import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import { audit } from '@/audit'; import * as packageModel from '@/CommunityNodes/packageModel'; import { OFFICIAL_RISKY_NODE_TYPES, NODES_REPORT } from '@/audit/constants'; import { getRiskSection, MOCK_PACKAGE, saveManualTriggerWorkflow } from './utils'; import * as testDb from '../shared/testDb'; import { toReportTitle } from '@/audit/utils'; import { mockInstance } from '../shared/utils'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '@/databases/entities/WorkflowEntity'; const nodesAndCredentials = mockInstance(LoadNodesAndCredentials); nodesAndCredentials.getCustomDirectories.mockReturnValue([]); mockInstance(NodeTypes); beforeAll(async () => { await testDb.init(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['Workflow']); }); afterAll(async () => { await testDb.terminate(); }); test('should report risky official nodes', async () => { const map = [...OFFICIAL_RISKY_NODE_TYPES].reduce<{ [nodeType: string]: string }>((acc, cur) => { return (acc[cur] = uuid()), acc; }, {}); const promises = Object.entries(map).map(async ([nodeType, nodeId]) => { const details = new WorkflowEntity({ name: 'My Test Workflow', active: false, connections: {}, nodes: [ { id: nodeId, name: 'My Node', type: nodeType, typeVersion: 1, position: [0, 0] as [number, number], parameters: {}, }, ], }); return; }); await Promise.all(promises); const testAudit = await audit(['nodes']); const section = getRiskSection( testAudit, NODES_REPORT.RISK, NODES_REPORT.SECTIONS.OFFICIAL_RISKY_NODES, ); expect(section.location).toHaveLength(OFFICIAL_RISKY_NODE_TYPES.size); for (const loc of section.location) { if (loc.kind === 'node') { expect(loc.nodeId).toBe(map[loc.nodeType]); } } }); test('should not report non-risky official nodes', async () => { await saveManualTriggerWorkflow(); const testAudit = await audit(['nodes']); if (Array.isArray(testAudit)) return; const report = testAudit[toReportTitle('nodes')]; if (!report) return; for (const section of report.sections) { expect(section.title).not.toBe(NODES_REPORT.SECTIONS.OFFICIAL_RISKY_NODES); } }); test('should report community nodes', async () => { jest.spyOn(packageModel, 'getAllInstalledPackages').mockResolvedValueOnce(MOCK_PACKAGE); const testAudit = await audit(['nodes']); const section = getRiskSection( testAudit, NODES_REPORT.RISK, NODES_REPORT.SECTIONS.COMMUNITY_NODES, ); expect(section.location).toHaveLength(1); if (section.location[0].kind === 'community') { expect(section.location[0].nodeType).toBe(MOCK_PACKAGE[0].installedNodes[0].type); } });