/* eslint-disable no-lonely-if */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ /* eslint-disable new-cap */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ import { GenericValue, IAllExecuteFunctions, IBinaryData, IContextObject, ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IExecuteWorkflowInfo, IHttpRequestOptions, IN8nHttpFullResponse, IN8nHttpResponse, INode, INodeExecutionData, INodeParameters, INodeType, IOAuth2Options, IPollFunctions, IRunExecutionData, ITaskDataConnections, ITriggerFunctions, IWebhookData, IWebhookDescription, IWebhookFunctions, IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, IWorkflowDataProxyData, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, IWorkflowMetadata, NodeHelpers, NodeOperationError, NodeParameterValue, Workflow, WorkflowActivateMode, WorkflowDataProxy, WorkflowExecuteMode, LoggerProxy as Logger, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { Agent } from 'https'; import { stringify } from 'qs'; import * as clientOAuth1 from 'oauth-1.0a'; import { Token } from 'oauth-1.0a'; import * as clientOAuth2 from 'client-oauth2'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import { get } from 'lodash'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import * as express from 'express'; import * as FormData from 'form-data'; import * as path from 'path'; import { OptionsWithUri, OptionsWithUrl } from 'request'; import * as requestPromise from 'request-promise-native'; import { createHmac } from 'crypto'; import { fromBuffer } from 'file-type'; import { lookup } from 'mime-types'; import axios, { AxiosProxyConfig, AxiosRequestConfig, Method } from 'axios'; import { URLSearchParams } from 'url'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-cycle import { BINARY_ENCODING, ICredentialTestFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IResponseError, IWorkflowSettings, PLACEHOLDER_EMPTY_EXECUTION_ID, } from '.'; axios.defaults.timeout = 300000; // Prevent axios from adding x-form-www-urlencoded headers by default axios.defaults.headers.post = {}; const requestPromiseWithDefaults = requestPromise.defaults({ timeout: 300000, // 5 minutes }); const pushFormDataValue = (form: FormData, key: string, value: any) => { if (value?.hasOwnProperty('value') && value.hasOwnProperty('options')) { // @ts-ignore form.append(key, value.value, value.options); } else { form.append(key, value); } }; const createFormDataObject = (data: object) => { const formData = new FormData(); const keys = Object.keys(data); keys.forEach((key) => { // @ts-ignore const formField = data[key]; if (formField instanceof Array) { formField.forEach((item) => { pushFormDataValue(formData, key, item); }); } else { pushFormDataValue(formData, key, formField); } }); return formData; }; function searchForHeader(headers: IDataObject, headerName: string) { if (headers === undefined) { return undefined; } const headerNames = Object.keys(headers); headerName = headerName.toLowerCase(); return headerNames.find((thisHeader) => thisHeader.toLowerCase() === headerName); } async function parseRequestObject(requestObject: IDataObject) { // This function is a temporary implementation // That translates all http requests done via // the request library to axios directly // We are not using n8n's interface as it would // an unnecessary step, considering the `request` // helper can be deprecated and removed. const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {}; if (requestObject.headers !== undefined) { axiosConfig.headers = requestObject.headers as string; } // Let's start parsing the hardest part, which is the request body. // The process here is as following? // - Check if we have a `content-type` header. If this was set, // we will follow // - Check if the `form` property was set. If yes, then it's x-www-form-urlencoded // - Check if the `formData` property exists. If yes, then it's multipart/form-data // - Lastly, we should have a regular `body` that is probably a JSON. const contentTypeHeaderKeyName = axiosConfig.headers && Object.keys(axiosConfig.headers).find( (headerName) => headerName.toLowerCase() === 'content-type', ); const contentType = contentTypeHeaderKeyName && (axiosConfig.headers[contentTypeHeaderKeyName] as string | undefined); if (contentType === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' && requestObject.formData === undefined) { // there are nodes incorrectly created, informing the content type header // and also using formData. Request lib takes precedence for the formData. // We will do the same. // Merge body and form properties. // @ts-ignore axiosConfig.data = typeof requestObject.body === 'string' ? requestObject.body : new URLSearchParams( Object.assign(requestObject.body || {}, requestObject.form || {}) as Record< string, string >, ); } else if (contentType && contentType.includes('multipart/form-data') !== false) { if (requestObject.formData !== undefined && requestObject.formData instanceof FormData) { axiosConfig.data = requestObject.formData; } else { const allData = { ...(requestObject.body as object | undefined), ...(requestObject.formData as object | undefined), }; axiosConfig.data = createFormDataObject(allData); } // replace the existing header with a new one that // contains the boundary property. // @ts-ignore delete axiosConfig.headers[contentTypeHeaderKeyName]; const headers = axiosConfig.data.getHeaders(); axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, headers); } else { // When using the `form` property it means the content should be x-www-form-urlencoded. if (requestObject.form !== undefined && requestObject.body === undefined) { // If we have only form axiosConfig.data = typeof requestObject.form === 'string' ? stringify(requestObject.form, { format: 'RFC3986' }) : stringify(requestObject.form).toString(); if (axiosConfig.headers !