'use strict'; const path = require('path'); /** * This file contains any locally defined ESLint rules. They are picked up by * eslint-plugin-n8n-local-rules and exposed as 'n8n-local-rules/'. */ module.exports = { /** * A rule to detect calls to JSON.parse() that are not wrapped inside try/catch blocks. * * Valid: * ```js * try { JSON.parse(foo) } catch(err) { baz() } * ``` * * Invalid: * ```js * JSON.parse(foo) * ``` * * The pattern where an object is cloned with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) is allowed * (abundant in the n8n codebase): * * Valid: * ```js * JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(foo)) * ``` */ 'no-uncaught-json-parse': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Calls to `JSON.parse()` must be replaced with `jsonParse()` from `n8n-workflow` or surrounded with a try/catch block.', recommended: 'error', }, schema: [], messages: { noUncaughtJsonParse: 'Use `jsonParse()` from `n8n-workflow` or surround the `JSON.parse()` call with a try/catch block.', }, }, defaultOptions: [], create(context) { return { CallExpression(node) { if (!isJsonParseCall(node)) { return; } if (isJsonStringifyCall(node)) { return; } if (context.getAncestors().find((node) => node.type === 'TryStatement') !== undefined) { return; } // Found a JSON.parse() call not wrapped into a try/catch, so report it context.report({ messageId: 'noUncaughtJsonParse', node, }); }, }; }, }, 'no-json-parse-json-stringify': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Calls to `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arg))` must be replaced with `deepCopy(arg)` from `n8n-workflow`.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { noJsonParseJsonStringify: 'Replace with `deepCopy({{ argText }})`', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { CallExpression(node) { if (isJsonParseCall(node) && isJsonStringifyCall(node)) { const [callExpression] = node.arguments; const { arguments: args } = callExpression; if (!Array.isArray(args) || args.length !== 1) return; const [arg] = args; if (!arg) return; const argText = context.getSourceCode().getText(arg); context.report({ messageId: 'noJsonParseJsonStringify', node, data: { argText }, fix: (fixer) => fixer.replaceText(node, `deepCopy(${argText})`), }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-unneeded-backticks': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Template literal backticks may only be used for string interpolation or multiline strings.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { noUneededBackticks: 'Use single or double quotes, not backticks', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { TemplateLiteral(node) { if (node.expressions.length > 0) return; if (node.quasis.every((q) => q.loc.start.line !== q.loc.end.line)) return; node.quasis.forEach((q) => { const escaped = q.value.raw.replace(/(? fixer.replaceText(q, `'${escaped}'`), }); }); }, }; }, }, 'no-unused-param-in-catch-clause': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Unused param in catch clause must be omitted.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { removeUnusedParam: 'Remove unused param in catch clause', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { CatchClause(node) { if (node.param?.name?.startsWith('_')) { const start = node.range[0] + 'catch '.length; const end = node.param.range[1] + '()'.length; context.report({ messageId: 'removeUnusedParam', node, fix: (fixer) => fixer.removeRange([start, end]), }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-useless-catch-throw': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Disallow `try-catch` blocks where the `catch` only contains a `throw error`.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { noUselessCatchThrow: 'Remove useless `catch` block.', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { CatchClause(node) { if ( node.body.body.length === 1 && node.body.body[0].type === 'ThrowStatement' && node.body.body[0].argument.type === 'Identifier' && node.body.body[0].argument.name === node.param.name ) { context.report({ node, messageId: 'noUselessCatchThrow', fix(fixer) { const tryStatement = node.parent; const tryBlock = tryStatement.block; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const tryBlockText = sourceCode.getText(tryBlock); const tryBlockTextWithoutBraces = tryBlockText.slice(1, -1).trim(); const indentedTryBlockText = tryBlockTextWithoutBraces .split('\n') .map((line) => line.replace(/\t/, '')) .join('\n'); return fixer.replaceText(tryStatement, indentedTryBlockText); }, }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-skipped-tests': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Tests must not be skipped.