import { GlobalConfig } from '@n8n/config'; import compression from 'compression'; import express from 'express'; import * as a from 'node:assert/strict'; import { randomBytes } from 'node:crypto'; import { ServerResponse, type Server, createServer as createHttpServer } from 'node:http'; import type { AddressInfo, Socket } from 'node:net'; import { parse as parseUrl } from 'node:url'; import { Service } from 'typedi'; import { Server as WSServer } from 'ws'; import { inTest, LOWEST_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY } from '@/constants'; import { OnShutdown } from '@/decorators/on-shutdown'; import { Logger } from '@/logging/logger.service'; import { bodyParser, rawBodyReader } from '@/middlewares'; import { send } from '@/response-helper'; import { TaskRunnerAuthController } from '@/runners/auth/task-runner-auth.controller'; import type { TaskRunnerServerInitRequest, TaskRunnerServerInitResponse, } from '@/runners/runner-types'; import { TaskRunnerService } from '@/runners/runner-ws-server'; /** * Task Runner HTTP & WS server */ @Service() export class TaskRunnerServer { private server: Server | undefined; private wsServer: WSServer | undefined; readonly app: express.Application; public get port() { return (this.server?.address() as AddressInfo)?.port; } private get upgradeEndpoint() { return `${this.getEndpointBasePath()}/_ws`; } constructor( private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly globalConfig: GlobalConfig, private readonly taskRunnerAuthController: TaskRunnerAuthController, private readonly taskRunnerService: TaskRunnerService, ) { = express();'x-powered-by'); if (!this.globalConfig.taskRunners.authToken) { // Generate an auth token if one is not set this.globalConfig.taskRunners.authToken = randomBytes(32).toString('hex'); } } async start(): Promise { await this.setupHttpServer(); this.setupWsServer(); if (!inTest) { await this.setupErrorHandlers(); } this.setupCommonMiddlewares(); this.configureRoutes(); } @OnShutdown(LOWEST_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY) async stop(): Promise { if (this.wsServer) { this.wsServer.close(); this.wsServer = undefined; } if (this.server) { await new Promise((resolve) => this.server?.close(() => resolve())); this.server = undefined; } } /** Creates an HTTP server and listens to the configured port */ private async setupHttpServer() { const { app } = this; this.server = createHttpServer(app); const { taskRunners: { port, listenAddress: address }, } = this.globalConfig; this.server.on('error', (error: Error & { code: string }) => { if (error.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { `n8n Task Runner's port ${port} is already in use. Do you have another instance of n8n running already?`, ); process.exit(1); } }); await new Promise((resolve) => { a.ok(this.server); this.server.listen(port, address, () => resolve()); });`n8n Task Runner server ready on ${address}, port ${port}`); } /** Creates WebSocket server for handling upgrade requests */ private setupWsServer() { const { authToken } = this.globalConfig.taskRunners; a.ok(authToken); a.ok(this.server); this.wsServer = new WSServer({ noServer: true }); this.server.on('upgrade', this.handleUpgradeRequest); } private async setupErrorHandlers() { const { app } = this; // Augment errors sent to Sentry const { Handlers: { requestHandler, errorHandler }, } = await import('@sentry/node'); app.use(requestHandler()); app.use(errorHandler()); } private setupCommonMiddlewares() { // Compress the response data;;; } private configureRoutes() { this.upgradeEndpoint, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method this.taskRunnerAuthController.authMiddleware, (req: TaskRunnerServerInitRequest, res: TaskRunnerServerInitResponse) => this.taskRunnerService.handleRequest(req, res), ); const authEndpoint = `${this.getEndpointBasePath()}/auth`; authEndpoint, send(async (req) => await this.taskRunnerAuthController.createGrantToken(req)), ); } private handleUpgradeRequest = ( request: TaskRunnerServerInitRequest, socket: Socket, head: Buffer, ) => { if (parseUrl(request.url).pathname !== this.upgradeEndpoint) { socket.write('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n'); socket.destroy(); return; } if (!this.wsServer) { // This might happen if the server is shutting down and we receive an upgrade request socket.write('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n\r\n'); socket.destroy(); return; } this.wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (ws) => { = ws; const response = new ServerResponse(request); response.writeHead = (statusCode) => { if (statusCode > 200) ws.close(100); return response; }; // @ts-expect-error Delegate the request to the express app. This function is not exposed // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call, response); }); }; /** Returns the normalized base path for the task runner endpoints */ private getEndpointBasePath() { let path = this.globalConfig.taskRunners.path; if (!path.startsWith('/')) { path = `/${path}`; } if (path.endsWith('/')) { path = path.slice(-1); } return path; } }