== undefined) { const headerName = searchForHeader(axiosConfig.headers, 'content-type'); if (headerName) { delete axiosConfig.headers[headerName]; } axiosConfig.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } else { axiosConfig.headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }; } } else if (requestObject.formData !== undefined) { // remove any "content-type" that might exist. if (axiosConfig.headers !== undefined) { const headers = Object.keys(axiosConfig.headers); headers.forEach((header) => header.toLowerCase() === 'content-type' ? delete axiosConfig.headers[header] : null, ); } if (requestObject.formData instanceof FormData) { axiosConfig.data = requestObject.formData; } else { axiosConfig.data = createFormDataObject(requestObject.formData as object); } // Mix in headers as FormData creates the boundary. const headers = axiosConfig.data.getHeaders(); axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, headers); } else if (requestObject.body !== undefined) { // If we have body and possibly form if (requestObject.form !== undefined) { // merge both objects when exist. requestObject.body = Object.assign(requestObject.body, requestObject.form); } axiosConfig.data = requestObject.body as FormData | GenericValue | GenericValue[]; } } if (requestObject.uri !== undefined) { axiosConfig.url = requestObject.uri as string; } if (requestObject.url !== undefined) { axiosConfig.url = requestObject.url as string; } if (requestObject.method !== undefined) { axiosConfig.method = requestObject.method as Method; } if (requestObject.qs !== undefined && Object.keys(requestObject.qs as object).length > 0) { axiosConfig.params = requestObject.qs as IDataObject; } if (requestObject.useQuerystring === true) { axiosConfig.paramsSerializer = (params) => { return stringify(params, { arrayFormat: 'repeat' }); }; } if (requestObject.auth !== undefined) { // Check support for sendImmediately if ((requestObject.auth as IDataObject).bearer !== undefined) { axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions Authorization: `Bearer ${(requestObject.auth as IDataObject).bearer}`, }); } else { const authObj = requestObject.auth as IDataObject; // Request accepts both user/username and pass/password axiosConfig.auth = { username: (authObj.user || authObj.username) as string, password: (authObj.password || authObj.pass) as string, }; } } // Only set header if we have a body, otherwise it may fail if (requestObject.json === true) { // Add application/json headers - do not set charset as it breaks a lot of stuff // only add if no other accept headers was sent. const acceptHeaderExists = axiosConfig.headers === undefined ? false : Object.keys(axiosConfig.headers) .map((headerKey) => headerKey.toLowerCase()) .includes('accept'); if (!acceptHeaderExists) { axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, { Accept: 'application/json', }); } } if (requestObject.json === false) { // Prevent json parsing axiosConfig.transformResponse = (res) => res; } // Axios will follow redirects by default, so we simply tell it otherwise if needed. if ( requestObject.followRedirect === false && ((requestObject.method as string | undefined) || 'get').toLowerCase() === 'get' ) { axiosConfig.maxRedirects = 0; } if ( requestObject.followAllRedirect === false && ((requestObject.method as string | undefined) || 'get').toLowerCase() !== 'get' ) { axiosConfig.maxRedirects = 0; } if (requestObject.rejectUnauthorized === false) { axiosConfig.httpsAgent = new Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, }); } if (requestObject.timeout !== undefined) { axiosConfig.timeout = requestObject.timeout as number; } if (requestObject.proxy !== undefined) { axiosConfig.proxy = requestObject.proxy as AxiosProxyConfig; } if (requestObject.encoding === null) { // When downloading files, return an arrayBuffer. axiosConfig.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; } // If we don't set an accept header // Axios forces "application/json, text/plan, */*" // Which causes some nodes like NextCloud to break // as the service returns XML unless requested otherwise. const allHeaders = axiosConfig.headers ? Object.keys(axiosConfig.headers) : []; if (!allHeaders.some((headerKey) => headerKey.toLowerCase() === 'accept')) { axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, { accept: '*/*' }); } if ( axiosConfig.data !== undefined && !(axiosConfig.data instanceof Buffer) && !allHeaders.some((headerKey) => headerKey.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') ) { // Use default header for application/json // If we don't specify this here, axios will add // application/json; charset=utf-8 // and this breaks a lot of stuff axiosConfig.headers = Object.assign(axiosConfig.headers || {}, { 'content-type': 'application/json', }); } /** * Missing properties: * encoding (need testing) * gzip (ignored - default already works) * resolveWithFullResponse (implemented elsewhere) * simple (???) */ return axiosConfig; } async function proxyRequestToAxios( uriOrObject: string | IDataObject, options?: IDataObject, ): Promise { // tslint:disable-line:no-any // Check if there's a better way of getting this config here if (process.env.N8N_USE_DEPRECATED_REQUEST_LIB) { // @ts-ignore return requestPromiseWithDefaults.call(null, uriOrObject, options); } let axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {}; let configObject: IDataObject; if (uriOrObject !== undefined && typeof uriOrObject === 'string') { axiosConfig.url = uriOrObject; } if (uriOrObject !