import type { IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeBaseDescription, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeConnectionType } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { createTransport } from 'nodemailer'; import type SMTPTransport from 'nodemailer/lib/smtp-transport'; const versionDescription: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Send Email', name: 'emailSend', icon: 'fa:envelope', group: ['output'], version: 1, description: 'Sends an Email', defaults: { name: 'Send Email', color: '#00bb88', }, inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], credentials: [ { name: 'smtp', required: true, }, ], properties: [ // TODO: Add choice for text as text or html (maybe also from name) { displayName: 'From Email', name: 'fromEmail', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, placeholder: '', description: 'Email address of the sender optional with name', }, { displayName: 'To Email', name: 'toEmail', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, placeholder: '', description: 'Email address of the recipient', }, { displayName: 'CC Email', name: 'ccEmail', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: '', description: 'Email address of CC recipient', }, { displayName: 'BCC Email', name: 'bccEmail', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: '', description: 'Email address of BCC recipient', }, { displayName: 'Subject', name: 'subject', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'My subject line', description: 'Subject line of the email', }, { displayName: 'Text', name: 'text', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'Plain text message of email', }, { displayName: 'HTML', name: 'html', type: 'string', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '', description: 'HTML text message of email', }, { displayName: 'Attachments', name: 'attachments', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Name of the binary properties that contain data to add to email as attachment. Multiple ones can be comma-separated.', }, { displayName: 'Options', name: 'options', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Ignore SSL Issues (Insecure)', name: 'allowUnauthorizedCerts', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether to connect even if SSL certificate validation is not possible', }, { displayName: 'Reply To', name: 'replyTo', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: '', description: 'The email address to send the reply to', }, ], }, ], }; export class EmailSendV1 implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription; constructor(baseDescription: INodeTypeBaseDescription) { this.description = { ...baseDescription, ...versionDescription, }; } async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; const length = items.length; let item: INodeExecutionData; for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < length; itemIndex++) { try { item = items[itemIndex]; const fromEmail = this.getNodeParameter('fromEmail', itemIndex) as string; const toEmail = this.getNodeParameter('toEmail', itemIndex) as string; const ccEmail = this.getNodeParameter('ccEmail', itemIndex) as string; const bccEmail = this.getNodeParameter('bccEmail', itemIndex) as string; const subject = this.getNodeParameter('subject', itemIndex) as string; const text = this.getNodeParameter('text', itemIndex) as string; const html = this.getNodeParameter('html', itemIndex) as string; const attachmentPropertyString = this.getNodeParameter('attachments', itemIndex) as string; const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', itemIndex, {}); const credentials = await this.getCredentials('smtp'); const connectionOptions: SMTPTransport.Options = { host: as string, port: credentials.port as number, secure: as boolean, }; if (credentials.user || credentials.password) { connectionOptions.auth = { user: credentials.user as string, pass: credentials.password as string, }; } if (options.allowUnauthorizedCerts === true) { connectionOptions.tls = { rejectUnauthorized: false, }; } const transporter = createTransport(connectionOptions); // setup email data with unicode symbols const mailOptions: IDataObject = { from: fromEmail, to: toEmail, cc: ccEmail, bcc: bccEmail, subject, text, html, replyTo: options.replyTo as string | undefined, }; if (attachmentPropertyString && item.binary) { const attachments = []; const attachmentProperties: string[] = attachmentPropertyString .split(',') .map((propertyName) => { return propertyName.trim(); }); for (const propertyName of attachmentProperties) { const binaryData = this.helpers.assertBinaryData(itemIndex, propertyName); attachments.push({ filename: binaryData.fileName || 'unknown', content: await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer(itemIndex, propertyName), }); } if (attachments.length) { mailOptions.attachments = attachments; } } // Send the email const info = await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions); returnData.push({ json: info as unknown as IDataObject, pairedItem: { item: itemIndex, }, }); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ json: { error: error.message, }, pairedItem: { item: itemIndex, }, }); continue; } throw error; } } return [returnData]; } }