// Resets the repository by deleting all untracked files except for few exceptions. import { $, echo, fs } from 'zx'; $.verbose = true; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '1'; const excludePatterns = ['/.vscode/', '/.idea/', '.env']; const excludeFlags = excludePatterns.map((exclude) => ['-e', exclude]).flat(); echo( `This will delete all untracked files except for those matching the following patterns: ${excludePatterns.map((x) => `"${x}"`).join(', ')}.`, ); const answer = await question('โ Do you want to continue? (y/n) '); if (!['y', 'Y', ''].includes(answer)) { echo('Aborting...'); process.exit(0); } echo('๐งน Cleaning untracked files...'); await $({ verbose: false })`git clean -fxd ${excludeFlags}`; // In case node_modules is not removed by git clean fs.removeSync('node_modules'); echo('โฌ Running pnpm install...'); await $`pnpm install`; echo('๐๏ธ Running pnpm build...'); await $`pnpm build`;