import * as fs from 'fs'; import { Command, flags, } from '@oclif/command'; import { UserSettings, } from 'n8n-core'; import { INode, INodeExecutionData, ITaskData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ActiveExecutions, CredentialsOverwrites, CredentialTypes, Db, ExternalHooks, IExecutionsCurrentSummary, IWorkflowDb, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, LoadNodesAndCredentials, NodeTypes, WorkflowCredentials, WorkflowRunner, } from '../src'; import { sep, } from 'path'; import { diff, } from 'json-diff'; import { getLogger, } from '../src/Logger'; import { LoggerProxy, } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class ExecuteBatch extends Command { static description = '\nExecutes multiple workflows once'; static cancelled = false; static workflowExecutionsProgress: IWorkflowExecutionProgress[][]; static shallow = false; static compare: string; static snapshot: string; static concurrency = 1; static debug = false; static executionTimeout = 3 * 60 * 1000; static examples = [ `$ n8n executeAll`, `$ n8n executeAll --concurrency=10 --skipList=/data/skipList.txt`, `$ n8n executeAll --debug --output=/data/output.json`, `$ n8n executeAll --ids=10,13,15 --shortOutput`, `$ n8n executeAll --snapshot=/data/snapshots --shallow`, `$ n8n executeAll --compare=/data/previousExecutionData --retries=2`, ]; static flags = { help:{ char: 'h' }), debug: flags.boolean({ description: 'Toggles on displaying all errors and debug messages.', }), ids: flags.string({ description: 'Specifies workflow IDs to get executed, separated by a comma.', }), concurrency: flags.integer({ default: 1, description: 'How many workflows can run in parallel. Defaults to 1 which means no concurrency.', }), output: flags.string({ description: 'Enable execution saving, You must inform an existing folder to save execution via this param', }), snapshot: flags.string({ description: 'Enables snapshot saving. You must inform an existing folder to save snapshots via this param.', }), compare: flags.string({ description: 'Compares current execution with an existing snapshot. You must inform an existing folder where the snapshots are saved.', }), shallow: flags.boolean({ description: 'Compares only if attributes output from node are the same, with no regards to neste JSON objects.', }), skipList: flags.string({ description: 'File containing a comma separated list of workflow IDs to skip.', }), retries: flags.integer({ description: 'Retries failed workflows up to N tries. Default is 1. Set 0 to disable.', default: 1, }), shortOutput: flags.boolean({ description: 'Omits the full execution information from output, displaying only summary.', }), }; /** * Gracefully handles exit. * @param {boolean} skipExit Whether to skip exit or number according to received signal */ static async stopProcess(skipExit: boolean | number = false) { if (ExecuteBatch.cancelled === true) { process.exit(0); } ExecuteBatch.cancelled = true; const activeExecutionsInstance = ActiveExecutions.getInstance(); const stopPromises = activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions().map(async execution => { activeExecutionsInstance.stopExecution(; }); await Promise.allSettled(stopPromises); setTimeout(() => { process.exit(0); }, 30000); let executingWorkflows = activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions() as IExecutionsCurrentSummary[]; let count = 0; while (executingWorkflows.length !== 0) { if (count++ % 4 === 0) { console.log(`Waiting for ${executingWorkflows.length} active executions to finish...`); => { console.log(` - Execution ID ${}, workflow ID: ${execution.workflowId}`); }); } await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 500); }); executingWorkflows = activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions(); } // We may receive true but when called from `process.on` // we get the signal (SIGNIT, etc.) if (skipExit !== true) { process.exit(0); } } formatJsonOutput(data: object) { return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); } shouldBeConsideredAsWarning(errorMessage: string) { const warningStrings = [ 'refresh token is invalid', 'unable to connect to', 'econnreset', '429', 'econnrefused', 'missing a required parameter', ]; errorMessage = errorMessage.