import type { INodeProperties } from 'n8n-workflow'; export const schemaTypeField: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Schema Type', name: 'schemaType', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Generate From JSON Example', value: 'fromJson', description: 'Generate a schema from an example JSON object', }, { name: 'Define Below', value: 'manual', description: 'Define the JSON schema manually', }, ], default: 'fromJson', description: 'How to specify the schema for the function', }; export const jsonSchemaExampleField: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'JSON Example', name: 'jsonSchemaExample', type: 'json', default: `{ "some_input": "some_value" }`, noDataExpression: true, typeOptions: { rows: 10, }, displayOptions: { show: { schemaType: ['fromJson'], }, }, description: 'Example JSON object to use to generate the schema', }; export const inputSchemaField: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Input Schema', name: 'inputSchema', type: 'json', default: `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "some_input": { "type": "string", "description": "Some input to the function" } } }`, noDataExpression: true, typeOptions: { rows: 10, }, displayOptions: { show: { schemaType: ['manual'], }, }, description: 'Schema to use for the function', }; export const promptTypeOptions: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Source for Prompt (User Message)', name: 'promptType', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Connected Chat Trigger Node', value: 'auto', description: "Looks for an input field called 'chatInput' that is coming from a directly connected Chat Trigger", }, { name: 'Define below', value: 'define', description: 'Use an expression to reference data in previous nodes or enter static text', }, ], default: 'auto', }; export const textInput: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Text', name: 'text', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', placeholder: 'e.g. Hello, how can you help me?', typeOptions: { rows: 2, }, }; export const textFromPreviousNode: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Prompt (User Message)', name: 'text', type: 'string', required: true, default: '={{ $json.chatInput }}', typeOptions: { rows: 2, }, disabledOptions: { show: { promptType: ['auto'] } }, };