import type { ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeListSearchItems, INodeListSearchResult, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { githubApiRequest } from './GenericFunctions'; type UserSearchItem = { login: string; html_url: string; }; type RepositorySearchItem = { name: string; html_url: string; }; type UserSearchResponse = { items: UserSearchItem[]; total_count: number; }; type RepositorySearchResponse = { items: RepositorySearchItem[]; total_count: number; }; export async function getUsers( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: string, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise<INodeListSearchResult> { const page = paginationToken ? +paginationToken : 1; const per_page = 100; const responseData: UserSearchResponse = await this, 'GET', '/search/users', {}, { q: filter, page, per_page }, ); const results: INodeListSearchItems[] = UserSearchItem) => ({ name: item.login, value: item.login, url: item.html_url, })); const nextPaginationToken = page * per_page < responseData.total_count ? page + 1 : undefined; return { results, paginationToken: nextPaginationToken }; } export async function getRepositories( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: string, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise<INodeListSearchResult> { const owner = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('owner', { extractValue: true }); const page = paginationToken ? +paginationToken : 1; const per_page = 100; const q = `${filter ?? ''} user:${owner} fork:true`; let responseData: RepositorySearchResponse = { items: [], total_count: 0, }; try { responseData = await this, 'GET', '/search/repositories', {}, { q, page, per_page }, ); } catch { // will fail if the owner does not have any repositories } const results: INodeListSearchItems[] = RepositorySearchItem) => ({ name:, value:, url: item.html_url, })); const nextPaginationToken = page * per_page < responseData.total_count ? page + 1 : undefined; return { results, paginationToken: nextPaginationToken }; } export async function getWorkflows( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise<INodeListSearchResult> { const owner = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('owner', { extractValue: true }); const repository = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('repository', { extractValue: true }); const page = paginationToken ? +paginationToken : 1; const per_page = 100; const endpoint = `/repos/${owner}/${repository}/actions/workflows`; let responseData: { workflows: Array<{ id: string; name: string }>; total_count: number } = { workflows: [], total_count: 0, }; try { responseData = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}, { page, per_page }); } catch { // will fail if the repository does not have any workflows } const results: INodeListSearchItems[] = => ({ name:, value:, })); const nextPaginationToken = page * per_page < responseData.total_count ? page + 1 : undefined; return { results, paginationToken: nextPaginationToken }; }