import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import config from '@/config'; import { mockInstance } from '../../integration/shared/utils/'; import { WebhookRepository } from '@/databases/repositories'; import { CacheService } from '@/services/cache.service'; import { WebhookService } from '@/services/webhook.service'; import { WebhookEntity } from '@/databases/entities/WebhookEntity'; const createWebhook = (method: string, path: string, webhookId?: string, pathSegments?: number) => Object.assign(new WebhookEntity(), { method, webhookPath: path, webhookId, pathSegments, }) as WebhookEntity; describe('WebhookService', () => { const webhookRepository = mockInstance(WebhookRepository); const cacheService = mockInstance(CacheService); const webhookService = new WebhookService(webhookRepository, cacheService); beforeEach(() => { config.load(config.default); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); [true, false].forEach((isCacheEnabled) => { const tag = '[' + ['cache', isCacheEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'].join(' ') + ']'; describe(`findWebhook() - static case ${tag}`, () => { test('should return the webhook if found', async () => { const method = 'GET'; const path = 'user/profile'; const mockWebhook = createWebhook(method, path); webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(mockWebhook); const returnedWebhook = await webhookService.findWebhook(method, path); expect(returnedWebhook).toBe(mockWebhook); }); test('should return null if not found', async () => { webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(null); // static webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([]); const returnValue = await webhookService.findWebhook('GET', 'user/profile'); expect(returnValue).toBeNull(); }); }); describe(`findWebhook() - dynamic case ${tag}`, () => { test('should return the webhook if found', async () => { const method = 'GET'; const webhookId = uuid(); const path = 'user/:id/posts'; const mockWebhook = createWebhook(method, path, webhookId, 3); webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(null); // static webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([mockWebhook]); // dynamic const returnedWebhook = await webhookService.findWebhook( method, [webhookId, 'user/123/posts'].join('/'), ); expect(returnedWebhook).toBe(mockWebhook); }); test('should handle subset dynamic path case', async () => { const method1 = 'GET'; const webhookId1 = uuid(); const path1 = 'user/:id/posts'; const mockWebhook1 = createWebhook(method1, path1, webhookId1, 3); const method2 = 'GET'; const webhookId2 = uuid(); const path2 = 'user/:id/posts/:postId/comments'; const mockWebhook2 = createWebhook(method2, path2, webhookId2, 3); webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(null); // static webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([mockWebhook1, mockWebhook2]); // dynamic const fullPath1 = [webhookId1, 'user/123/posts'].join('/'); const returnedWebhook1 = await webhookService.findWebhook(method1, fullPath1); const fullPath2 = [webhookId1, 'user/123/posts/456/comments'].join('/'); const returnedWebhook2 = await webhookService.findWebhook(method2, fullPath2); expect(returnedWebhook1).toBe(mockWebhook1); expect(returnedWebhook2).toBe(mockWebhook2); }); test('should handle single-segment dynamic path case', async () => { const method1 = 'GET'; const webhookId1 = uuid(); const path1 = ':var'; const mockWebhook1 = createWebhook(method1, path1, webhookId1, 3); const method2 = 'GET'; const webhookId2 = uuid(); const path2 = 'user/:id/posts/:postId/comments'; const mockWebhook2 = createWebhook(method2, path2, webhookId2, 3); webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(null); // static webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([mockWebhook1, mockWebhook2]); // dynamic const fullPath = [webhookId1, 'user/123/posts/456'].join('/'); const returnedWebhook = await webhookService.findWebhook(method1, fullPath); expect(returnedWebhook).toBe(mockWebhook1); }); test('should return null if not found', async () => { const fullPath = [uuid(), 'user/:id/posts'].join('/'); webhookRepository.findOneBy.mockResolvedValue(null); // static webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([]); // dynamic const returnValue = await webhookService.findWebhook('GET', fullPath); expect(returnValue).toBeNull(); }); }); }); describe('getWebhookMethods()', () => { test('should return all methods for webhook', async () => { const path = 'user/profile'; webhookRepository.find.mockResolvedValue([ createWebhook('GET', path), createWebhook('POST', path), createWebhook('PUT', path), createWebhook('PATCH', path), ]); const returnedMethods = await webhookService.getWebhookMethods(path); expect(returnedMethods).toEqual(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']); }); test('should return empty array if no webhooks found', async () => { webhookRepository.find.mockResolvedValue([]); const returnedMethods = await webhookService.getWebhookMethods('user/profile'); expect(returnedMethods).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('deleteWorkflowWebhooks()', () => { test('should delete all webhooks of the workflow', async () => { const mockWorkflowWebhooks = [ createWebhook('PUT', 'users'), createWebhook('GET', 'user/:id'), createWebhook('POST', ':var'), ]; webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue(mockWorkflowWebhooks); const workflowId = uuid(); await webhookService.deleteWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId); expect(webhookRepository.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockWorkflowWebhooks); }); test('should not delete any webhooks if none found', async () => { webhookRepository.findBy.mockResolvedValue([]); const workflowId = uuid(); await webhookService.deleteWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId); expect(webhookRepository.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith([]); }); }); describe('createWebhook()', () => { test('should create the webhook', async () => { const mockWebhook = createWebhook('GET', 'user/:id'); await webhookService.storeWebhook(mockWebhook); expect(webhookRepository.insert).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockWebhook); }); }); });