import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { NodeConnectionType, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow';

import { formatPrivateKey } from '../../utils/utilities';
import { parseJsonParameter } from '../Set/v2/helpers/utils';

const prettifyOperation = (operation: string) => {
	if (operation === 'sign') {
		return 'Sign a JWT';

	if (operation === 'decode') {
		return 'Decode a JWT';

	if (operation === 'verify') {
		return 'Verify a JWT';

	return operation;

const getToken = (ctx: IExecuteFunctions, itemIndex = 0) => {
	const token = ctx.getNodeParameter('token', itemIndex) as string;

	if (!token) {
		throw new NodeOperationError(ctx.getNode(), 'The JWT token was not provided', {
			description: "Be sure to add a valid JWT token to the 'Token' parameter",

	return token;

export class Jwt implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'JWT',
		name: 'jwt',
		icon: 'file:jwt.svg',
		group: ['transform'],
		version: 1,
		description: 'JWT',
		subtitle: `={{(${prettifyOperation})($parameter.operation)}}`,
		defaults: {
			name: 'JWT',
		inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main],
		outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main],
		credentials: [
				// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-class-description-credentials-name-unsuffixed
				name: 'jwtAuth',
				required: true,
		properties: [
				displayName: 'Operation',
				name: 'operation',
				type: 'options',
				noDataExpression: true,
				options: [
						name: 'Decode',
						value: 'decode',
						action: 'Decode a JWT',
						name: 'Sign',
						value: 'sign',
						action: 'Sign a JWT',
						name: 'Verify',
						value: 'verify',
						action: 'Verify a JWT',
				default: 'sign',
				displayName: 'Use JSON to Build Payload',
				name: 'useJson',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether to use JSON to build the claims',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['sign'],
				displayName: 'Payload Claims',
				name: 'claims',
				type: 'collection',
				placeholder: 'Add Claim',
				default: {},
				options: [
						displayName: 'Audience',
						name: 'audience',
						type: 'string',
						placeholder: 'e.g.',
						default: '',
						description: 'Identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for',
						displayName: 'Expires In',
						name: 'expiresIn',
						type: 'number',
						placeholder: 'e.g. 3600',
						default: 3600,
						description: 'The lifetime of the token in seconds',
						typeOptions: {
							minValue: 0,
						displayName: 'Issuer',
						name: 'issuer',
						type: 'string',
						placeholder: 'e.g.',
						default: '',
						description: 'Identifies the principal that issued the JWT',
						displayName: 'JWT ID',
						name: 'jwtid',
						type: 'string',
						placeholder: 'e.g. 123456',
						default: '',
						description: 'Unique identifier for the JWT',
						displayName: 'Not Before',
						name: 'notBefore',
						type: 'number',
						default: 0,
						description: 'The time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing',
						typeOptions: {
							minValue: 0,
						displayName: 'Subject',
						name: 'subject',
						type: 'string',
						default: '',
						description: 'Identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['sign'],
						useJson: [false],
				displayName: 'Payload Claims (JSON)',
				name: 'claimsJson',
				type: 'json',
				description: 'Claims to add to the token in JSON format',
				default: '{\n  "my_field_1": "value 1",\n  "my_field_2": "value 2"\n}\n',
				validateType: 'object',
				ignoreValidationDuringExecution: true,
				typeOptions: {
					rows: 5,
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['sign'],
						useJson: [true],
				displayName: 'Token',
				name: 'token',
				type: 'string',
				typeOptions: { password: true },
				required: true,
				validateType: 'jwt',
				default: '',
				description: 'The token to verify or decode',
				displayOptions: {
					show: {
						operation: ['verify', 'decode'],

