import { IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodePropertyOptions, NodeApiError, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { CustomField, GeneralAddress, Ref, } from './descriptions/Shared.interface'; import { capitalCase, } from 'change-case'; import { omit, pickBy, } from 'lodash'; import { OptionsWithUri, } from 'request'; import { DateFieldsUi, Option, QuickBooksOAuth2Credentials, TransactionReport, } from './types'; /** * Make an authenticated API request to QuickBooks. */ export async function quickBooksApiRequest( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, qs: IDataObject, body: IDataObject, option: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; let isDownload = false; if (['estimate', 'invoice', 'payment'].includes(resource) && operation === 'get') { isDownload = this.getNodeParameter('download', 0) as boolean; } const productionUrl = ''; const sandboxUrl = ''; const credentials = await this.getCredentials('quickBooksOAuth2Api') as QuickBooksOAuth2Credentials; const options: OptionsWithUri = { headers: { 'user-agent': 'n8n', }, method, uri: `${credentials.environment === 'sandbox' ? sandboxUrl : productionUrl}${endpoint}`, qs, body, json: !isDownload, }; if (!Object.keys(body).length) { delete options.body; } if (!Object.keys(qs).length) { delete options.qs; } if (Object.keys(option)) { Object.assign(options, option); } if (isDownload) { options.headers!['Accept'] = 'application/pdf'; } if (resource === 'invoice' && operation === 'send') { options.headers!['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; } if ( (resource === 'invoice' && (operation === 'void' || operation === 'delete')) || (resource === 'payment' && (operation === 'void' || operation === 'delete')) ) { options.headers!['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } try { return await this.helpers.requestOAuth2!.call(this, 'quickBooksOAuth2Api', options); } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error); } } /** * Make an authenticated API request to QuickBooks and return all results. */ export async function quickBooksApiRequestAllItems( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, qs: IDataObject, body: IDataObject, resource: string, ): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any let responseData; let startPosition = 1; const maxResults = 1000; const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; const maxCount = await, method, endpoint, qs); const originalQuery = qs.query as string; do { qs.query = `${originalQuery} MAXRESULTS ${maxResults} STARTPOSITION ${startPosition}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, qs, body); try { const nonResource = originalQuery.split(' ')?.pop(); if (nonResource === 'CreditMemo' || nonResource === 'Term') { returnData.push(...responseData.QueryResponse[nonResource]); } else { returnData.push(...responseData.QueryResponse[capitalCase(resource)]); } } catch (error) { return []; } startPosition += maxResults; } while (maxCount > returnData.length); return returnData; } async function getCount( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, qs: IDataObject, ): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const responseData = await, method, endpoint, qs, {}); return responseData.QueryResponse.totalCount; } /** * Handles a QuickBooks listing by returning all items or up to a limit. */ export async function handleListing( this: IExecuteFunctions, i: number, endpoint: string, resource: string, ): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any let responseData; const qs = { query: `SELECT * FROM ${resource}`, } as IDataObject; const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i); const filters = this.getNodeParameter('filters', i) as IDataObject; if (filters.query) { qs.query += ` ${filters.query}`; } if (returnAll) { return await, 'GET', endpoint, qs, {}, resource); } else { const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; qs.query += ` MAXRESULTS ${limit}`; responseData = await, 'GET', endpoint, qs, {}); responseData = responseData.QueryResponse[capitalCase(resource)]; return responseData; } } /** * Get the SyncToken required for delete and void operations in QuickBooks. */ export async function getSyncToken( this: IExecuteFunctions, i: number, companyId: string, resource: string, ) { const resourceId = this.getNodeParameter(`${resource}Id`, i); const getEndpoint = `/v3/company/${companyId}/${resource}/${resourceId}`; const propertyName = capitalCase(resource); const { [propertyName]: { SyncToken } } = await, 'GET', getEndpoint, {}, {}); return SyncToken; } /** * Get the reference and SyncToken required for update operations in QuickBooks. */ export async function getRefAndSyncToken( this: IExecuteFunctions, i: number, companyId: string, resource: string, ref: string, ) { const resourceId = this.getNodeParameter(`${resource}Id`, i); const endpoint = `/v3/company/${companyId}/${resource}/${resourceId}`; const responseData = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}, {}); return { ref: responseData[capitalCase(resource)][ref], syncToken: responseData[capitalCase(resource)].SyncToken, }; } /** * Populate node items with binary data. */ export async function handleBinaryData( this: IExecuteFunctions, items: INodeExecutionData[], i: number, companyId: string, resource: string, resourceId: string, ) { const binaryProperty = this.getNodeParameter('binaryProperty', i) as string; const fileName = this.getNodeParameter('fileName', i) as string; const endpoint = `/v3/company/${companyId}/${resource}/${resourceId}/pdf`; const data = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}, {}, { encoding: null }); items[i].binary = items[i].binary ?? {}; items[i].binary![binaryProperty] = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData(data); items[i].binary![binaryProperty].fileName = fileName; items[i].binary![binaryProperty].fileExtension = 'pdf'; return items; } export async function loadResource( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, resource: string, ) { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const qs = { query: `SELECT * FROM ${resource}`, } as IDataObject; const { oauthTokenData: { callbackQueryString: { realmId } } } = await this.getCredentials('quickBooksOAuth2Api') as { oauthTokenData: { callbackQueryString: { realmId: string } } }; const endpoint = `/v3/company/${realmId}/query`; const resourceItems = await, 'GET', endpoint, qs, {}, resource); if (resource === 'preferences') { const { SalesFormsPrefs: { CustomField } } = resourceItems[0]; const customFields = CustomField[1].CustomField; for (const customField of customFields) { const length = customField.Name.length; returnData.push({ name: customField.StringValue, value: customField.Name.charAt(length - 1), }); } return returnData; } resourceItems.forEach((resourceItem: { DisplayName: string, Name: string, Id: string }) => { returnData.push({ name: resourceItem.DisplayName || resourceItem.Name || `Memo ${resourceItem.Id}`, value: resourceItem.Id, }); }); return returnData; } /** * Populate the `Line` property in a request body. */ export function processLines( this: IExecuteFunctions, body: IDataObject, lines: IDataObject[], resource: string, ) { lines.forEach((line) => { if (resource === 'bill') { if (line.DetailType === 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail') { line.AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail = { AccountRef: { value: line.accountId, }, }; delete line.accountId; } else if (line.DetailType === 'ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail') { line.ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail = { ItemRef: { value: line.itemId, }, }; delete line.itemId; } } else if (resource === 'estimate') { if (line.DetailType === 'SalesItemLineDetail') { line.SalesItemLineDetail = { ItemRef: { value: line.itemId, }, }; delete line.itemId; } } else if (resource === 'invoice') { if (line.DetailType === 'SalesItemLineDetail') { line.SalesItemLineDetail = { ItemRef: { value: line.itemId, }, }; delete line.itemId; } } }); return lines; } /** * Populate update fields or additional fields into a request body. */ export function populateFields( this: IExecuteFunctions, body: IDataObject, fields: IDataObject, resource: string, ) { Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (resource === 'bill') { if (key.endsWith('Ref')) { const { details } = value as { details: Ref }; body[key] = { name:, value: details.value, }; } else { body[key] = value; } } else if (['customer', 'employee', 'vendor'].includes(resource)) { if (key === 'BillAddr') { const { details } = value as { details: GeneralAddress }; body.BillAddr = pickBy(details, detail => detail !== ''); } else if (key === 'PrimaryEmailAddr') { body.PrimaryEmailAddr = { Address: value, }; } else if (key === 'PrimaryPhone') { body.PrimaryPhone = { FreeFormNumber: value, }; } else { body[key] = value; } } else if (resource === 'estimate' || resource === 'invoice') { if (key === 'BillAddr' || key === 'ShipAddr') { const { details } = value as { details: GeneralAddress }; body[key] = pickBy(details, detail => detail !== ''); } else if (key === 'BillEmail') { body.BillEmail = { Address: value, }; } else if (key === 'CustomFields') { const { Field } = value as { Field: CustomField[] }; body.CustomField = Field; const length = (body.CustomField as CustomField[]).length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { //@ts-ignore body.CustomField[i]['Type'] = 'StringType'; } } else if (key === 'CustomerMemo') { body.CustomerMemo = { value, }; } else if (key.endsWith('Ref')) { const { details } = value as { details: Ref }; body[key] = { name:, value: details.value, }; } else if (key === 'TotalTax') { body.TxnTaxDetail = { TotalTax: value, }; } else { body[key] = value; } } else if (resource === 'payment') { body[key] = value; } }); return body; } export const toOptions = (option: string) => ({ name: option, value: option }); export const toDisplayName = ({ name, value }: Option) => { return { name: splitPascalCase(name), value }; }; export const splitPascalCase = (word: string) => { return word.match(/($[a-z])|[A-Z][^A-Z]+/g)?.join(' '); }; export function adjustTransactionDates( transactionFields: IDataObject & DateFieldsUi, ): IDataObject { const dateFieldKeys = [ 'dateRangeCustom', 'dateRangeDueCustom', 'dateRangeModificationCustom', 'dateRangeCreationCustom', ] as const; if (dateFieldKeys.every(dateField => !transactionFields[dateField])) { return transactionFields; } let adjusted = omit(transactionFields, dateFieldKeys) as IDataObject; dateFieldKeys.forEach(dateFieldKey => { const dateField = transactionFields[dateFieldKey]; if (dateField) { Object.entries(dateField[`${dateFieldKey}Properties`]).map(([key, value]) => dateField[`${dateFieldKey}Properties`][key] = value.split('T')[0], ); adjusted = { ...adjusted, ...dateField[`${dateFieldKey}Properties`], }; } }); return adjusted; } export function simplifyTransactionReport(transactionReport: TransactionReport) { const columns = => column.ColType); const rows = => => i.value)); const simplified = []; for (const row of rows) { const transaction: { [key: string]: string } = {}; for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { transaction[columns[i]] = row[i]; } simplified.push(transaction); } return simplified; }