/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ import { Command, flags } from '@oclif/command'; import { IDataObject, LoggerProxy } from 'n8n-workflow'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { getLogger } from '../../src/Logger'; import { Db } from '../../src'; export class ExportWorkflowsCommand extends Command { static description = 'Export workflows'; static examples = [ `$ n8n export:workflow --all`, `$ n8n export:workflow --id=5 --output=file.json`, `$ n8n export:workflow --all --output=backups/latest/`, `$ n8n export:workflow --backup --output=backups/latest/`, ]; static flags = { help: flags.help({ char: 'h' }), all: flags.boolean({ description: 'Export all workflows', }), backup: flags.boolean({ description: 'Sets --all --pretty --separate for simple backups. Only --output has to be set additionally.', }), id: flags.string({ description: 'The ID of the workflow to export', }), output: flags.string({ char: 'o', description: 'Output file name or directory if using separate files', }), pretty: flags.boolean({ description: 'Format the output in an easier to read fashion', }), separate: flags.boolean({ description: 'Exports one file per workflow (useful for versioning). Must inform a directory via --output.', }), }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types async run() { const logger = getLogger(); LoggerProxy.init(logger); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow const { flags } = this.parse(ExportWorkflowsCommand); if (flags.backup) { flags.all = true; flags.pretty = true; flags.separate = true; } if (!flags.all && !flags.id) { console.info(`Either option "--all" or "--id" have to be set!`); return; } if (flags.all && flags.id) { console.info(`You should either use "--all" or "--id" but never both!`); return; } if (flags.separate) { try { if (!flags.output) { console.info(`You must inform an output directory via --output when using --separate`); return; } if (fs.existsSync(flags.output)) { if (!fs.lstatSync(flags.output).isDirectory()) { console.info(`The paramenter --output must be a directory`); return; } } else { fs.mkdirSync(flags.output, { recursive: true }); } } catch (e) { console.error( 'Aborting execution as a filesystem error has been encountered while creating the output directory. See log messages for details.', ); logger.error('\nFILESYSTEM ERROR'); logger.info('===================================='); logger.error(e.message); logger.error(e.stack); this.exit(1); } } else if (flags.output) { if (fs.existsSync(flags.output)) { if (fs.lstatSync(flags.output).isDirectory()) { console.info(`The paramenter --output must be a writeble file`); return; } } } try { await Db.init(); const findQuery: IDataObject = {}; if (flags.id) { findQuery.id = flags.id; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const workflows = await Db.collections.Workflow!.find(findQuery); if (workflows.length === 0) { throw new Error('No workflows found with specified filters.'); } if (flags.separate) { let fileContents: string; let i: number; for (i = 0; i < workflows.length; i++) { fileContents = JSON.stringify(workflows[i], null, flags.pretty ? 2 : undefined); const filename = `${ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands, @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion (flags.output!.endsWith(path.sep) ? flags.output! : flags.output + path.sep) + workflows[i].id }.json`; fs.writeFileSync(filename, fileContents); } console.info(`Successfully exported ${i} workflows.`); } else { const fileContents = JSON.stringify(workflows, null, flags.pretty ? 2 : undefined); if (flags.output) { fs.writeFileSync(flags.output, fileContents); console.info( `Successfully exported ${workflows.length} ${ workflows.length === 1 ? 'workflow.' : 'workflows.' }`, ); } else { console.info(fileContents); } } // Force exit as process won't exit using MySQL or Postgres. process.exit(0); } catch (error) { console.error('Error exporting workflows. See log messages for details.'); logger.error(error.message); this.exit(1); } } }