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { removeSkip: 'Remove `.skip()` call', removeOnly: 'Remove `.only()` call', removeXPrefix: 'Remove `x` prefix', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { const TESTING_FUNCTIONS = new Set(['test', 'it', 'describe']); const SKIPPING_METHODS = new Set(['skip', 'only']); const PREFIXED_TESTING_FUNCTIONS = new Set(['xtest', 'xit', 'xdescribe']); const toMessageId = (s) => 'remove' + s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); return { MemberExpression(node) { if ( node.object.type === 'Identifier' && TESTING_FUNCTIONS.has(node.object.name) && node.property.type === 'Identifier' && SKIPPING_METHODS.has(node.property.name) ) { context.report({ messageId: toMessageId(node.property.name), node, fix: (fixer) => { const [start, end] = node.property.range; return fixer.removeRange([start - '.'.length, end]); }, }); } }, CallExpression(node) { if ( node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && PREFIXED_TESTING_FUNCTIONS.has(node.callee.name) ) { context.report({ messageId: 'removeXPrefix', node, fix: (fixer) => fixer.replaceText(node.callee, 'test'), }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-interpolation-in-regular-string': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'String interpolation `${...}` requires backticks, not single or double quotes.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { useBackticks: 'Use backticks to interpolate', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { Literal(node) { if (typeof node.value !== 'string') return; if (/\$\{/.test(node.value)) { context.report({ messageId: 'useBackticks', node, fix: (fixer) => fixer.replaceText(node, `\`${node.value}\``), }); } }, }; }, }, 'dangerously-use-html-string-missing': { meta: { type: 'error', docs: { description: 'Calls to the `showToast` and `showMessage` methods must include `dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true` when at least one of the values in `title` or `message` contains HTML.', recommended: 'error', /** * @note This rule does not yet cover cases where the result of calling * `this.$locale.someMethod()` is assigned to a variable that is then * assigned to `title or `message`, e.g. `message: errorMessage`. */ }, }, create(context) { const cwd = context.getCwd(); const locale = 'src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json'; const LOCALE_NAMESPACE = '$locale'; const LOCALE_FILEPATH = cwd.endsWith('editor-ui') ? path.join(cwd, locale) : path.join(cwd, 'packages/editor-ui', locale); let LOCALE_MAP; try { LOCALE_MAP = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(LOCALE_FILEPATH)); } catch { console.log( '[dangerously-use-html-string-missing] Failed to load locale map, skipping rule...', ); return {}; } const METHODS_POSSIBLY_REQUIRING_HTML = new Set(['showToast', 'showMessage']); const PROPERTIES_POSSIBLY_CONTAINING_HTML = new Set(['title', 'message']); const USE_HTML_PROPERTY = 'dangerouslyUseHTMLString'; const isMethodPossiblyRequiringRawHtml = (node) => node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && node.callee.object.type === 'ThisExpression' && node.callee.property.type === 'Identifier' && METHODS_POSSIBLY_REQUIRING_HTML.has(node.callee.property.name) && node.arguments.length === 1 && node.arguments.at(0).type === 'ObjectExpression'; const isPropertyWithLocaleStringAsValue = (property) => property.key.type === 'Identifier' && PROPERTIES_POSSIBLY_CONTAINING_HTML.has(property.key.name) && property.value.type === 'CallExpression' && property.value.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && property.value.callee.object.type === 'MemberExpression' && property.value.callee.object.property.type === 'Identifier' && property.value.callee.object.property.name === LOCALE_NAMESPACE && property.value.arguments.length >= 1 && property.value.arguments.at(0).type === 'Literal' && typeof property.value.arguments.at(0).value === 'string'; const containsHtml = (str) => { let insideTag = false; for (let char of str) { if (char === '<') { insideTag = true; } else if (char === '>') { if (insideTag) return true; insideTag = false; } } return false; }; return { CallExpression(node) { if (!isMethodPossiblyRequiringRawHtml(node)) return; const arg = node.arguments.at(0); const hasArgWitHtml = arg.properties .reduce( (acc, p) => isPropertyWithLocaleStringAsValue(p) ? [...acc, p.value.arguments.at(0).value] : acc, [], ) .some((i) => containsHtml(LOCALE_MAP[i])); if (!hasArgWitHtml) return; const hasRawHtmlPropertyAsTrue = arg.properties.some( (p) => p.key.type === 'Identifier' && p.key.name === USE_HTML_PROPERTY && p.value.type === 'Literal' && p.value.value === true, ); if (hasRawHtmlPropertyAsTrue) return; const methodName = node.callee.property.name; context.report({ node, message: `Set \`${USE_HTML_PROPERTY}: true\` in the argument to \`${methodName}\`. At least one of the values in \`title\` or \`message\` contains HTML.