import * as path from 'path'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import { jsonParse, getVersionedNodeTypeAll, LoggerProxy as Logger } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { CodexData, DocumentationLink, ICredentialType, ICredentialTypeData, INodeType, INodeTypeBaseDescription, INodeTypeDescription, INodeTypeData, INodeTypeNameVersion, IVersionedNodeType, KnownNodesAndCredentials, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY } from './Constants'; import type { n8n } from './Interfaces'; import { loadClassInIsolation } from './ClassLoader'; function toJSON(this: ICredentialType) { return { ...this, authenticate: typeof this.authenticate === 'function' ? {} : this.authenticate, }; } export type Types = { nodes: INodeTypeBaseDescription[]; credentials: ICredentialType[]; }; export abstract class DirectoryLoader { isLazyLoaded = false; loadedNodes: INodeTypeNameVersion[] = []; nodeTypes: INodeTypeData = {}; credentialTypes: ICredentialTypeData = {}; known: KnownNodesAndCredentials = { nodes: {}, credentials: {} }; types: Types = { nodes: [], credentials: [] }; constructor( readonly directory: string, protected readonly excludeNodes: string[] = [], protected readonly includeNodes: string[] = [], ) {} abstract packageName: string; abstract loadAll(): Promise; reset() { this.loadedNodes = []; this.nodeTypes = {}; this.credentialTypes = {}; this.known = { nodes: {}, credentials: {} }; this.types = { nodes: [], credentials: [] }; } protected resolvePath(file: string) { return path.resolve(, file); } protected loadNodeFromFile(nodeName: string, filePath: string) { let tempNode: INodeType | IVersionedNodeType; let nodeVersion = 1; const isCustom = this.packageName === 'CUSTOM'; try { tempNode = loadClassInIsolation(filePath, nodeName); this.addCodex({ node: tempNode, filePath, isCustom }); } catch (error) { Logger.error( `Error loading node "${nodeName}" from: "${filePath}" - ${(error as Error).message}`, ); throw error; } const fullNodeName = `${this.packageName}.${}`; if (this.includeNodes.length && !this.includeNodes.includes(fullNodeName)) { return; } if (this.excludeNodes.includes(fullNodeName)) { return; } = fullNodeName; this.fixIconPath(tempNode.description, filePath); if ('nodeVersions' in tempNode) { for (const versionNode of Object.values(tempNode.nodeVersions)) { this.fixIconPath(versionNode.description, filePath); } for (const version of Object.values(tempNode.nodeVersions)) { this.addLoadOptionsMethods(version); } const currentVersionNode = tempNode.nodeVersions[tempNode.currentVersion]; this.addCodex({ node: currentVersionNode, filePath, isCustom }); nodeVersion = tempNode.currentVersion; if (currentVersionNode.hasOwnProperty('executeSingle')) { throw new Error( `"executeSingle" has been removed. Please update the code of node "${this.packageName}.${nodeName}" to use "execute" instead!`, ); } } else { this.addLoadOptionsMethods(tempNode); // Short renaming to avoid type issues nodeVersion = Array.isArray(tempNode.description.version) ? tempNode.description.version.slice(-1)[0] : tempNode.description.version; } this.known.nodes[fullNodeName] = { className: nodeName, sourcePath: filePath, }; this.nodeTypes[fullNodeName] = { type: tempNode, sourcePath: filePath, }; this.loadedNodes.push({ name: fullNodeName, version: nodeVersion, }); getVersionedNodeTypeAll(tempNode).forEach(({ description }) => { this.types.nodes.push(description); }); } protected loadCredentialFromFile(credentialName: string, filePath: string): void { let tempCredential: ICredentialType; try { tempCredential = loadClassInIsolation(filePath, credentialName); // Add serializer method "toJSON" to the class so that authenticate method (if defined) // gets mapped to the authenticate attribute before it is sent to the client. // The authenticate property is used by the client to decide whether or not to // include the credential type in the predefined credentials (HTTP node) Object.assign(tempCredential, { toJSON }); this.fixIconPath(tempCredential, filePath); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof TypeError) { throw new Error( `Class with name "${credentialName}" could not be found. Please check if the class is named correctly!`, ); } else { throw e; } } this.known.credentials[] = { className: credentialName, sourcePath: filePath, extends: tempCredential.extends, }; this.credentialTypes[] = { type: tempCredential, sourcePath: filePath, }; this.types.credentials.push(tempCredential); } /** * Retrieves `categories`, `subcategories` and alias (if defined) * from the codex data for the node at the given file path. */ private getCodex(filePath: string): CodexData { type Codex = { categories: string[]; subcategories: { [subcategory: string]: string[] }; resources: { primaryDocumentation: DocumentationLink[]; credentialDocumentation: DocumentationLink[]; }; alias: string[]; }; const codexFilePath = `${filePath}on`; // .js to .json const { categories, subcategories, resources: allResources, alias, } = module.require(codexFilePath) as Codex; const resources = { primaryDocumentation: allResources.primaryDocumentation, credentialDocumentation: allResources.credentialDocumentation, }; return { ...