import { NodeOperationError, SEND_AND_WAIT_OPERATION, tryToParseJsonToFormFields, updateDisplayOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { INodeProperties, IExecuteFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, IDataObject, FormFieldsParameter, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ACTION_RECORDED_PAGE, BUTTON_STYLE_PRIMARY, BUTTON_STYLE_SECONDARY, createEmailBody, } from './email-templates'; import type { IEmail } from './interfaces'; import { formFieldsProperties } from '../../nodes/Form/Form.node'; import { prepareFormData, prepareFormReturnItem, resolveRawData } from '../../nodes/Form/utils'; import { escapeHtml } from '../utilities'; type SendAndWaitConfig = { title: string; message: string; url: string; options: Array<{ label: string; value: string; style: string }>; }; type FormResponseTypeOptions = { messageButtonLabel?: string; responseFormTitle?: string; responseFormDescription?: string; responseFormButtonLabel?: string; }; const INPUT_FIELD_IDENTIFIER = 'field-0'; // Operation Properties ---------------------------------------------------------- export function getSendAndWaitProperties( targetProperties: INodeProperties[], resource: string = 'message', additionalProperties: INodeProperties[] = [], ) { const buttonStyle: INodeProperties = { displayName: 'Button Style', name: 'buttonStyle', type: 'options', default: 'primary', options: [ { name: 'Primary', value: 'primary', }, { name: 'Secondary', value: 'secondary', }, ], }; const sendAndWait: INodeProperties[] = [ ...targetProperties, { displayName: 'Subject', name: 'subject', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, placeholder: 'e.g. Approval required', }, { displayName: 'Message', name: 'message', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, typeOptions: { rows: 4, }, }, { displayName: 'Response Type', name: 'responseType', type: 'options', default: 'approval', options: [ { name: 'Approval', value: 'approval', description: 'User can approve/disapprove from within the message', }, { name: 'Free Text', value: 'freeText', description: 'User can submit a response via a form', }, { name: 'Custom Form', value: 'customForm', description: 'User can submit a response via a custom form', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Approval Options', name: 'approvalOptions', type: 'fixedCollection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Values', name: 'values', values: [ { displayName: 'Type of Approval', name: 'approvalType', type: 'options', placeholder: 'Add option', default: 'single', options: [ { name: 'Approve Only', value: 'single', }, { name: 'Approve and Disapprove', value: 'double', }, ], }, { displayName: 'Approve Button Label', name: 'approveLabel', type: 'string', default: 'Approve', displayOptions: { show: { approvalType: ['single', 'double'], }, }, }, { ...buttonStyle, displayName: 'Approve Button Style', name: 'buttonApprovalStyle', displayOptions: { show: { approvalType: ['single', 'double'], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Disapprove Button Label', name: 'disapproveLabel', type: 'string', default: 'Decline', displayOptions: { show: { approvalType: ['double'], }, }, }, { ...buttonStyle, displayName: 'Disapprove Button Style', name: 'buttonDisapprovalStyle', default: 'secondary', displayOptions: { show: { approvalType: ['double'], }, }, }, ], }, ], displayOptions: { show: { responseType: ['approval'], }, }, }, ...updateDisplayOptions( { show: { responseType: ['customForm'], }, }, formFieldsProperties, ), { displayName: 'Options', name: 'options', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Message Button Label', name: 'messageButtonLabel', type: 'string', default: 'Respond', }, { displayName: 'Response Form Title', name: 'responseFormTitle', description: 'Title of the form that the user can access to provide their response', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Response Form Description', name: 'responseFormDescription', description: 'Description of the form that the user can access to provide their response', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Response Form Button Label', name: 'responseFormButtonLabel', type: 'string', default: 'Submit', }, ], displayOptions: { show: { responseType: ['freeText', 'customForm'], }, }, }, ...additionalProperties, ]; return updateDisplayOptions( { show: { resource: [resource], operation: [SEND_AND_WAIT_OPERATION], }, }, sendAndWait, ); } // Webhook Function -------------------------------------------------------------- const getFormResponseCustomizations = (context: IWebhookFunctions) => { const message = context.getNodeParameter('message', '') as string; const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', {}) as FormResponseTypeOptions; let formTitle = ''; if (options.responseFormTitle) { formTitle = options.responseFormTitle; } let formDescription = message; if (options.responseFormDescription) { formDescription = options.responseFormDescription; } formDescription = formDescription.