import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { simpleParser } from 'mailparser'; import type { IBinaryKeyData, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IHttpRequestMethods, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INode, INodeExecutionData, IPollFunctions, IRequestOptions, JsonObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import MailComposer from 'nodemailer/lib/mail-composer'; import type { IEmail } from '../../../utils/sendAndWait/interfaces'; import { escapeHtml } from '../../../utils/utilities'; import { getGoogleAccessToken } from '../GenericFunctions'; export interface IAttachments { type: string; name: string; content: string; } export async function googleApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IPollFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, option: IDataObject = {}, ) { let options: IRequestOptions = { headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, method, body, qs, uri: uri || `${endpoint}`, qsStringifyOptions: { arrayFormat: 'repeat', }, json: true, }; options = Object.assign({}, options, option); try { if (Object.keys(body).length === 0) { delete options.body; } let credentialType = 'gmailOAuth2'; const authentication = this.getNodeParameter('authentication', 0) as string; if (authentication === 'serviceAccount') { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('googleApi'); credentialType = 'googleApi'; const { access_token } = await, credentials, 'gmail'); (options.headers as IDataObject).Authorization = `Bearer ${access_token}`; } const response = await this, credentialType, options, ); return response; } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ERR_OSSL_PEM_NO_START_LINE') { error.statusCode = '401'; } if (error.httpCode === '400') { if (error.cause && ((error.cause.message as string) || '').includes('Invalid id value')) { const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const errorOptions = { message: `Invalid ${resource} ID`, description: `${ resource.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + resource.slice(1) } IDs should look something like this: 182b676d244938bd`, }; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, errorOptions); } } if (error.httpCode === '404') { let resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; if (resource === 'label') { resource = 'label ID'; } const errorOptions = { message: `${resource.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + resource.slice(1)} not found`, description: '', }; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, errorOptions); } if (error.httpCode === '409') { const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; if (resource === 'label') { const errorOptions = { message: 'Label name exists already', description: '', }; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, errorOptions); } } if (error.code === 'EAUTH') { const errorOptions = { message: error?.body?.error_description || 'Authorization error', description: (error as Error).message, }; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, errorOptions); } if ( ((error.message as string) || '').includes('Bad request - please check your parameters') && error.description ) { const errorOptions = { message: error.description, description: '', }; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, errorOptions); } throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, { message: error.message, description: error.description, }); } } export async function parseRawEmail( this: IExecuteFunctions | IPollFunctions, messageData: any, dataPropertyNameDownload: string, ): Promise { const messageEncoded = Buffer.from(messageData.raw as string, 'base64').toString('utf8'); const responseData = await simpleParser(messageEncoded); const headers: IDataObject = {}; for (const header of responseData.headerLines) { headers[header.key] = header.line; } const binaryData: IBinaryKeyData = {}; if (responseData.attachments) { const downloadAttachments = this.getNodeParameter( 'options.downloadAttachments', 0, false, ) as boolean; if (downloadAttachments) { for (let i = 0; i < responseData.attachments.length; i++) { const attachment = responseData.attachments[i]; binaryData[`${dataPropertyNameDownload}${i}`] = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData( attachment.content, attachment.filename, attachment.contentType, ); } } } const mailBaseData: IDataObject = {}; const resolvedModeAddProperties = ['id', 'threadId', 'labelIds', 'sizeEstimate']; for (const key of resolvedModeAddProperties) { mailBaseData[key] = messageData[key]; } const json = Object.assign({}, mailBaseData, responseData, { headers, headerLines: undefined, attachments: undefined, // Having data in IDataObjects that is not representable in JSON leads to // inconsistencies between test executions and production executions. // During a manual execution this