(categories && { categories }), ...(subcategories && { subcategories }), ...(resources && { resources }), ...(alias && { alias }), }; } /** * Adds a node codex `categories` and `subcategories` (if defined) * to a node description `codex` property. */ private addCodex({ node, filePath, isCustom, }: { node: INodeType | IVersionedNodeType; filePath: string; isCustom: boolean; }) { try { const codex = this.getCodex(filePath); if (isCustom) { codex.categories = codex.categories ? codex.categories.concat(CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY) : [CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY]; } node.description.codex = codex; } catch { Logger.debug(`No codex available for: ${filePath.split('/').pop() ?? ''}`); if (isCustom) { node.description.codex = { categories: [CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY], }; } } } private addLoadOptionsMethods(node: INodeType) { if (node?.methods?.loadOptions) { node.description.__loadOptionsMethods = Object.keys(node.methods.loadOptions); } } private fixIconPath( obj: INodeTypeDescription | INodeTypeBaseDescription | ICredentialType, filePath: string, ) { if (obj.icon?.startsWith('file:')) { const iconPath = path.join(path.dirname(filePath), obj.icon.substring(5)); const relativePath = path.relative(, iconPath); obj.iconUrl = `icons/${this.packageName}/${relativePath}`; delete obj.icon; } } } /** * Loader for source files of nodes and credentials located in a custom dir, * e.g. `~/.n8n/custom` */ export class CustomDirectoryLoader extends DirectoryLoader { packageName = 'CUSTOM'; override async loadAll() { const filePaths = await glob('**/*.@(node|credentials).js', { cwd:, absolute: true, }); for (const filePath of filePaths) { const [fileName, type] = path.parse(filePath).name.split('.'); if (type === 'node') { this.loadNodeFromFile(fileName, filePath); } else if (type === 'credentials') { this.loadCredentialFromFile(fileName, filePath); } } } } /** * Loader for source files of nodes and credentials located in a package dir, * e.g. /nodes-base or community packages. */ export class PackageDirectoryLoader extends DirectoryLoader { packageName = ''; packageJson!: n8n.PackageJson; async readPackageJson() { this.packageJson = await this.readJSON('package.json'); this.packageName =; } override async loadAll() { await this.readPackageJson(); const { n8n } = this.packageJson; if (!n8n) return; const { nodes, credentials } = n8n; if (Array.isArray(credentials)) { for (const credential of credentials) { const filePath = this.resolvePath(credential); const [credentialName] = path.parse(credential).name.split('.'); this.loadCredentialFromFile(credentialName, filePath); } } if (Array.isArray(nodes)) { for (const node of nodes) { const filePath = this.resolvePath(node); const [nodeName] = path.parse(node).name.split('.'); this.loadNodeFromFile(nodeName, filePath); } } Logger.debug(`Loaded all credentials and nodes from ${this.packageName}`, { credentials: credentials?.length ?? 0, nodes: nodes?.length ?? 0, }); } protected async readJSON(file: string): Promise { const filePath = this.resolvePath(file); const fileString = await readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); try { return jsonParse(fileString); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse JSON from ${filePath}`); } } } /** * This loader extends PackageDirectoryLoader to load node and credentials lazily, if possible */ export class LazyPackageDirectoryLoader extends PackageDirectoryLoader { override async loadAll() { await this.readPackageJson(); try { const knownNodes: typeof this.known.nodes = await this.readJSON('dist/known/nodes.json'); for (const nodeName in knownNodes) { this.known.nodes[`${this.packageName}.${nodeName}`] = knownNodes[nodeName]; } this.known.credentials = await this.readJSON('dist/known/credentials.json'); this.types.nodes = await this.readJSON('dist/types/nodes.json'); this.types.credentials = await this.readJSON('dist/types/credentials.json'); if (this.includeNodes.length) { const allowedNodes: typeof this.known.nodes = {}; for (const nodeName of this.includeNodes) { if (nodeName in this.known.nodes) { allowedNodes[nodeName] = this.known.nodes[nodeName]; } } this.known.nodes = allowedNodes; this.types.nodes = this.types.nodes.filter((nodeType) => this.includeNodes.includes(, ); } if (this.excludeNodes.length) { for (const nodeName of this.excludeNodes) { delete this.known.nodes[nodeName]; } this.types.nodes = this.types.nodes.filter( (nodeType) => !this.excludeNodes.includes(, ); } Logger.debug(`Lazy Loading credentials and nodes from ${}`, { credentials: this.types.credentials?.length ?? 0, nodes: this.types.nodes?.length ?? 0, }); this.isLazyLoaded = true; return; // We can load nodes and credentials lazily now } catch { Logger.debug("Can't enable lazy-loading"); await super.loadAll(); } } }