import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import config from '@/config'; import { N8N_VERSION } from '@/constants'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import type { License } from '@/License'; import type { Telemetry } from '@/telemetry'; jest.mock('node:os', () => ({ tmpdir: () => '', cpus: () => [{ model: 'MIPS R3000', speed: 40_000_000 }], type: () => 'TempleOS', version: () => '5.03', totalmem: () => 1024 * 1024, })); describe('InternalHooks', () => { const telemetry = mock(); const license = mock(); const internalHooks = new InternalHooks( telemetry, mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), mock(), license, mock(), mock(), ); beforeEach(() => jest.clearAllMocks()); it('Should be defined', () => { expect(internalHooks).toBeDefined(); }); it('Should forward license plan name and tenant id to identify when provided', async () => { license.getPlanName.mockReturnValue('Best Plan'); await internalHooks.onServerStarted(); expect(telemetry.identify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ version_cli: N8N_VERSION, db_type: config.get('database.type'), n8n_version_notifications_enabled: true, n8n_disable_production_main_process: false, system_info: { memory: 1024, os: { type: 'TempleOS', version: '5.03', }, cpus: { count: 1, model: 'MIPS R3000', speed: 40000000, }, }, execution_variables: { executions_data_max_age: 336, executions_data_prune: true, executions_data_save_manual_executions: true, executions_data_save_on_error: 'all', executions_data_save_on_progress: false, executions_data_save_on_success: 'all', executions_mode: 'regular', executions_timeout: -1, executions_timeout_max: 3600, }, n8n_deployment_type: 'default', n8n_binary_data_mode: 'default', smtp_set_up: true, ldap_allowed: false, saml_enabled: false, license_plan_name: 'Best Plan', license_tenant_id: 1, binary_data_s3: false, multi_main_setup_enabled: false, }); }); });