import { Container } from '@n8n/di'; import { Cipher } from '@/Cipher'; import { InstanceSettings } from '@/InstanceSettings'; import { mockInstance } from './utils'; describe('Cipher', () => { mockInstance(InstanceSettings, { encryptionKey: 'test_key' }); const cipher = Container.get(Cipher); describe('encrypt', () => { it('should encrypt strings', () => { const encrypted = cipher.encrypt('random-string'); const decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted); expect(decrypted).toEqual('random-string'); }); it('should encrypt objects', () => { const encrypted = cipher.encrypt({ key: 'value' }); const decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted); expect(decrypted).toEqual('{"key":"value"}'); }); }); describe('decrypt', () => { it('should decrypt string', () => { const decrypted = cipher.decrypt('U2FsdGVkX194VEoX27o3+y5jUd1JTTmVwkOKjVhB6Jg='); expect(decrypted).toEqual('random-string'); }); it('should not try to decrypt if the input is shorter than 16 bytes', () => { const decrypted = cipher.decrypt('U2FsdGVkX194VEo'); expect(decrypted).toEqual(''); }); }); });