import fsp from 'node:fs/promises'; import Container from 'typedi'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import * as utils from 'n8n-workflow'; import { Cipher } from 'n8n-core'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import type { InstanceSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import * as testDb from '../shared/testDb'; import { SourceControlImportService } from '@/environments/sourceControl/'; import { createMember, getGlobalOwner } from '../shared/db/users'; import { SharedCredentialsRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/sharedCredentials.repository'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; import type { SourceControlledFile } from '@/environments/sourceControl/types/sourceControlledFile'; import type { ExportableCredential } from '@/environments/sourceControl/types/exportableCredential'; describe('SourceControlImportService', () => { let service: SourceControlImportService; const cipher = mockInstance(Cipher); beforeAll(async () => { service = new SourceControlImportService( mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock({ n8nFolder: '/some-path' }), ); await testDb.init(); }); afterEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['Credentials', 'SharedCredentials']); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); afterAll(async () => { await testDb.terminate(); }); describe('importCredentialsFromWorkFolder()', () => { describe('if user email specified by `ownedBy` exists at target instance', () => { it('should assign credential ownership to original user', async () => { const [importingUser, member] = await Promise.all([getGlobalOwner(), createMember()]); fsp.readFile = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(Buffer.from('some-content')); const CREDENTIAL_ID = nanoid(); const stub: ExportableCredential = { id: CREDENTIAL_ID, name: 'My Credential', type: 'someCredentialType', data: {}, ownedBy:, // user at source instance owns credential }; jest.spyOn(utils, 'jsonParse').mockReturnValue(stub); cipher.encrypt.mockReturnValue('some-encrypted-data'); await service.importCredentialsFromWorkFolder( [mock({ id: CREDENTIAL_ID })],, ); const sharing = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).findOneBy({ credentialsId: CREDENTIAL_ID, userId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); expect(sharing).toBeTruthy(); // same user at target instance owns credential }); }); describe('if user email specified by `ownedBy` is `null`', () => { it('should assign credential ownership to importing user', async () => { const importingUser = await getGlobalOwner(); fsp.readFile = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(Buffer.from('some-content')); const CREDENTIAL_ID = nanoid(); const stub: ExportableCredential = { id: CREDENTIAL_ID, name: 'My Credential', type: 'someCredentialType', data: {}, ownedBy: null, }; jest.spyOn(utils, 'jsonParse').mockReturnValue(stub); cipher.encrypt.mockReturnValue('some-encrypted-data'); await service.importCredentialsFromWorkFolder( [mock({ id: CREDENTIAL_ID })],, ); const sharing = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).findOneBy({ credentialsId: CREDENTIAL_ID, userId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); expect(sharing).toBeTruthy(); // original user has no email, so importing user owns credential }); }); describe('if user email specified by `ownedBy` does not exist at target instance', () => { it('should assign credential ownership to importing user', async () => { const importingUser = await getGlobalOwner(); fsp.readFile = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(Buffer.from('some-content')); const CREDENTIAL_ID = nanoid(); const stub: ExportableCredential = { id: CREDENTIAL_ID, name: 'My Credential', type: 'someCredentialType', data: {}, ownedBy: '', // user at source instance owns credential }; jest.spyOn(utils, 'jsonParse').mockReturnValue(stub); cipher.encrypt.mockReturnValue('some-encrypted-data'); await service.importCredentialsFromWorkFolder( [mock({ id: CREDENTIAL_ID })],, ); const sharing = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).findOneBy({ credentialsId: CREDENTIAL_ID, userId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); expect(sharing).toBeTruthy(); // original user missing, so importing user owns credential }); }); }); });