import { PropType } from 'vue'; import mixins from 'vue-typed-mixins'; import { INodeUi } from '@/Interface'; import { deviceSupportHelpers } from '@/mixins/deviceSupportHelpers'; import { NO_OP_NODE_TYPE } from '@/constants'; import { INodeTypeDescription } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { mapStores } from 'pinia'; import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/ui'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows'; import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes'; import { BrowserJsPlumbInstance } from '@jsplumb/browser-ui'; import { EndpointOptions } from '@jsplumb/core'; import * as NodeViewUtils from '@/utils/nodeViewUtils'; import { useHistoryStore } from '@/stores/history'; import { useCanvasStore } from '@/stores/canvas'; export const nodeBase = mixins(deviceSupportHelpers).extend({ mounted() { // Initialize the node if ( !== null) { try { this.__addNode(; } catch (error) { // This breaks when new nodes are loaded into store but workflow tab is not currently active // Shouldn't affect anything } } }, computed: { ...mapStores(useNodeTypesStore, useUIStore, useCanvasStore, useWorkflowsStore, useHistoryStore), data(): INodeUi | null { return this.workflowsStore.getNodeByName(; }, nodeId(): string { return || ''; }, }, props: { name: { type: String, }, instance: { type: Object as PropType, }, isReadOnly: { type: Boolean, }, isActive: { type: Boolean, }, hideActions: { type: Boolean, }, disableSelecting: { type: Boolean, }, showCustomTooltip: { type: Boolean, }, }, methods: { __addInputEndpoints(node: INodeUi, nodeTypeData: INodeTypeDescription) { // Add Inputs let index; const indexData: { [key: string]: number; } = {}; nodeTypeData.inputs.forEach((inputName: string, i: number) => { // Increment the index for inputs with current name if (indexData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { indexData[inputName]++; } else { indexData[inputName] = 0; } index = indexData[inputName]; // Get the position of the anchor depending on how many it has const anchorPosition = NodeViewUtils.ANCHOR_POSITIONS.input[nodeTypeData.inputs.length][index]; const newEndpointData: EndpointOptions = { uuid: NodeViewUtils.getInputEndpointUUID(this.nodeId, index), anchor: anchorPosition, maxConnections: -1, endpoint: 'Rectangle', paintStyle: NodeViewUtils.getInputEndpointStyle(nodeTypeData, '--color-foreground-xdark'), hoverPaintStyle: NodeViewUtils.getInputEndpointStyle(nodeTypeData, '--color-primary'), source: false, target: !this.isReadOnly && nodeTypeData.inputs.length > 1, // only enabled for nodes with multiple inputs.. otherwise attachment handled by connectionDrag event in NodeView, parameters: { nodeId: this.nodeId, type: inputName, index, }, enabled: !this.isReadOnly, // enabled in default case to allow dragging cssClass: 'rect-input-endpoint', dragAllowedWhenFull: true, hoverClass: 'dropHover', }; const endpoint = this.instance?.addEndpoint( this.$refs[] as Element, newEndpointData, ); if (nodeTypeData.inputNames) { // Apply input names if they got set endpoint.addOverlay(NodeViewUtils.getInputNameOverlay(nodeTypeData.inputNames[index])); } if (!Array.isArray(endpoint)) { endpoint.__meta = { nodeName:, nodeId: this.nodeId, index: i, totalEndpoints: nodeTypeData.inputs.length, }; } // TODO: Activate again if it makes sense. Currently makes problems when removing // connection on which the input has a name. It does not get hidden because // the endpoint to which it connects when letting it go over the node is // different to the regular one (have different ids). So that seems to make // problems when hiding the input-name. // if (index === 0 && inputName === 'main') { // // Make the first main-input the default one to connect to when connection gets dropped on node // this.instance.makeTarget(this.nodeId, newEndpointData); // } }); if (nodeTypeData.inputs.length === 0) { this.instance.manage(this.