import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import type WebSocket from 'ws'; import { WebSocketPush } from '@/push/websocket.push'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import type { PushDataExecutionRecovered } from '@/Interfaces'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; jest.useFakeTimers(); class MockWebSocket extends EventEmitter { public isAlive = true; public ping = jest.fn(); public send = jest.fn(); public terminate = jest.fn(); public close = jest.fn(); } const createMockWebSocket = () => new MockWebSocket() as unknown as jest.Mocked; describe('WebSocketPush', () => { const pushRef1 = 'test-session1'; const pushRef2 = 'test-session2'; mockInstance(Logger); const webSocketPush = Container.get(WebSocketPush); const mockWebSocket1 = createMockWebSocket(); const mockWebSocket2 = createMockWebSocket(); beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('can add a connection', () => { webSocketPush.add(pushRef1, mockWebSocket1); expect(mockWebSocket1.listenerCount('close')).toBe(1); expect(mockWebSocket1.listenerCount('pong')).toBe(1); }); it('closes a connection', () => { webSocketPush.add(pushRef1, mockWebSocket1); mockWebSocket1.emit('close'); expect(mockWebSocket1.listenerCount('close')).toBe(0); expect(mockWebSocket1.listenerCount('pong')).toBe(0); }); it('sends data to one connection', () => { webSocketPush.add(pushRef1, mockWebSocket1); webSocketPush.add(pushRef2, mockWebSocket2); const data: PushDataExecutionRecovered = { type: 'executionRecovered', data: { executionId: 'test-execution-id', }, }; webSocketPush.sendToOne('executionRecovered', data, pushRef1); expect(mockWebSocket1.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith( JSON.stringify({ type: 'executionRecovered', data: { type: 'executionRecovered', data: { executionId: 'test-execution-id', }, }, }), ); expect(mockWebSocket2.send).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('sends data to all connections', () => { webSocketPush.add(pushRef1, mockWebSocket1); webSocketPush.add(pushRef2, mockWebSocket2); const data: PushDataExecutionRecovered = { type: 'executionRecovered', data: { executionId: 'test-execution-id', }, }; webSocketPush.sendToAll('executionRecovered', data); const expectedMsg = JSON.stringify({ type: 'executionRecovered', data: { type: 'executionRecovered', data: { executionId: 'test-execution-id', }, }, }); expect(mockWebSocket1.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedMsg); expect(mockWebSocket2.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedMsg); }); it('pings all connections', () => { webSocketPush.add(pushRef1, mockWebSocket1); webSocketPush.add(pushRef2, mockWebSocket2); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(; expect(; }); });