== undefined && typeof uriOrObject === 'object') { configObject = uriOrObject; } else { configObject = options || {}; } axiosConfig = Object.assign(axiosConfig, await parseRequestObject(configObject)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios(axiosConfig) .then((response) => { if (configObject.resolveWithFullResponse === true) { let body = response.data; if (response.data === '') { if (axiosConfig.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { body = Buffer.alloc(0); } else { body = undefined; } } resolve({ body, headers: response.headers, statusCode: response.status, statusMessage: response.statusText, request: response.request, }); } else { let body = response.data; if (response.data === '') { if (axiosConfig.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { body = Buffer.alloc(0); } else { body = undefined; } } resolve(body); } }) .catch((error) => { Logger.debug('Request proxied to Axios failed', { error }); // Axios hydrates the original error with more data. We extract them. // https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/master/lib/core/enhanceError.js // Note: `code` is ignored as it's an expected part of the errorData. const { request, response, isAxiosError, toJSON, config, ...errorData } = error; error.cause = errorData; error.error = error.response?.data || errorData; error.statusCode = error.response?.status; error.options = config; // Remove not needed data and so also remove circular references error.request = undefined; error.config = undefined; error.options.adapter = undefined; error.options.httpsAgent = undefined; error.options.paramsSerializer = undefined; error.options.transformRequest = undefined; error.options.transformResponse = undefined; error.options.validateStatus = undefined; reject(error); }); }); } function convertN8nRequestToAxios(n8nRequest: IHttpRequestOptions): AxiosRequestConfig { // Destructure properties with the same name first. const { headers, method, timeout, auth, proxy, url } = n8nRequest; const axiosRequest = { headers: headers ?? {}, method, timeout, auth, proxy, url, } as AxiosRequestConfig; axiosRequest.params = n8nRequest.qs; if (n8nRequest.disableFollowRedirect === true) { axiosRequest.maxRedirects = 0; } if (n8nRequest.encoding !== undefined) { axiosRequest.responseType = n8nRequest.encoding; } if (n8nRequest.skipSslCertificateValidation === true) { axiosRequest.httpsAgent = new Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false, }); } if (n8nRequest.arrayFormat !== undefined) { axiosRequest.paramsSerializer = (params) => { return stringify(params, { arrayFormat: n8nRequest.arrayFormat }); }; } if (n8nRequest.body) { axiosRequest.data = n8nRequest.body; // Let's add some useful header standards here. const existingContentTypeHeaderKey = searchForHeader(axiosRequest.headers, 'content-type'); if (existingContentTypeHeaderKey === undefined) { // We are only setting content type headers if the user did // not set it already manually. We're not overriding, even if it's wrong. if (axiosRequest.data instanceof FormData) { axiosRequest.headers = axiosRequest.headers || {}; axiosRequest.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'; } else if (axiosRequest.data instanceof URLSearchParams) { axiosRequest.headers = axiosRequest.headers || {}; axiosRequest.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } } } if (n8nRequest.json) { const key = searchForHeader(axiosRequest.headers, 'accept'); // If key exists, then the user has set both accept // header and the json flag. Header should take precedence. if (!key) { axiosRequest.headers.Accept = 'application/json'; } } const userAgentHeader = searchForHeader(axiosRequest.headers, 'user-agent'); // If key exists, then the user has set both accept // header and the json flag. Header should take precedence. if (!userAgentHeader) { axiosRequest.headers['User-Agent'] = 'n8n'; } return axiosRequest; } async function httpRequest( requestParams: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const axiosRequest = convertN8nRequestToAxios(requestParams); const result = await axios(axiosRequest); if (requestParams.returnFullResponse) { return { body: result.data, headers: result.headers, statusCode: result.status, statusMessage: result.statusText, }; } return result.data; } /** * Returns binary data buffer for given item index and property name. * * @export * @param {ITaskDataConnections} inputData * @param {number} itemIndex * @param {string} propertyName * @param {number} inputIndex * @returns {Promise} */ export async function getBinaryDataBuffer( inputData: ITaskDataConnections, itemIndex: number, propertyName: string, inputIndex: number, ): Promise { const binaryData = inputData.main![inputIndex]![itemIndex]!.binary![propertyName]!; return Buffer.from(binaryData.data, BINARY_ENCODING); } /** * Takes a buffer and converts it into the format n8n uses. It encodes the binary data as * base64 and adds metadata. * * @export * @param {Buffer} binaryData * @param {string} [filePath] * @param {string} [mimeType] * @returns {Promise} */ export async function prepareBinaryData( binaryData: Buffer, filePath?: string, mimeType?: string, ): Promise { if (!mimeType) { // If no mime type is given figure it out if (filePath) { // Use file path to guess mime type const mimeTypeLookup = lookup(filePath); if (mimeTypeLookup) { mimeType = mimeTypeLookup; } } if (!mimeType) { // Use buffer to guess mime type const fileTypeData = await fromBuffer(binaryData); if (fileTypeData) { mimeType = fileTypeData.mime; } } if (!mimeType) { // Fall back to text mimeType = 'text/plain'; } } const returnData: IBinaryData = { mimeType, // TODO: Should program it in a way that it does not have to converted to base64 // It should only convert to and from base64 when saved in database because // of for example an error or when there is a wait node. data: binaryData.toString(BINARY_ENCODING), }; if (filePath) { if (filePath.includes('?')) { // Remove maybe present query parameters filePath = filePath.split('?').shift(); } const filePathParts = path.parse(filePath as string); if (filePathParts.dir !