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/<br>/g, '\n'); let buttonLabel = 'Submit'; if (options.responseFormButtonLabel) { buttonLabel = options.responseFormButtonLabel; } return { formTitle, formDescription, buttonLabel, }; }; export async function sendAndWaitWebhook(this: IWebhookFunctions) { const method = this.getRequestObject().method; const res = this.getResponseObject(); const responseType = this.getNodeParameter('responseType', 'approval') as | 'approval' | 'freeText' | 'customForm'; if (responseType === 'freeText') { if (method === 'GET') { const { formTitle, formDescription, buttonLabel } = getFormResponseCustomizations(this); const data = prepareFormData({ formTitle, formDescription, formSubmittedHeader: 'Got it, thanks', formSubmittedText: 'This page can be closed now', buttonLabel, redirectUrl: undefined, formFields: [ { fieldLabel: 'Response', fieldType: 'textarea', requiredField: true, }, ], testRun: false, query: {}, }); res.render('form-trigger', data); return { noWebhookResponse: true, }; } if (method === 'POST') { const data = this.getBodyData().data as IDataObject; return { webhookResponse: ACTION_RECORDED_PAGE, workflowData: [[{ json: { data: { text: data[INPUT_FIELD_IDENTIFIER] } } }]], }; } } if (responseType === 'customForm') { const defineForm = this.getNodeParameter('defineForm', 'fields') as 'fields' | 'json'; let fields: FormFieldsParameter = []; if (defineForm === 'json') { try { const jsonOutput = this.getNodeParameter('jsonOutput', '', { rawExpressions: true, }) as string; fields = tryToParseJsonToFormFields(resolveRawData(this, jsonOutput)); } catch (error) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), error.message, { description: error.message, }); } } else { fields = this.getNodeParameter('formFields.values', []) as FormFieldsParameter; } if (method === 'GET') { const { formTitle, formDescription, buttonLabel } = getFormResponseCustomizations(this); const data = prepareFormData({ formTitle, formDescription, formSubmittedHeader: 'Got it, thanks', formSubmittedText: 'This page can be closed now', buttonLabel, redirectUrl: undefined, formFields: fields, testRun: false, query: {}, }); res.render('form-trigger', data); return { noWebhookResponse: true, }; } if (method === 'POST') { const returnItem = await prepareFormReturnItem(this, fields, 'production', true); const json = returnItem.json; delete json.submittedAt; delete json.formMode; returnItem.json = { data: json }; return { webhookResponse: ACTION_RECORDED_PAGE, workflowData: [[returnItem]], }; } } const query = this.getRequestObject().query as { approved: 'false' | 'true' }; const approved = query.approved === 'true'; return { webhookResponse: ACTION_RECORDED_PAGE, workflowData: [[{ json: { data: { approved } } }]], }; } // Send and Wait Config ----------------------------------------------------------- export function getSendAndWaitConfig(context: IExecuteFunctions): SendAndWaitConfig { const message = escapeHtml((context.getNodeParameter('message', 0, '') as string).trim()) .replace(/\\n/g, '\n') .replace(/<br>/g, '\n'); const subject = escapeHtml(context.getNodeParameter('subject', 0, '') as string); const resumeUrl = context.evaluateExpression('{{ $execution?.resumeUrl }}', 0) as string; const nodeId = context.evaluateExpression('{{ $nodeId }}', 0) as string; const approvalOptions = context.getNodeParameter('approvalOptions.values', 0, {}) as { approvalType?: 'single' | 'double'; approveLabel?: string; buttonApprovalStyle?: string; disapproveLabel?: string; buttonDisapprovalStyle?: string; }; const config: SendAndWaitConfig = { title: subject, message, url: `${resumeUrl}/${nodeId}`, options: [], }; const responseType = context.getNodeParameter('responseType', 0, 'approval') as string; if (responseType === 'freeText' || responseType === 'customForm') { const label = context.getNodeParameter('options.messageButtonLabel', 0, 'Respond') as string; config.options.push({ label, value: 'true', style: 'primary', }); } else if (approvalOptions.approvalType === 'double') { const approveLabel = escapeHtml(approvalOptions.approveLabel || 'Approve'); const buttonApprovalStyle = approvalOptions.buttonApprovalStyle || 'primary'; const disapproveLabel = escapeHtml(approvalOptions.disapproveLabel || 'Disapprove'); const buttonDisapprovalStyle = approvalOptions.buttonDisapprovalStyle || 'secondary'; config.options.push({ label: disapproveLabel, value: 'false', style: buttonDisapprovalStyle, }); config.options.push({ label: approveLabel, value: 'true', style: buttonApprovalStyle, }); } else { const label = escapeHtml(approvalOptions.approveLabel || 'Approve'); const style = approvalOptions.buttonApprovalStyle || 'primary'; config.options.push({ label, value: 'true', style, }); } return config; } function createButton(url: string, label: string, approved: string, style: string) { let buttonStyle = BUTTON_STYLE_PRIMARY; if (style === 'secondary') { buttonStyle = BUTTON_STYLE_SECONDARY; } return `<a href="${url}?approved=${approved}" target="_blank" style="${buttonStyle}">${label}</a>`; } export function createEmail(context: IExecuteFunctions) { const to = (context.getNodeParameter('sendTo', 0, '') as string).trim(); const config = getSendAndWaitConfig(context); if (to.indexOf('@') === -1 || (to.match(/@/g) || []).length > 1) { const description = `The email address '${to}' in the 'To' field isn't valid or contains multiple addresses. Please provide only a single email address.`; throw new NodeOperationError(context.getNode(), 'Invalid email address', { description, itemIndex: 0, }); } const buttons: string[] = []; for (const option of config.options) { buttons.push(createButton(config.url, option.label, option.value,; } const instanceId = context.getInstanceId(); const email: IEmail = { to, subject: config.title, body: '', htmlBody: createEmailBody(config.message, buttons.join('\n'), instanceId), }; return email; }