let changeType = 'updated'; if (previous[i] === undefined) { previous[i] = current[i].map(() => ''); changeType = 'added'; } if (current[i] === undefined) continue; diffData.push({ rowIndex: i + 1, previous: previous[i], current: current[i], changeType, }); } if (includeInOutput === 'old') { return arrayOfArraysToJson(extractVersionData(diffData, 'previous', event), columns); } if (includeInOutput === 'both') { const previousData = arrayOfArraysToJson( extractVersionData(diffData, 'previous', event), columns, ).map((row) => ({ previous: row })); const currentData = arrayOfArraysToJson( extractVersionData(diffData, 'current', event), columns, ).map((row) => ({ current: row })); const differences ={ current: currentRow }, index) => { const { row_number, } = currentRow; const returnData: IDataObject = {}; returnData.row_number = row_number; Object.keys(rest).forEach((key) => { const previousValue = previousData[index].previous[key]; const currentValue = currentRow[key]; if (isEqual(previousValue, currentValue)) return; returnData[key] = { previous: previousValue, current: currentValue, }; }); return { differences: returnData }; }); return zip(previousData, currentData, differences).map((row) => Object.assign({}, ...row)); } return arrayOfArraysToJson(extractVersionData(diffData, 'current', event), columns); }