/* eslint-disable import/no-cycle */ import { AfterLoad, AfterUpdate, BeforeUpdate, Column, ColumnOptions, CreateDateColumn, Entity, Index, OneToMany, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, UpdateDateColumn, } from 'typeorm'; import { IsEmail, IsString, Length } from 'class-validator'; import config = require('../../../config'); import { DatabaseType, IPersonalizationSurveyAnswers } from '../..'; import { Role } from './Role'; import { SharedWorkflow } from './SharedWorkflow'; import { SharedCredentials } from './SharedCredentials'; import { NoXss } from '../utils/customValidators'; import { answersFormatter } from '../utils/transformers'; export const MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8; export const MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 64; function resolveDataType(dataType: string) { const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type'); const typeMap: { [key in DatabaseType]: { [key: string]: string } } = { sqlite: { json: 'simple-json', }, postgresdb: { datetime: 'timestamptz', }, mysqldb: {}, mariadb: {}, }; return typeMap[dbType][dataType] ?? dataType; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types function getTimestampSyntax() { const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type'); const map: { [key in DatabaseType]: string } = { sqlite: "STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'NOW')", postgresdb: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)', mysqldb: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)', mariadb: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)', }; return map[dbType]; } @Entity() export class User { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string; @Column({ length: 254, nullable: true }) @Index({ unique: true }) @IsEmail() email: string; @Column({ length: 32, nullable: true }) @NoXss() @IsString({ message: 'First name must be of type string.' }) @Length(1, 32, { message: 'First name must be $constraint1 to $constraint2 characters long.' }) firstName: string; @Column({ length: 32, nullable: true }) @NoXss() @IsString({ message: 'Last name must be of type string.' }) @Length(1, 32, { message: 'Last name must be $constraint1 to $constraint2 characters long.' }) lastName: string; @Column({ nullable: true }) @IsString({ message: 'Password must be of type string.' }) password: string; @Column({ type: String, nullable: true }) resetPasswordToken?: string | null; // Expiration timestamp saved in seconds @Column({ type: Number, nullable: true }) resetPasswordTokenExpiration?: number | null; @Column({ type: resolveDataType('json') as ColumnOptions['type'], nullable: true, transformer: answersFormatter, }) personalizationAnswers: IPersonalizationSurveyAnswers | null; @ManyToOne(() => Role, (role) => role.globalForUsers, { cascade: true, nullable: false, }) globalRole: Role; @OneToMany(() => SharedWorkflow, (sharedWorkflow) => sharedWorkflow.user) sharedWorkflows: SharedWorkflow[]; @OneToMany(() => SharedCredentials, (sharedCredentials) => sharedCredentials.user) sharedCredentials: SharedCredentials[]; @CreateDateColumn({ precision: 3, default: () => getTimestampSyntax() }) createdAt: Date; @UpdateDateColumn({ precision: 3, default: () => getTimestampSyntax(), onUpdate: getTimestampSyntax(), }) updatedAt: Date; @BeforeUpdate() setUpdateDate(): void { this.updatedAt = new Date(); } /** * Whether the user is pending setup completion. */ isPending: boolean; @AfterLoad() @AfterUpdate() computeIsPending(): void { this.isPending = this.password == null; } }