== '') { returnData.directory = filePathParts.dir; } returnData.fileName = filePathParts.base; // Remove the dot const fileExtension = filePathParts.ext.slice(1); if (fileExtension) { returnData.fileExtension = fileExtension; } } return returnData; } /** * Makes a request using OAuth data for authentication * * @export * @param {IAllExecuteFunctions} this * @param {string} credentialsType * @param {(OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions)} requestOptions * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * * @returns */ export async function requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ) { const credentials = (await this.getCredentials( credentialsType, )) as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials were returned!'); } if (credentials.oauthTokenData === undefined) { throw new Error('OAuth credentials not connected!'); } const oAuthClient = new clientOAuth2({ clientId: credentials.clientId as string, clientSecret: credentials.clientSecret as string, accessTokenUri: credentials.accessTokenUrl as string, }); const oauthTokenData = credentials.oauthTokenData as clientOAuth2.Data; const token = oAuthClient.createToken( get(oauthTokenData, oAuth2Options?.property as string) || oauthTokenData.accessToken, oauthTokenData.refreshToken, oAuth2Options?.tokenType || oauthTokenData.tokenType, oauthTokenData, ); // Signs the request by adding authorization headers or query parameters depending // on the token-type used. const newRequestOptions = token.sign(requestOptions as clientOAuth2.RequestObject); // If keep bearer is false remove the it from the authorization header if (oAuth2Options?.keepBearer === false) { // @ts-ignore newRequestOptions?.headers?.Authorization = // @ts-ignore newRequestOptions?.headers?.Authorization.split(' ')[1]; } return this.helpers.request!(newRequestOptions).catch(async (error: IResponseError) => { const statusCodeReturned = oAuth2Options?.tokenExpiredStatusCode === undefined ? 401 : oAuth2Options?.tokenExpiredStatusCode; if (error.statusCode === statusCodeReturned) { // Token is probably not valid anymore. So try refresh it. const tokenRefreshOptions: IDataObject = {}; if (oAuth2Options?.includeCredentialsOnRefreshOnBody) { const body: IDataObject = { client_id: credentials.clientId as string, client_secret: credentials.clientSecret as string, }; tokenRefreshOptions.body = body; // Override authorization property so the credentails are not included in it tokenRefreshOptions.headers = { Authorization: '', }; } Logger.debug( `OAuth2 token for "${credentialsType}" used by node "${node.name}" expired. Should revalidate.`, ); const newToken = await token.refresh(tokenRefreshOptions); Logger.debug( `OAuth2 token for "${credentialsType}" used by node "${node.name}" has been renewed.`, ); credentials.oauthTokenData = newToken.data; // Find the name of the credentials if (!node.credentials || !node.credentials[credentialsType]) { throw new Error( `The node "${node.name}" does not have credentials of type "${credentialsType}"!`, ); } const name = node.credentials[credentialsType]; // Save the refreshed token await additionalData.credentialsHelper.updateCredentials(name, credentialsType, credentials); Logger.debug( `OAuth2 token for "${credentialsType}" used by node "${node.name}" has been saved to database successfully.`, ); // Make the request again with the new token const newRequestOptions = newToken.sign(requestOptions as clientOAuth2.RequestObject); return this.helpers.request!(newRequestOptions); } // Unknown error so simply throw it throw error; }); } /* Makes a request using OAuth1 data for authentication * * @export * @param {IAllExecuteFunctions} this * @param {string} credentialsType * @param {(OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions)} requestOptionså * @returns */ export async function requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ) { const credentials = (await this.getCredentials( credentialsType, )) as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials were returned!'); } if (credentials.oauthTokenData === undefined) { throw new Error('OAuth credentials not connected!'); } const oauth = new clientOAuth1({ consumer: { key: credentials.consumerKey as string, secret: credentials.consumerSecret as string, }, signature_method: credentials.signatureMethod as string, hash_function(base, key) { const algorithm = credentials.signatureMethod === 'HMAC-SHA1' ? 'sha1' : 'sha256'; return createHmac(algorithm, key).update(base).digest('base64'); }, }); const oauthTokenData = credentials.oauthTokenData as IDataObject; const token: Token = { key: oauthTokenData.oauth_token as string, secret: oauthTokenData.oauth_token_secret as string, }; // @ts-ignore requestOptions.data = { ...requestOptions.qs, ...requestOptions.form }; // Fixes issue that OAuth1 library only works with "url" property and not with "uri" // @ts-ignore if (requestOptions.uri && !requestOptions.url) { // @ts-ignore requestOptions.url = requestOptions.uri; // @ts-ignore delete requestOptions.uri; } // @ts-ignore requestOptions.headers = oauth.toHeader(oauth.authorize(requestOptions, token)); return this.helpers.request!