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < warningStrings.length; i++) { if (errorMessage.includes(warningStrings[i])) { return true; } } return false; } async run() { process.on('SIGTERM', ExecuteBatch.stopProcess); process.on('SIGINT', ExecuteBatch.stopProcess); const logger = getLogger(); LoggerProxy.init(logger); const { flags } = this.parse(ExecuteBatch); ExecuteBatch.debug = flags.debug === true; ExecuteBatch.concurrency = flags.concurrency || 1; const ids: number[] = []; const skipIds: number[] = []; if (flags.snapshot !== undefined) { if (fs.existsSync(flags.snapshot)) { if (!fs.lstatSync(flags.snapshot).isDirectory()) { console.log(`The parameter --snapshot must be an existing directory`); return; } } else { console.log(`The parameter --snapshot must be an existing directory`); return; } ExecuteBatch.snapshot = flags.snapshot; } if ( !== undefined) { if (fs.existsSync( { if (!fs.lstatSync( { console.log(`The parameter --compare must be an existing directory`); return; } } else { console.log(`The parameter --compare must be an existing directory`); return; } =; } if (flags.output !== undefined) { if (fs.existsSync(flags.output)) { if (fs.lstatSync(flags.output).isDirectory()) { console.log(`The parameter --output must be a writable file`); return; } } } if (flags.ids !== undefined) { const paramIds = flags.ids.split(','); const re = /\d+/; const matchedIds = paramIds.filter(id => id.match(re)).map(id => parseInt(id.trim(), 10)); if (matchedIds.length === 0) { console.log(`The parameter --ids must be a list of numeric IDs separated by a comma.`); return; } ids.push(...matchedIds); } if (flags.skipList !== undefined) { if (fs.existsSync(flags.skipList)) { const contents = fs.readFileSync(flags.skipList, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); skipIds.push(...contents.split(',').map(id => parseInt(id.trim(), 10))); } else { console.log('Skip list file not found. Exiting.'); return; } } if (flags.shallow === true) { ExecuteBatch.shallow = true; } // Start directly with the init of the database to improve startup time const startDbInitPromise = Db.init(); // Load all node and credential types const loadNodesAndCredentials = LoadNodesAndCredentials(); const loadNodesAndCredentialsPromise = loadNodesAndCredentials.init(); // Make sure the settings exist await UserSettings.prepareUserSettings(); // Wait till the database is ready await startDbInitPromise; let allWorkflows; const query = Db.collections!.Workflow!.createQueryBuilder('workflows'); if (ids.length > 0) { query.andWhere(` in (:...ids)`, { ids }); } if (skipIds.length > 0) { query.andWhere(` not in (:...skipIds)`, { skipIds }); } allWorkflows = await query.getMany() as IWorkflowDb[]; if (ExecuteBatch.debug === true) { process.stdout.write(`Found ${allWorkflows.length} workflows to execute.\n`); } // Wait till the n8n-packages have been read await loadNodesAndCredentialsPromise; // Load the credentials overwrites if any exist await CredentialsOverwrites().init(); // Load all external hooks const externalHooks = ExternalHooks(); await externalHooks.init(); // Add the found types to an instance other parts of the application can use const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); await nodeTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.nodeTypes); const credentialTypes = CredentialTypes(); await credentialTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.credentialTypes); // Send a shallow copy of allWorkflows so we still have all workflow data. const results = await this.runTests([...allWorkflows]); let { retries } = flags; while (retries > 0 && (results.summary.warningExecutions + results.summary.failedExecutions > 0) && ExecuteBatch.cancelled === false) { const failedWorkflowIds = => execution.workflowId); failedWorkflowIds.push( => execution.workflowId)); const newWorkflowList = allWorkflows.filter(workflow => failedWorkflowIds.includes(; const retryResults = await this.runTests(newWorkflowList); this.mergeResults(results, retryResults); // By now, `results` has been updated with the new successful executions. retries--; } if (flags.output !== undefined) { fs.writeFileSync(flags.output, this.formatJsonOutput(results)); console.log('\nExecution finished.'); console.log('Summary:'); console.log(`\tSuccess: ${results.summary.successfulExecutions}`); console.log(`\tFailures: ${results.summary.failedExecutions}`); console.log(`\tWarnings: ${results.summary.warningExecutions}`); console.log('\nNodes successfully tested:'); Object.entries(results.coveredNodes).forEach(([nodeName, nodeCount]) => { console.log(`\t${nodeName}: ${nodeCount}`); }); console.log('\nCheck the JSON file for more details.'); } else { if (flags.shortOutput === true) { console.log(this.formatJsonOutput({ ...results, executions: results.executions.filter(execution => execution.executionStatus !