$refs[] as Element); } }, __addOutputEndpoints(node: INodeUi, nodeTypeData: INodeTypeDescription) { let index; const indexData: { [key: string]: number; } = {}; nodeTypeData.outputs.forEach((inputName: string, i: number) => { // Increment the index for outputs with current name if (indexData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { indexData[inputName]++; } else { indexData[inputName] = 0; } index = indexData[inputName]; // Get the position of the anchor depending on how many it has const anchorPosition = NodeViewUtils.ANCHOR_POSITIONS.output[nodeTypeData.outputs.length][index]; const newEndpointData: EndpointOptions = { uuid: NodeViewUtils.getOutputEndpointUUID(this.nodeId, index), anchor: anchorPosition, maxConnections: -1, endpoint: { type: 'Dot', options: { radius: nodeTypeData && nodeTypeData.outputs.length > 2 ? 7 : 9, }, }, paintStyle: NodeViewUtils.getOutputEndpointStyle( nodeTypeData, '--color-foreground-xdark', ), hoverPaintStyle: NodeViewUtils.getOutputEndpointStyle(nodeTypeData, '--color-primary'), source: true, target: false, enabled: !this.isReadOnly, parameters: { nodeId: this.nodeId, type: inputName, index, }, hoverClass: 'dot-output-endpoint-hover', connectionsDirected: true, cssClass: 'dot-output-endpoint', dragAllowedWhenFull: false, }; const endpoint = this.instance.addEndpoint( this.$refs[] as Element, newEndpointData, ); if (nodeTypeData.outputNames) { // Apply output names if they got set const overlaySpec = NodeViewUtils.getOutputNameOverlay(nodeTypeData.outputNames[index]); const overlay = endpoint.addOverlay(overlaySpec); } if (!Array.isArray(endpoint)) { endpoint.__meta = { nodeName:, nodeId: this.nodeId, index: i, totalEndpoints: nodeTypeData.outputs.length, }; } if (!this.isReadOnly) { const plusEndpointData: EndpointOptions = { uuid: NodeViewUtils.getOutputEndpointUUID(this.nodeId, index), anchor: anchorPosition, maxConnections: -1, endpoint: { type: 'N8nPlus', options: { dimensions: 24, connectedEndpoint: endpoint, showOutputLabel: nodeTypeData.outputs.length === 1, size: nodeTypeData.outputs.length >= 3 ? 'small' : 'medium', hoverMessage: this.$locale.baseText('nodeBase.clickToAddNodeOrDragToConnect'), }, }, source: true, target: false, enabled: !this.isReadOnly, paintStyle: { outlineStroke: 'none', }, hoverPaintStyle: { outlineStroke: 'none', }, parameters: { nodeId: this.nodeId, type: inputName, index, }, cssClass: 'plus-draggable-endpoint', dragAllowedWhenFull: false, }; const plusEndpoint = this.instance.addEndpoint( this.$refs[] as Element, plusEndpointData, ); if (!Array.isArray(plusEndpoint)) { plusEndpoint.__meta = { nodeName:, nodeId: this.nodeId, index: i, totalEndpoints: nodeTypeData.outputs.length, }; } } }); }, __addNode(node: INodeUi) { const nodeTypeData = (this.nodeTypesStore.getNodeType(node.type, node.typeVersion) ?? this.nodeTypesStore.getNodeType(NO_OP_NODE_TYPE)) as INodeTypeDescription; this.__addInputEndpoints(node, nodeTypeData); this.__addOutputEndpoints(node, nodeTypeData); }, touchEnd(e: MouseEvent) { if (this.isTouchDevice) { if (this.uiStore.isActionActive('dragActive')) { this.uiStore.removeActiveAction('dragActive'); } } }, mouseLeftClick(e: MouseEvent) { // @ts-ignore const path = e.path || (e.composedPath && e.composedPath()); for (let index = 0; index < path.length; index++) { if ( path[index].className && typeof path[index].className === 'string' && path[index].className.includes('no-select-on-click') ) { return; } } if (!this.isTouchDevice) { if (this.uiStore.isActionActive('dragActive')) { this.uiStore.removeActiveAction('dragActive'); } else { if (!this.isCtrlKeyPressed(e)) { this.$emit('deselectAllNodes'); } if (this.uiStore.isNodeSelected( { this.$emit('deselectNode',; } else { this.$emit('nodeSelected',; } } } }, }, });