would be stringified and during a // production execution the next node would receive a date instance. date: ? :, }) as IDataObject; return { json, binary: Object.keys(binaryData).length ? binaryData : undefined, } as INodeExecutionData; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function converts an email object into a MIME encoded email and then converts that string into base64 encoding // for more info on MIME, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ export async function encodeEmail(email: IEmail) { // const mailOptions = { from: email.from, to:, cc:, bcc: email.bcc, replyTo: email.replyTo, inReplyTo: email.inReplyTo, references: email.reference, subject: email.subject, text: email.body, keepBcc: true, } as IDataObject; if (email.htmlBody) { mailOptions.html = email.htmlBody; } if ( email.attachments !== undefined && Array.isArray(email.attachments) && email.attachments.length > 0 ) { const attachments = => ({ filename:, content: attachment.content, contentType: attachment.type, encoding: 'base64', })); mailOptions.attachments = attachments; } const mail = new MailComposer(mailOptions).compile(); // by default the bcc headers are deleted when the mail is built. // So add keepBcc flag to override such behaviour. Only works when // the flag is set after the compilation. // @ts-expect-error - mail.keepBcc = true; const mailBody = await; return mailBody.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); } export async function googleApiRequestAllItems( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IPollFunctions, propertyName: string, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; query.maxResults = 100; do { responseData = await, method, endpoint, body as IDataObject, query); query.pageToken = responseData.nextPageToken; returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData[propertyName] as IDataObject[]); } while (responseData.nextPageToken !== undefined && responseData.nextPageToken !== ''); return returnData; } export function extractEmail(s: string) { if (s.includes('<')) { const data = s.split('<')[1]; return data.substring(0, data.length - 1); } return s; } export const prepareTimestamp = ( node: INode, itemIndex: number, query: string, dateValue: string | number | DateTime, label: 'after' | 'before', ) => { if (dateValue instanceof DateTime) { dateValue = dateValue.toISO(); } let timestamp = DateTime.fromISO(dateValue as string).toSeconds(); const timestampLengthInMilliseconds1990 = 12; if (typeof timestamp === 'number') { timestamp = Math.round(timestamp); } if ( !timestamp && typeof dateValue === 'number' && dateValue.toString().length < timestampLengthInMilliseconds1990 ) { timestamp = dateValue; } if (!timestamp && (dateValue as string).length < timestampLengthInMilliseconds1990) { timestamp = parseInt(dateValue as string, 10); } if (!timestamp) { timestamp = Math.floor(DateTime.fromMillis(parseInt(dateValue as string, 10)).toSeconds()); } if (!timestamp) { const description = `'${dateValue}' isn't a valid date and time. If you're using an expression, be sure to set an ISO date string or a timestamp.`; throw new NodeOperationError( node, `Invalid date/time in 'Received ${label[0].toUpperCase() + label.slice(1)}' field`, { description, itemIndex, }, ); } if (query) { query += ` ${label}:${timestamp}`; } else { query = `${label}:${timestamp}`; } return query; }; export function prepareQuery( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IPollFunctions, fields: IDataObject, itemIndex: number, ) { const qs: IDataObject = { ...fields }; if (qs.labelIds) { if (qs.labelIds === '') { delete qs.labelIds; } else { qs.labelIds = qs.labelIds as string[]; } } if (qs.sender) { if (qs.q) { qs.q += ` from:${qs.sender}`; } else { qs.q = `from:${qs.sender}`; } delete qs.sender; } if (qs.readStatus && qs.readStatus !== 'both') { if (qs.q) { qs.q += ` is:${qs.readStatus}`; } else { qs.q = `is:${qs.readStatus}`; } delete qs.readStatus; } if (qs.receivedAfter) { qs.q = prepareTimestamp( this.getNode(), itemIndex, qs.q as string, qs.receivedAfter as string, 'after', ); delete qs.receivedAfter; } if (qs.receivedBefore) { qs.q = prepareTimestamp( this.getNode(), itemIndex, qs.q as string, qs.receivedBefore as string, 'before', ); delete qs.receivedBefore; } return qs; } export function prepareEmailsInput( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, input: string, fieldName: string, itemIndex: number, ) { let emails = ''; input.split(',').forEach((entry) => { const email = entry.trim(); if (email.indexOf('@') === -1) { const description = `The email address '${email}' in the '${fieldName}' field isn't valid`; throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'Invalid email address', { description, itemIndex, }); } if (email.includes('<') && email.includes('>')) { emails += `${email},`; } else { emails += `<${email}>, `; } }); return emails; } export function prepareEmailBody( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, itemIndex: number, appendAttribution = false, instanceId?: string, ) { const emailType = this.getNodeParameter('emailType', itemIndex) as string; let message = (this.getNodeParameter('message', itemIndex, '') as string).trim(); if (appendAttribution) { const attributionText = 'This email was sent automatically with '; const link = `${encodeURIComponent( '', )}${instanceId ? '_' + instanceId : ''}`; if (emailType === 'html') { message = ` ${message}