(requestOptions).catch(async (error: IResponseError) => { // Unknown error so simply throw it throw error; }); } /** * Takes generic input data and brings it into the json format n8n uses. * * @export * @param {(IDataObject | IDataObject[])} jsonData * @returns {INodeExecutionData[]} */ export function returnJsonArray(jsonData: IDataObject | IDataObject[]): INodeExecutionData[] { const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; if (!Array.isArray(jsonData)) { jsonData = [jsonData]; } jsonData.forEach((data) => { returnData.push({ json: data }); }); return returnData; } /** * Returns the additional keys for Expressions and Function-Nodes * * @export * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @returns {(IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys)} */ export function getAdditionalKeys( additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, ): IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys { const executionId = additionalData.executionId || PLACEHOLDER_EMPTY_EXECUTION_ID; return { $executionId: executionId, $resumeWebhookUrl: `${additionalData.webhookWaitingBaseUrl}/${executionId}`, }; } /** * Returns the requested decrypted credentials if the node has access to them. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow Workflow which requests the data * @param {INode} node Node which request the data * @param {string} type The credential type to return * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @returns {(ICredentialDataDecryptedObject | undefined)} */ export async function getCredentials( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, type: string, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, runExecutionData?: IRunExecutionData | null, runIndex?: number, connectionInputData?: INodeExecutionData[], itemIndex?: number, ): Promise { // Get the NodeType as it has the information if the credentials are required const nodeType = workflow.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError( node, `Node type "${node.type}" is not known so can not get credentials!`, ); } if (nodeType.description.credentials === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError( node, `Node type "${node.type}" does not have any credentials defined!`, ); } const nodeCredentialDescription = nodeType.description.credentials.find( (credentialTypeDescription) => credentialTypeDescription.name === type, ); if (nodeCredentialDescription === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError( node, `Node type "${node.type}" does not have any credentials of type "${type}" defined!`, ); } if ( !NodeHelpers.displayParameter( additionalData.currentNodeParameters || node.parameters, nodeCredentialDescription, node.parameters, ) ) { // Credentials should not be displayed so return undefined even if they would be defined return undefined; } // Check if node has any credentials defined if (!node.credentials || !node.credentials[type]) { // If none are defined check if the credentials are required or not if (nodeCredentialDescription.required === true) { // Credentials are required so error if (!node.credentials) { throw new NodeOperationError(node, 'Node does not have any credentials set!'); } if (!node.credentials[type]) { throw new NodeOperationError(node, `Node does not have any credentials set for "${type}"!`); } } else { // Credentials are not required so resolve with undefined return undefined; } } let expressionResolveValues: ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues | undefined; if (connectionInputData && runExecutionData && runIndex !== undefined) { expressionResolveValues = { connectionInputData, itemIndex: itemIndex || 0, node, runExecutionData, runIndex, workflow, } as ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues; } let name = node.credentials[type]; if (name.charAt(0) === '=') { // If the credential name is an expression resolve it const additionalKeys = getAdditionalKeys(additionalData); name = workflow.expression.getParameterValue( name, runExecutionData || null, runIndex || 0, itemIndex || 0, node.name, connectionInputData || [], mode, additionalKeys, ) as string; } const decryptedDataObject = await additionalData.credentialsHelper.getDecrypted( name, type, mode, false, expressionResolveValues, ); return decryptedDataObject; } /** * Returns a copy of the node * * @export * @param {INode} node * @returns {INode} */ export function getNode(node: INode): INode { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node)); } /** * Returns the requested resolved (all expressions replaced) node parameters. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {(IRunExecutionData | null)} runExecutionData * @param {number} runIndex * @param {INodeExecutionData[]} connectionInputData * @param {INode} node * @param {string} parameterName * @param {number} itemIndex * @param {*} [fallbackValue] * @returns {(NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object)} */ export function getNodeParameter( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], node: INode, parameterName: string, itemIndex: number, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, additionalKeys: IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, fallbackValue?: any, ): NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object { const nodeType = workflow.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`Node type "${node.type}" is not known so can not return paramter value!`); } const value = get(node.parameters, parameterName, fallbackValue); if (value === undefined) { throw new Error(`Could not get parameter "${parameterName}"!