== 'success') })); } else { console.log(this.formatJsonOutput(results)); } } await ExecuteBatch.stopProcess(true); if (results.summary.failedExecutions > 0) { this.exit(1); } this.exit(0); } mergeResults(results: IResult, retryResults: IResult) { if (retryResults.summary.successfulExecutions === 0) { // Nothing to replace. return; } // Find successful executions and replace them on previous result. retryResults.executions.forEach(newExecution => { if (newExecution.executionStatus === 'success') { // Remove previous execution from list. results.executions = results.executions.filter(previousExecutions => previousExecutions.workflowId !== newExecution.workflowId); const errorIndex = results.summary.errors.findIndex(summaryInformation => summaryInformation.workflowId === newExecution.workflowId); if (errorIndex !== -1) { // This workflow errored previously. Decrement error count. results.summary.failedExecutions--; // Remove from the list of errors. results.summary.errors.splice(errorIndex, 1); } const warningIndex = results.summary.warnings.findIndex(summaryInformation => summaryInformation.workflowId === newExecution.workflowId); if (warningIndex !== -1) { // This workflow errored previously. Decrement error count. results.summary.warningExecutions--; // Remove from the list of errors. results.summary.warnings.splice(warningIndex, 1); } // Increment successful executions count and push it to all executions array. results.summary.successfulExecutions++; results.executions.push(newExecution); } }); } async runTests(allWorkflows: IWorkflowDb[]): Promise { const result: IResult = { totalWorkflows: allWorkflows.length, summary: { failedExecutions: 0, warningExecutions: 0, successfulExecutions: 0, errors: [], warnings: [], }, coveredNodes: {}, executions: [], }; if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { this.initializeLogs(); } return new Promise(async (res) => { const promisesArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < ExecuteBatch.concurrency; i++) { const promise = new Promise(async (resolve) => { let workflow: IWorkflowDb | undefined; while (allWorkflows.length > 0) { workflow = allWorkflows.shift(); if (ExecuteBatch.cancelled === true) { process.stdout.write(`Thread ${i + 1} resolving and quitting.`); resolve(true); break; } // This if shouldn't be really needed // but it's a concurrency precaution. if (workflow === undefined) { resolve(true); return; } if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress[i].push({ workflowId:, status: 'running', }); this.updateStatus(); } await this.startThread(workflow).then((executionResult) => { if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress[i].pop(); } result.executions.push(executionResult); if (executionResult.executionStatus === 'success') { if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress[i].push({ workflowId: workflow!.id, status: 'success', }); this.updateStatus(); } result.summary.successfulExecutions++; const nodeNames = Object.keys(executionResult.coveredNodes); => { if (result.coveredNodes[nodeName] === undefined) { result.coveredNodes[nodeName] = 0; } result.coveredNodes[nodeName] += executionResult.coveredNodes[nodeName]; }); } else if (executionResult.executionStatus === 'warning') { result.summary.warningExecutions++; result.summary.warnings.push({ workflowId: executionResult.workflowId, error: executionResult.error!, }); if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress[i].push({ workflowId: workflow!.id, status: 'warning', }); this.updateStatus(); } } else if (executionResult.executionStatus === 'error') { result.summary.failedExecutions++; result.summary.errors.push({ workflowId: executionResult.workflowId, error: executionResult.error!, }); if (ExecuteBatch.debug) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress[i].push({ workflowId: workflow!.id, status: 'error', }); this.updateStatus(); } } else { throw new Error('Wrong execution status - cannot proceed'); } }); } resolve(true); }); promisesArray.push(promise); } await