import { License } from '@/License'; import config from '@/config'; import { getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime } from '@/workflows/workflowHistory/'; import { mockInstance } from '../shared/mocking'; let licensePruneTime = -1; beforeAll(async () => { mockInstance(License, { getWorkflowHistoryPruneLimit() { return licensePruneTime; }, }); }); beforeEach(() => { licensePruneTime = -1; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', -1); }); describe('getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime', () => { test('should return -1 (infinite) if config and license are -1', () => { licensePruneTime = -1; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', -1); expect(getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime()).toBe(-1); }); test('should return config time if license is infinite and config is not', () => { licensePruneTime = -1; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', 24); expect(getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime()).toBe(24); }); test('should return license time if config is infinite and license is not', () => { licensePruneTime = 25; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', -1); expect(getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime()).toBe(25); }); test('should return lowest of config and license time if both are not -1', () => { licensePruneTime = 26; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', 100); expect(getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime()).toBe(26); licensePruneTime = 100; config.set('workflowHistory.pruneTime', 27); expect(getWorkflowHistoryPruneTime()).toBe(27); }); });