import { ActiveExecutions } from '@/ActiveExecutions'; import PCancelable from 'p-cancelable'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import type { IExecuteResponsePromiseData, IRun } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { createDeferredPromise } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess } from '@/Interfaces'; import { ExecutionRepository } from '@db/repositories'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; const FAKE_EXECUTION_ID = '15'; const FAKE_SECOND_EXECUTION_ID = '20'; const updateExistingExecution = jest.fn(); const createNewExecution = jest.fn(async () => { return { id: FAKE_EXECUTION_ID }; }); Container.set(ExecutionRepository, { updateExistingExecution, createNewExecution, }); describe('ActiveExecutions', () => { let activeExecutions: ActiveExecutions; beforeEach(() => { activeExecutions = new ActiveExecutions(mock()); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); test('Should initialize activeExecutions with empty list', () => { expect(activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions().length).toBe(0); }); test('Should add execution to active execution list', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); const executionId = await activeExecutions.add(newExecution); expect(executionId).toBe(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID); expect(activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions().length).toBe(1); expect(createNewExecution).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateExistingExecution).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('Should update execution if add is called with execution ID', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); const executionId = await activeExecutions.add( newExecution, undefined, FAKE_SECOND_EXECUTION_ID, ); expect(executionId).toBe(FAKE_SECOND_EXECUTION_ID); expect(activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions().length).toBe(1); expect(createNewExecution).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); expect(updateExistingExecution).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('Should fail attaching execution to invalid executionId', async () => { const deferredPromise = mockCancelablePromise(); expect(() => { activeExecutions.attachWorkflowExecution(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID, deferredPromise); }).toThrow(); }); test('Should successfully attach execution to valid executionId', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); await activeExecutions.add(newExecution, undefined, FAKE_EXECUTION_ID); const deferredPromise = mockCancelablePromise(); expect(() => activeExecutions.attachWorkflowExecution(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID, deferredPromise), ).not.toThrow(); }); test('Should attach and resolve response promise to existing execution', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); await activeExecutions.add(newExecution, undefined, FAKE_EXECUTION_ID); const deferredPromise = await mockDeferredPromise(); activeExecutions.attachResponsePromise(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID, deferredPromise); const fakeResponse = { data: { resultData: { runData: {} } } }; activeExecutions.resolveResponsePromise(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID, fakeResponse); await expect(deferredPromise.promise()).resolves.toEqual(fakeResponse); }); test('Should remove an existing execution', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); const executionId = await activeExecutions.add(newExecution); activeExecutions.remove(executionId); expect(activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions().length).toBe(0); }); test('Should resolve post execute promise on removal', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); const executionId = await activeExecutions.add(newExecution); const postExecutePromise = activeExecutions.getPostExecutePromise(executionId); // Force the above to be executed since we cannot await it await new Promise((res) => { setTimeout(res, 100); }); const fakeOutput = mockFullRunData(); activeExecutions.remove(executionId, fakeOutput); await expect(postExecutePromise).resolves.toEqual(fakeOutput); }); test('Should throw error when trying to create a promise with invalid execution', async () => { await expect(activeExecutions.getPostExecutePromise(FAKE_EXECUTION_ID)).rejects.toThrow(); }); test('Should call function to cancel execution when asked to stop', async () => { const newExecution = mockExecutionData(); const executionId = await activeExecutions.add(newExecution); const cancelExecution = jest.fn(); const cancellablePromise = mockCancelablePromise(); cancellablePromise.cancel = cancelExecution; activeExecutions.attachWorkflowExecution(executionId, cancellablePromise); void activeExecutions.stopExecution(executionId); expect(cancelExecution).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); function mockExecutionData(): IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess { return { executionMode: 'manual', workflowData: { name: 'Test workflow 1', active: false, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), nodes: [], connections: {}, }, userId: uuid(), }; } function mockFullRunData(): IRun { return { data: { resultData: { runData: {}, }, }, mode: 'manual', startedAt: new Date(), status: 'new', }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async const mockCancelablePromise = () => new PCancelable((resolve) => resolve()); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async const mockDeferredPromise = () => createDeferredPromise();