`, }); }, }; }, }, 'no-plain-errors': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Only `ApplicationError` (from the `workflow` package) or its child classes must be thrown. This ensures the error will be normalized when reported to Sentry, if applicable.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { useApplicationError: 'Throw an `ApplicationError` (from the `workflow` package) or its child classes.', }, fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { return { ThrowStatement(node) { if (!node.argument) return; const isNewError = node.argument.type === 'NewExpression' && node.argument.callee.name === 'Error'; const isNewlessError = node.argument.type === 'CallExpression' && node.argument.callee.name === 'Error'; if (isNewError || isNewlessError) { return context.report({ messageId: 'useApplicationError', node, fix: (fixer) => fixer.replaceText( node, `throw new ApplicationError(${node.argument.arguments .map((arg) => arg.raw) .join(', ')})`, ), }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-dynamic-import-template': { meta: { type: 'error', docs: { description: 'Disallow non-relative imports in template string argument to `await import()`, because `tsc-alias` as of 1.8.7 is unable to resolve aliased paths in this scenario.', recommended: true, }, }, create: function (context) { return { 'AwaitExpression > ImportExpression TemplateLiteral'(node) { const templateValue = node.quasis[0].value.cooked; if (!templateValue?.startsWith('@/')) return; context.report({ node, message: 'Use relative imports in template string argument to `await import()`, because `tsc-alias` as of 1.8.7 is unable to resolve aliased paths in this scenario.', }); }, }; }, }, 'misplaced-n8n-typeorm-import': { meta: { type: 'error', docs: { description: 'Ensure `@n8n/typeorm` is imported only from within the `packages/cli/src/databases` directory.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { moveImport: 'Move this import to `packages/cli/src/databases/**/*.ts`.', }, }, create(context) { return { ImportDeclaration(node) { if ( node.source.value === '@n8n/typeorm' && !context.getFilename().includes('packages/cli/src/databases/') ) { context.report({ node, messageId: 'moveImport' }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-type-unsafe-event-emitter': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Disallow extending from `EventEmitter`, which is not type-safe.', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { noExtendsEventEmitter: 'Extend from the type-safe `TypedEmitter` class instead.', }, }, create(context) { return { ClassDeclaration(node) { if ( node.superClass && node.superClass.type === 'Identifier' && node.superClass.name === 'EventEmitter' && node.id.name !== 'TypedEmitter' ) { context.report({ node: node.superClass, messageId: 'noExtendsEventEmitter', }); } }, }; }, }, 'no-untyped-config-class-field': { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Enforce explicit typing of config class fields', recommended: 'error', }, messages: { noUntypedConfigClassField: 'Class field must have an explicit type annotation, e.g. `field: type = value`. See: https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/pull/10433', }, }, create(context) { return { PropertyDefinition(node) { if (!node.typeAnnotation) { context.report({ node: node.key, messageId: 'noUntypedConfigClassField' }); } }, }; }, }, }; const isJsonParseCall = (node) => node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && node.callee.object.type === 'Identifier' && node.callee.object.name === 'JSON' && node.callee.property.type === 'Identifier' && node.callee.property.name === 'parse'; const isJsonStringifyCall = (node) => { const parseArg = node.arguments?.[0]; return ( parseArg !== undefined && parseArg.type === 'CallExpression' && parseArg.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && parseArg.callee.object.type === 'Identifier' && parseArg.callee.object.name === 'JSON' && parseArg.callee.property.type === 'Identifier' && parseArg.callee.property.name === 'stringify' ); };