import type { Icon, ICredentialType, INodeProperties } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class MicrosoftSharePointOAuth2Api implements ICredentialType { name = 'microsoftSharePointOAuth2Api'; extends = ['microsoftOAuth2Api']; icon: Icon = { light: 'file:icons/SharePoint.svg', dark: 'file:icons/SharePoint.svg', }; displayName = 'Microsoft SharePoint OAuth2 API'; documentationUrl = 'microsoft'; httpRequestNode = { name: 'Microsoft SharePoint', docsUrl: '', apiBaseUrlPlaceholder: 'https://{subdomain}', }; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Scope', name: 'scope', type: 'hidden', default: '=openid offline_access https://{{$self.subdomain}}', }, { displayName: 'Subdomain', name: 'subdomain', type: 'string', default: '', hint: 'You can extract the subdomain from the URL. For example, in the URL "", the subdomain is "tenant123".', }, ]; }