				displayName: 'Options',
				name: 'options',
				type: 'collection',
				placeholder: 'Add option',
				default: {},
				options: [
						displayName: 'Return Additional Info',
						name: 'complete',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
							'Whether to return the complete decoded token with information about the header and signature or just the payload',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['verify', 'decode'],
						displayName: 'Ignore Expiration',
						name: 'ignoreExpiration',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
						description: 'Whether to ignore the expiration of the token',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['verify'],
						displayName: 'Ignore Not Before Claim',
						name: 'ignoreNotBefore',
						type: 'boolean',
						default: false,
						description: 'Whether to ignore the not before claim of the token',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['verify'],
						displayName: 'Clock Tolerance',
						name: 'clockTolerance',
						type: 'number',
						default: 0,
							'Number of seconds to tolerate when checking the nbf and exp claims, to deal with small clock differences among different servers',
						typeOptions: {
							minValue: 0,
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['verify'],
						displayName: 'Key ID',
						name: 'kid',
						type: 'string',
						placeholder: 'e.g. 123456',
						default: '',
							'The kid (key ID) claim is an optional header claim, used to specify the key for validating the signature',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['sign'],
						displayName: 'Override Algorithm',
						name: 'algorithm',
						type: 'options',
						options: [
								name: 'ES256',
								value: 'ES256',
								name: 'ES384',
								value: 'ES384',
								name: 'ES512',
								value: 'ES512',
								name: 'HS256',
								value: 'HS256',
								name: 'HS384',
								value: 'HS384',
								name: 'HS512',
								value: 'HS512',
								name: 'PS256',
								value: 'PS256',
								name: 'PS384',
								value: 'PS384',
								name: 'PS512',
								value: 'PS512',
								name: 'RS256',
								value: 'RS256',
								name: 'RS384',
								value: 'RS384',
								name: 'RS512',
								value: 'RS512',
						default: 'HS256',
							'The algorithm to use for signing or verifying the token, overrides algorithm in credentials',
						displayOptions: {
							show: {
								'/operation': ['sign', 'verify'],

	async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> {
		const items = this.getInputData();
		const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = [];

		const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0);

		const credentials = await this.getCredentials<{
			keyType: 'passphrase' | 'pemKey';
			publicKey: string;
			privateKey: string;
			secret: string;
			algorithm: jwt.Algorithm;

		for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex++) {
			const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', itemIndex, {}) as {
				algorithm?: jwt.Algorithm;
				complete?: boolean;
				ignoreExpiration?: boolean;
				ignoreNotBefore?: boolean;
				clockTolerance?: number;
				kid?: string;

			try {
				if (operation === 'sign') {
					const useJson = this.getNodeParameter('useJson', itemIndex) as boolean;

					let payload: IDataObject = {};

					if (useJson) {
						payload = parseJsonParameter(
							this.getNodeParameter('claimsJson', itemIndex) as IDataObject,
					} else {
						payload = this.getNodeParameter('claims', itemIndex) as IDataObject;

					let secretOrPrivateKey;

					if (credentials.keyType === 'passphrase') {
						secretOrPrivateKey = credentials.secret;
					} else {
						secretOrPrivateKey = formatPrivateKey(credentials.privateKey);

					const signingOptions: jwt.SignOptions = {
						algorithm: options.algorithm ?? credentials.algorithm,
					if (options.kid) signingOptions.keyid = options.kid;

					const token = jwt.sign(payload, secretOrPrivateKey, signingOptions);

						json: { token },
						pairedItem: itemIndex,

				if (operation === 'verify') {
					const token = getToken(this, itemIndex);

					let secretOrPublicKey;

					if (credentials.keyType === 'passphrase') {
						secretOrPublicKey = credentials.secret;
					} else {
						secretOrPublicKey = formatPrivateKey(credentials.publicKey, true);

					const { ignoreExpiration, ignoreNotBefore, clockTolerance, complete } = options;

					const data = jwt.verify(token, secretOrPublicKey, {
						algorithms: [options.algorithm ?? credentials.algorithm],

					const json = options.complete && data ? (data as IDataObject) : { payload: data };

						pairedItem: itemIndex,

				if (operation === 'decode') {
					const token = getToken(this, itemIndex);

					const data = jwt.decode(token, { complete: options.complete });

					const json = options.complete && data ? (data as IDataObject) : { payload: data };

						pairedItem: itemIndex,
			} catch (error) {
				if (error.message === 'invalid signature') {
					error = new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), "The JWT token can't be verified", {
							'Be sure that the provided JWT token is correctly encoded and matches the selected credentials',
				if (this.continueOnFail()) {
						json: this.getInputData(itemIndex)[0].json,
						pairedItem: itemIndex,
				if (error.context) {
					error.context.itemIndex = itemIndex;
					throw error;
				throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), error, {

		return [returnData];