// Load type definitions that come with Cypress module
import { Interception } from 'cypress/types/net-stubbing';
interface SigninPayload {
email: string;
password: string;
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface SuiteConfigOverrides {
disableAutoLogin: boolean;
interface Chainable {
config(key: keyof SuiteConfigOverrides): boolean;
selector: string,
...args: (Partial | undefined)[]
): Chainable>;
findChildByTestId(childTestId: string): Chainable>;
createFixtureWorkflow(fixtureKey: string, workflowName: string): void;
signin(payload: SigninPayload): void;
signout(): void;
interceptREST(method: string, url: string): Chainable;
enableFeature(feature: string): void;
disableFeature(feature: string): void;
enableQueueMode(): void;
disableQueueMode(): void;
waitForLoad(waitForIntercepts?: boolean): void;
grantBrowserPermissions(...permissions: string[]): void;
readClipboard(): Chainable;
paste(pastePayload: string): void;
selector: string | Cypress.Chainable>,
target: [number, number],
options?: { abs?: boolean; index?: number; realMouse?: boolean; clickToFinish?: boolean },
): void;
draganddrop(draggableSelector: string, droppableSelector: string): void;
push(type: string, data: unknown): void;
shouldNotHaveConsoleErrors(): void;
export {};