${attributionText}n8n `; } else { message = `${message}\n\n---\n${attributionText}n8n\n${''}`; } } const body = { body: '', htmlBody: '', }; if (emailType === 'html') { body.htmlBody = message; } else { body.body = message; } return body; } export async function prepareEmailAttachments( this: IExecuteFunctions, options: IDataObject, itemIndex: number, ) { const attachmentsList: IDataObject[] = []; const attachments = options.attachmentsBinary as IDataObject[]; if (attachments && !isEmpty(attachments)) { for (const { property } of attachments) { for (const name of (property as string).split(',')) { const binaryData = this.helpers.assertBinaryData(itemIndex, name); const binaryDataBuffer = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer(itemIndex, name); if (!Buffer.isBuffer(binaryDataBuffer)) { const description = `The input field '${name}' doesn't contain an attachment. Please make sure you specify a field containing binary data`; throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'Attachment not found', { description, itemIndex, }); } attachmentsList.push({ name: binaryData.fileName || 'unknown', content: binaryDataBuffer, type: binaryData.mimeType, }); } } } return attachmentsList; } export function unescapeSnippets(items: INodeExecutionData[]) { const result = => { const snippet = item.json.snippet as string; if (snippet) { item.json.snippet = escapeHtml(snippet); } return item; }); return result; } export async function replyToEmail( this: IExecuteFunctions, gmailId: string, options: IDataObject, itemIndex: number, ) { let qs: IDataObject = {}; let cc = ''; let bcc = ''; if (options.ccList) { cc =, options.ccList as string, 'CC', itemIndex); } if (options.bccList) { bcc =, options.bccList as string, 'BCC', itemIndex); } let attachments: IDataObject[] = []; if (options.attachmentsUi) { attachments = await this, options.attachmentsUi as IDataObject, itemIndex, ); if (attachments.length) { qs = { userId: 'me', uploadType: 'media', }; } } const endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${gmailId}`; qs.format = 'metadata'; const { payload, threadId } = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}, qs); const subject = payload.headers.filter( (data: { [key: string]: string }) => === 'subject', )[0]?.value || ''; const messageIdGlobal = payload.headers.filter( (data: { [key: string]: string }) => === 'message-id', )[0]?.value || ''; const { emailAddress } = await, 'GET', '/gmail/v1/users/me/profile'); let to = ''; const replyToSenderOnly = options.replyToSenderOnly === undefined ? false : (options.replyToSenderOnly as boolean); const prepareEmailString = (email: string) => { if (email.includes(emailAddress as string)) return; if (email.includes('<') && email.includes('>')) { to += `${email}, `; } else { to += `<${email}>, `; } }; for (const header of payload.headers as IDataObject[]) { if ((( as string) || '').toLowerCase() === 'from') { const from = header.value as string; if (from.includes('<') && from.includes('>')) { to += `${from}, `; } else { to += `<${from}>, `; } } if ((( as string) || '').toLowerCase() === 'to' && !replyToSenderOnly) { const toEmails = header.value as string; toEmails.split(',').forEach(prepareEmailString); } } let from = ''; if (options.senderName) { from = `${options.senderName as string} <${emailAddress}>`; } const email: IEmail = { from, to, cc, bcc, subject, attachments, inReplyTo: messageIdGlobal, reference: messageIdGlobal,, itemIndex), }; const body = { raw: await encodeEmail(email), threadId, }; return await, 'POST', '/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send', body, qs); } export async function simplifyOutput( this: IExecuteFunctions | IPollFunctions, data: IDataObject[], ) { const labelsData = await, 'GET', '/gmail/v1/users/me/labels'); const labels = ((labelsData.labels as IDataObject[]) || []).map(({ id, name }) => ({ id, name, })); return (data || []).map((item) => { if (item.labelIds) { item.labels = labels.filter((label) => (item.labelIds as string[]).includes( as string), ); delete item.labelIds; } if (item.payload && (item.payload as IDataObject).headers) { const { headers } = item.payload as IDataObject; ((headers as IDataObject[]) || []).forEach((header) => { item[ as string] = header.value; }); delete (item.payload as IDataObject).headers; } return item; }); }