Promise.allSettled(promisesArray); res(result); }); } updateStatus() { if (ExecuteBatch.cancelled === true) { return; } if (process.stdout.isTTY === true) { process.stdout.moveCursor(0, - (ExecuteBatch.concurrency)); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.clearLine(0); }, index) => { let message = `${index + 1}: `;, workflowIndex) => { let openColor = '\x1b[0m'; const closeColor = '\x1b[0m'; switch (executionItem.status) { case 'success': openColor = '\x1b[32m'; break; case 'error': openColor = '\x1b[31m'; break; case 'warning': openColor = '\x1b[33m'; break; default: break; } message += (workflowIndex > 0 ? ', ' : '') + `${openColor}${executionItem.workflowId}${closeColor}`; }); if (process.stdout.isTTY === true) { process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.clearLine(0); } process.stdout.write(message + '\n'); }); } initializeLogs() { process.stdout.write('**********************************************\n'); process.stdout.write(' n8n test workflows\n'); process.stdout.write('**********************************************\n'); process.stdout.write('\n'); process.stdout.write('Batch number:\n'); ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress = []; for (let i = 0; i < ExecuteBatch.concurrency; i++) { ExecuteBatch.workflowExecutionsProgress.push([]); process.stdout.write(`${i + 1}: \n`); } } startThread(workflowData: IWorkflowDb): Promise { // This will be the object returned by the promise. // It will be updated according to execution progress below. const executionResult: IExecutionResult = { workflowId:, workflowName:, executionTime: 0, finished: false, executionStatus: 'running', coveredNodes: {}, }; const requiredNodeTypes = ['n8n-nodes-base.start']; let startNode: INode | undefined = undefined; for (const node of workflowData.nodes) { if (requiredNodeTypes.includes(node.type)) { startNode = node; break; } } // We have a cool feature here. // On each node, on the Settings tab in the node editor you can change // the `Notes` field to add special cases for comparison and snapshots. // You need to set one configuration per line with the following possible keys: // CAP_RESULTS_LENGTH=x where x is a number. Cap the number of rows from this node to x. // This means if you set CAP_RESULTS_LENGTH=1 we will have only 1 row in the output // IGNORED_PROPERTIES=x,y,z where x, y and z are JSON property names. Removes these // properties from the JSON object (useful for optional properties that can // cause the comparison to detect changes when not true). const nodeEdgeCases = {} as INodeSpecialCases; workflowData.nodes.forEach(node => { executionResult.coveredNodes[node.type] = (executionResult.coveredNodes[node.type] || 0) + 1; if (node.notes !== undefined && node.notes !== '') { node.notes.split('\n').forEach(note => { const parts = note.split('='); if (parts.length === 2) { if (nodeEdgeCases[] === undefined) { nodeEdgeCases[] = {} as INodeSpecialCase; } if (parts[0] === 'CAP_RESULTS_LENGTH') { nodeEdgeCases[].capResults = parseInt(parts[1], 10); } else if (parts[0] === 'IGNORED_PROPERTIES') { nodeEdgeCases[].ignoredProperties = parts[1].split(',').map(property => property.trim()); } } }); } }); return new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (startNode === undefined) { // If the workflow does not contain a start-node we can not know what // should be executed and with which data to start. executionResult.error = 'Workflow cannot be started as it does not contain a "Start" node.'; executionResult.executionStatus = 'warning'; resolve(executionResult); } let gotCancel = false; // Timeouts execution after 5 minutes. const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { gotCancel = true; executionResult.error = 'Workflow execution timed out.'; executionResult.executionStatus = 'warning'; resolve(executionResult); }, ExecuteBatch.executionTimeout); try { const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData!.nodes); const runData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { credentials, executionMode: 'cli', startNodes: [startNode!.name], workflowData: workflowData!, }; const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner(); const executionId = await; const activeExecutions = ActiveExecutions.getInstance(); const data = await activeExecutions.getPostExecutePromise(executionId); if (gotCancel || ExecuteBatch.cancelled === true) { clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); // The promise was settled already so we simply ignore. return; } if (data === undefined) { executionResult.error = 'Workflow did not return any data.'; executionResult.executionStatus = 'error'; } else { executionResult.executionTime = (Date.parse(data.stoppedAt as unknown as string) - Date.parse(data.startedAt as unknown as string)) / 1000; executionResult.finished = (data?.finished !