`); } let returnData; try { returnData = workflow.expression.getParameterValue( value, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, node.name, connectionInputData, mode, additionalKeys, ); } catch (e) { e.message += ` [Error in parameter: "${parameterName}"]`; throw e; } return returnData; } /** * Returns if execution should be continued even if there was an error. * * @export * @param {INode} node * @returns {boolean} */ export function continueOnFail(node: INode): boolean { return get(node, 'continueOnFail', false); } /** * Returns the webhook URL of the webhook with the given name * * @export * @param {string} name * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {boolean} [isTest] * @returns {(string | undefined)} */ export function getNodeWebhookUrl( name: string, workflow: Workflow, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, additionalKeys: IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, isTest?: boolean, ): string | undefined { let baseUrl = additionalData.webhookBaseUrl; if (isTest === true) { baseUrl = additionalData.webhookTestBaseUrl; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define const webhookDescription = getWebhookDescription(name, workflow, node); if (webhookDescription === undefined) { return undefined; } const path = workflow.expression.getSimpleParameterValue( node, webhookDescription.path, mode, additionalKeys, ); if (path === undefined) { return undefined; } const isFullPath: boolean = workflow.expression.getSimpleParameterValue( node, webhookDescription.isFullPath, mode, additionalKeys, false, ) as boolean; return NodeHelpers.getNodeWebhookUrl(baseUrl, workflow.id!, node, path.toString(), isFullPath); } /** * Returns the timezone for the workflow * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @returns {string} */ export function getTimezone( workflow: Workflow, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, ): string { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain if (workflow.settings !== undefined && workflow.settings.timezone !== undefined) { return (workflow.settings as IWorkflowSettings).timezone as string; } return additionalData.timezone; } /** * Returns the full webhook description of the webhook with the given name * * @export * @param {string} name * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @returns {(IWebhookDescription | undefined)} */ export function getWebhookDescription( name: string, workflow: Workflow, node: INode, ): IWebhookDescription | undefined { const nodeType = workflow.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion) as INodeType; if (nodeType.description.webhooks === undefined) { // Node does not have any webhooks so return return undefined; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const webhookDescription of nodeType.description.webhooks) { if (webhookDescription.name === name) { return webhookDescription; } } return undefined; } /** * Returns the workflow metadata * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @returns {IWorkflowMetadata} */ export function getWorkflowMetadata(workflow: Workflow): IWorkflowMetadata { return { id: workflow.id, name: workflow.name, active: workflow.active, }; } /** * Returns the execute functions the poll nodes have access to. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {ITriggerFunctions} */ // TODO: Check if I can get rid of: additionalData, and so then maybe also at ActiveWorkflowRunner.add export function getExecutePollFunctions( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): IPollFunctions { return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { return { __emit: (data: INodeExecutionData[][]): void => { throw new Error('Overwrite NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecutePullFunctions.__emit function!'); }, async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials(workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode); }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getActivationMode: (): WorkflowActivateMode => { return activation; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null = null; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, helpers: { httpRequest, prepareBinaryData, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, returnJsonArray, }, }; })(workflow, node); } /** * Returns the execute functions the trigger nodes have access to. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {ITriggerFunctions} */ // TODO: Check if I can get rid of: additionalData, and so then maybe also at ActiveWorkflowRunner.add export function getExecuteTriggerFunctions( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): ITriggerFunctions { return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { return { emit: (data: INodeExecutionData[][]): void => { throw new Error('Overwrite NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions.emit function!'); }, async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials(workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode); }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getActivationMode: (): WorkflowActivateMode => { return activation; }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null = null; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, helpers: { httpRequest, prepareBinaryData, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, returnJsonArray, }, }; })(workflow, node); } /** * Returns the execute functions regular nodes have access to. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IRunExecutionData} runExecutionData * @param {number} runIndex * @param {INodeExecutionData[]} connectionInputData * @param {ITaskDataConnections} inputData * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IExecuteFunctions} */ export function getExecuteFunctions( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], inputData: ITaskDataConnections, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): IExecuteFunctions { return ((workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node) => { return { continueOnFail: () => { return continueOnFail(node); }, evaluateExpression: (expression: string, itemIndex: number) => { return workflow.expression.resolveSimpleParameterValue( `=${expression}`, {}, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, node.name, connectionInputData, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), ); }, async