import nock from 'nock'; import Container from 'typedi'; import Csrf from 'csrf'; import { type Response } from 'express'; import { Cipher } from 'n8n-core'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { OAuth2CredentialController } from '@/controllers/oauth/oAuth2Credential.controller'; import type { CredentialsEntity } from '@db/entities/CredentialsEntity'; import type { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import type { OAuthRequest } from '@/requests'; import { CredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/credentials.repository'; import { SharedCredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/sharedCredentials.repository'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import { VariablesService } from '@/environments/variables/'; import { SecretsHelper } from '@/SecretsHelpers'; import { CredentialsHelper } from '@/CredentialsHelper'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; import { BadRequestError } from '@/errors/response-errors/bad-request.error'; import { NotFoundError } from '@/errors/response-errors/not-found.error'; describe('OAuth2CredentialController', () => { mockInstance(Logger); mockInstance(SecretsHelper); mockInstance(VariablesService, { getAllCached: async () => [], }); const cipher = mockInstance(Cipher); const externalHooks = mockInstance(ExternalHooks); const credentialsHelper = mockInstance(CredentialsHelper); const credentialsRepository = mockInstance(CredentialsRepository); const sharedCredentialsRepository = mockInstance(SharedCredentialsRepository); const csrfSecret = 'csrf-secret'; const user = mock({ id: '123', password: 'password', authIdentities: [], role: 'global:owner', }); const credential = mock({ id: '1', name: 'Test Credential', type: 'oAuth2Api', }); const controller = Container.get(OAuth2CredentialController); beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); describe('getAuthUri', () => { it('should throw a BadRequestError when credentialId is missing in the query', async () => { const req = mock({ query: { id: '' } }); await expect(controller.getAuthUri(req)).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Required credential ID is missing'), ); }); it('should throw a NotFoundError when no matching credential is found for the user', async () => { sharedCredentialsRepository.findCredentialForUser.mockResolvedValueOnce(null); const req = mock({ user, query: { id: '1' } }); await expect(controller.getAuthUri(req)).rejects.toThrowError( new NotFoundError('Credential not found'), ); }); it('should return a valid auth URI', async () => { jest.spyOn(Csrf.prototype, 'secretSync').mockReturnValueOnce(csrfSecret); jest.spyOn(Csrf.prototype, 'create').mockReturnValueOnce('token'); sharedCredentialsRepository.findCredentialForUser.mockResolvedValueOnce(credential); credentialsHelper.getDecrypted.mockResolvedValueOnce({}); credentialsHelper.applyDefaultsAndOverwrites.mockReturnValue({ clientId: 'test-client-id', authUrl: 'https://example.domain/o/oauth2/v2/auth', }); cipher.encrypt.mockReturnValue('encrypted'); const req = mock({ user, query: { id: '1' } }); const authUri = await controller.getAuthUri(req); expect(authUri).toEqual( 'https://example.domain/o/oauth2/v2/auth?client_id=test-client-id&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5678%2Frest%2Foauth2-credential%2Fcallback&response_type=code&state=eyJ0b2tlbiI6InRva2VuIiwiY2lkIjoiMSJ9&scope=openid', ); expect(credentialsRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '1', expect.objectContaining({ data: 'encrypted', id: '1', name: 'Test Credential', type: 'oAuth2Api', }), ); }); }); describe('handleCallback', () => { const validState = Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ token: 'token', cid: '1', }), ).toString('base64'); it('should render the error page when required query params are missing', async () => { const req = mock({ query: { code: undefined, state: undefined }, }); const res = mock(); await controller.handleCallback(req, res); expect(res.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('oauth-error-callback', { error: { message: 'Insufficient parameters for OAuth2 callback.', reason: 'Received following query parameters: undefined', }, }); expect(credentialsRepository.findOneBy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should render the error page when `state` query param is invalid', async () => { const req = mock({ query: { code: 'code', state: 'invalid-state' }, }); const res = mock(); await controller.handleCallback(req, res); expect(res.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('oauth-error-callback', { error: { message: 'Invalid state format', }, }); expect(credentialsRepository.findOneBy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should render the error page when credential is not found in DB', async () => { credentialsRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValueOnce(null); const req = mock({ query: { code: 'code', state: validState }, }); const res = mock(); await controller.handleCallback(req, res); expect(res.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('oauth-error-callback', { error: { message: 'OAuth2 callback failed because of insufficient permissions', }, }); expect(credentialsRepository.findOneBy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(credentialsRepository.findOneBy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: '1' }); }); it('should render the error page when csrfSecret on the saved credential does not match the state', async () => { credentialsRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValueOnce(credential); credentialsHelper.getDecrypted.mockResolvedValueOnce({ csrfSecret }); jest.spyOn(Csrf.prototype, 'verify').mockReturnValueOnce(false); const req = mock({ query: { code: 'code', state: validState }, }); const res = mock(); await controller.handleCallback(req, res); expect(res.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('oauth-error-callback', { error: { message: 'The OAuth2 callback state is invalid!', }, }); expect(; }); it('should exchange the code for a valid token, and save it to DB', async () => { credentialsRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValueOnce(credential); credentialsHelper.getDecrypted.mockResolvedValueOnce({ csrfSecret }); credentialsHelper.applyDefaultsAndOverwrites.mockReturnValue({ clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'oauth-secret', accessTokenUrl: 'https://example.domain/token', }); jest.spyOn(Csrf.prototype, 'verify').mockReturnValueOnce(true); nock('https://example.domain') .post( '/token', 'code=code&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5678%2Frest%2Foauth2-credential%2Fcallback', ) .reply(200, { access_token: 'access-token', refresh_token: 'refresh-token' }); cipher.encrypt.mockReturnValue('encrypted'); const req = mock({ query: { code: 'code', state: validState }, originalUrl: '?code=code', }); const res = mock(); await controller.handleCallback(req, res); expect('oauth2.callback', [ expect.objectContaining({ clientId: 'test-client-id', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:5678/rest/oauth2-credential/callback', }), ]); expect(cipher.encrypt).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ oauthTokenData: { access_token: 'access-token', refresh_token: 'refresh-token' }, }); expect(credentialsRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '1', expect.objectContaining({ data: 'encrypted', id: '1', name: 'Test Credential', type: 'oAuth2Api', }), ); expect(res.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('oauth-callback'); }); }); });