== undefined) as boolean; if ( { executionResult.error ='description') ? // @ts-ignore :; if ( !== undefined) { executionResult.error += ` on node ${}`; } executionResult.executionStatus = 'error'; if (this.shouldBeConsideredAsWarning(executionResult.error || '')) { executionResult.executionStatus = 'warning'; } } else { if (ExecuteBatch.shallow === true) { // What this does is guarantee that top-level attributes // from the JSON are kept and the are the same type. // We convert nested JSON objects to a simple {object:true} // and we convert nested arrays to ['json array'] // This reduces the chance of false positives but may // result in not detecting deeper changes. Object.keys( string) => {[nodeName].map((taskData: ITaskData) => { if ( === undefined) { return; } Object.keys( => { const connection =![connectionName] as Array; => { if (executionDataArray === null) { return; } if (nodeEdgeCases[nodeName] !== undefined && nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].capResults !== undefined) { executionDataArray.splice(nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].capResults!); } => { if (executionData.json === undefined) { return; } if (nodeEdgeCases[nodeName] !== undefined && nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].ignoredProperties !== undefined) { nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].ignoredProperties!.forEach(ignoredProperty => delete executionData.json[ignoredProperty]); } const jsonProperties = executionData.json; const nodeOutputAttributes = Object.keys(jsonProperties); => { if (Array.isArray(jsonProperties[attributeName])) { jsonProperties[attributeName] = ['json array']; } else if (typeof jsonProperties[attributeName] === 'object') { jsonProperties[attributeName] = { object: true }; } }); }); }); }); }); }); } else { // If not using shallow comparison then we only treat nodeEdgeCases. const specialCases = Object.keys(nodeEdgeCases); specialCases.forEach(nodeName => {[nodeName].map((taskData: ITaskData) => { if ( === undefined) { return; } Object.keys( => { const connection =![connectionName] as Array; => { if (executionDataArray === null) { return; } if (nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].capResults !== undefined) { executionDataArray.splice(nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].capResults!); } if (nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].ignoredProperties !== undefined) { => { if (executionData.json === undefined) { return; } nodeEdgeCases[nodeName].ignoredProperties!.forEach(ignoredProperty => delete executionData.json[ignoredProperty]); }); } }); }); }); }); } const serializedData = this.formatJsonOutput(data); if ( === undefined) { executionResult.executionStatus = 'success'; } else { const fileName = ( ? : + sep) + `${}-snapshot.json`; if (fs.existsSync(fileName) === true) { const contents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); const changes = diff(JSON.parse(contents), data, { keysOnly: true }); if (changes !== undefined) { // we have structural changes. Report them. executionResult.error = `Workflow may contain breaking changes`; executionResult.changes = changes; executionResult.executionStatus = 'error'; } else { executionResult.executionStatus = 'success'; } } else { executionResult.error = 'Snapshot for not found.'; executionResult.executionStatus = 'warning'; } } // Save snapshots only after comparing - this is to make sure we're updating // After comparing to existing verion. if (ExecuteBatch.snapshot !== undefined) { const fileName = (ExecuteBatch.snapshot.endsWith(sep) ? ExecuteBatch.snapshot : ExecuteBatch.snapshot + sep) + `${}-snapshot.json`; fs.writeFileSync(fileName, serializedData); } } } } catch (e) { executionResult.error = 'Workflow failed to execute.'; executionResult.executionStatus = 'error'; } clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); resolve(executionResult); }); } }