executeWorkflow( workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo, inputData?: INodeExecutionData[], ): Promise { return additionalData.executeWorkflow(workflowInfo, additionalData, inputData); }, getContext(type: string): IContextObject { return NodeHelpers.getContext(runExecutionData, type, node); }, async getCredentials( type: string, itemIndex?: number, ): Promise { return getCredentials( workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, itemIndex, ); }, getExecutionId: (): string => { return additionalData.executionId!; }, getInputData: (inputIndex = 0, inputName = 'main') => { if (!inputData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { // Return empty array because else it would throw error when nothing is connected to input return []; } // TODO: Check if nodeType has input with that index defined if (inputData[inputName].length < inputIndex) { throw new Error(`Could not get input index "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}"!`); } if (inputData[inputName][inputIndex] === null) { // return []; throw new Error(`Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" did not get set!`); } return inputData[inputName][inputIndex] as INodeExecutionData[]; }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, itemIndex: number, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowDataProxy: (itemIndex: number): IWorkflowDataProxyData => { const dataProxy = new WorkflowDataProxy( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, node.name, connectionInputData, {}, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), ); return dataProxy.getDataProxy(); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, prepareOutputData: NodeHelpers.prepareOutputData, async putExecutionToWait(waitTill: Date): Promise { runExecutionData.waitTill = waitTill; }, sendMessageToUI(message: any): void { if (mode !== 'manual') { return; } try { if (additionalData.sendMessageToUI) { additionalData.sendMessageToUI(node.name, message); } } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions Logger.warn(`There was a problem sending messsage to UI: ${error.message}`); } }, helpers: { httpRequest, prepareBinaryData, async getBinaryDataBuffer( itemIndex: number, propertyName: string, inputIndex = 0, ): Promise { return getBinaryDataBuffer.call(this, inputData, itemIndex, propertyName, inputIndex); }, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, returnJsonArray, }, }; })(workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node); } /** * Returns the execute functions regular nodes have access to when single-function is defined. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IRunExecutionData} runExecutionData * @param {number} runIndex * @param {INodeExecutionData[]} connectionInputData * @param {ITaskDataConnections} inputData * @param {INode} node * @param {number} itemIndex * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IExecuteSingleFunctions} */ export function getExecuteSingleFunctions( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], inputData: ITaskDataConnections, node: INode, itemIndex: number, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): IExecuteSingleFunctions { return ((workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node, itemIndex) => { return { continueOnFail: () => { return continueOnFail(node); }, evaluateExpression: (expression: string, evaluateItemIndex: number | undefined) => { evaluateItemIndex = evaluateItemIndex === undefined ? itemIndex : evaluateItemIndex; return workflow.expression.resolveSimpleParameterValue( `=${expression}`, {}, runExecutionData, runIndex, evaluateItemIndex, node.name, connectionInputData, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), ); }, getContext(type: string): IContextObject { return NodeHelpers.getContext(runExecutionData, type, node); }, async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials( workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, itemIndex, ); }, getInputData: (inputIndex = 0, inputName = 'main') => { if (!inputData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { // Return empty array because else it would throw error when nothing is connected to input return { json: {} }; } // TODO: Check if nodeType has input with that index defined if (inputData[inputName].length < inputIndex) { throw new Error(`Could not get input index "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}"!`); } const allItems = inputData[inputName][inputIndex]; if (allItems === null) { // return []; throw new Error(`Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" did not get set!`); } if (allItems[itemIndex] === null) { // return []; throw new Error( `Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" with itemIndex "${itemIndex}" did not get set!`, ); } return allItems[itemIndex]; }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowDataProxy: (): IWorkflowDataProxyData => { const dataProxy = new WorkflowDataProxy( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex, node.name, connectionInputData, {}, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), ); return dataProxy.getDataProxy(); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, helpers: { httpRequest, prepareBinaryData, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, }, }; })(workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node, itemIndex); } export function getCredentialTestFunctions(): ICredentialTestFunctions { return { helpers: { request: requestPromiseWithDefaults, }, }; } /** * Returns the execute functions regular nodes have access to in load-options-function. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @returns {ILoadOptionsFunctions} */ export function getLoadOptionsFunctions( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, path: string, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, ): ILoadOptionsFunctions { return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode, path: string) => { const that = { async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials(workflow, node, type, additionalData, 'internal'); }, getCurrentNodeParameter: ( parameterPath: string, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object | undefined => { const nodeParameters = additionalData.currentNodeParameters; if (parameterPath.charAt(0) === '&') { parameterPath = `${path.split('.').slice(1, -1).join('.')}.${parameterPath.slice(1)}`; } return get(nodeParameters, parameterPath); }, getCurrentNodeParameters: (): INodeParameters | undefined => { return additionalData.currentNodeParameters; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null = null; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, 'internal' as WorkflowExecuteMode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, helpers: { httpRequest, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, }, }; return that; })(workflow, node, path); } /** * Returns the execute functions regular nodes have access to in hook-function. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IHookFunctions} */ export function getExecuteHookFunctions( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, isTest?: boolean, webhookData?: IWebhookData, ): IHookFunctions { return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { const that = { async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials(workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode); }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getActivationMode: (): WorkflowActivateMode => { return activation; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null = null; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getNodeWebhookUrl: (name: string): string | undefined => { return getNodeWebhookUrl( name, workflow, node, additionalData, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), isTest, ); }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getWebhookName(): string { if (webhookData === undefined) { throw new Error('Is only supported in webhook functions!'); } return webhookData.webhookDescription.name; }, getWebhookDescription(name: string): IWebhookDescription | undefined { return getWebhookDescription(name, workflow, node); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, helpers: { httpRequest, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, }, }; return that; })(workflow, node); } /** * Returns the execute functions regular nodes have access to when webhook-function is defined. * * @export * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IRunExecutionData} runExecutionData * @param {INode} node * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IWebhookFunctions} */ export function getExecuteWebhookFunctions( workflow: Workflow, node: INode, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, webhookData: IWebhookData, ): IWebhookFunctions { return ((workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { return { getBodyData(): IDataObject { if (additionalData.httpRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Request is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpRequest.body; }, async getCredentials(type: string): Promise { return getCredentials(workflow, node, type, additionalData, mode); }, getHeaderData(): object { if (additionalData.httpRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Request is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpRequest.headers; }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getNode: () => { return getNode(node); }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null = null; const itemIndex = 0; const runIndex = 0; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), fallbackValue, ); }, getParamsData(): object { if (additionalData.httpRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Request is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpRequest.params; }, getQueryData(): object { if (additionalData.httpRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Request is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpRequest.query; }, getRequestObject(): express.Request { if (additionalData.httpRequest === undefined) { throw new Error('Request is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpRequest; }, getResponseObject(): express.Response { if (additionalData.httpResponse === undefined) { throw new Error('Response is missing!'); } return additionalData.httpResponse; }, getNodeWebhookUrl: (name: string): string | undefined => { return getNodeWebhookUrl( name, workflow, node, additionalData, mode, getAdditionalKeys(additionalData), ); }, getTimezone: (): string => { return getTimezone(workflow, additionalData); }, getWorkflow: () => { return getWorkflowMetadata(workflow); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, getWebhookName(): string { return webhookData.webhookDescription.name; }, prepareOutputData: NodeHelpers.prepareOutputData, helpers: { httpRequest, prepareBinaryData, request: proxyRequestToAxios, async requestOAuth2( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUri | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, oAuth2Options?: IOAuth2Options, ): Promise { return requestOAuth2.call( this, credentialsType, requestOptions, node, additionalData, oAuth2Options, ); }, async requestOAuth1( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: OptionsWithUrl | requestPromise.RequestPromiseOptions, ): Promise { return requestOAuth1.call(this, credentialsType, requestOptions); }, returnJsonArray, }, }; })(workflow, node); }